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August 22, 2011 16:56

803 posts(s)


Felix I’m not sure about what you meant with that post but I can tell you I never needed any favour or change to win anything in this game, neither I needed cheating, the same can’t be said about you…

If the expectations are based on team history this should be changed so the more reason for this topic. Anyway I won’t be saying anything more about this unless Gabriel need my opinion, wont be insulted because of a simple game…


August 22, 2011 12:39

116 posts(s)



Félix tá na França faz tempo e não ganha nada..


Eu também quero…


The team expects are based in the team historic.
France never was good retrospect, so dont have great expects.


August 22, 2011 12:24

678 posts(s)


Stop going on vacation you lazy bump!! :)

This topic also was made for another reason I believe :). Not to discuss potential bugs in the game. There is another forum for this.


August 22, 2011 12:17

637 posts(s)


It can’t work like that Felix. Otherwise you can never be on holiday mode in both dimensions on the same time.

I first went on holiday mode with Bordeaux and afterwards I logged in for Torino to activate the holiday mode there. In both dimensions I was fired.

Anyway, I just want to prevent of being fired again when I go on vacation again. :)


August 22, 2011 11:59

116 posts(s)


The holiday mode works very well, but if you enter in a dimension, you lost the both holiday mode.

Do you access Torino, while take a time from Bordeaux?


August 22, 2011 11:38

104 posts(s)


Yes, I can t activate the vacation mode,


August 22, 2011 07:48

637 posts(s)


Are you saying I lost my teams (Bordeaux and Torino) due to a bug Lince? Did you have problems too?


August 22, 2011 03:02

104 posts(s)


The holiday mode not working


August 21, 2011 22:27

637 posts(s)


Enjoy Bordeaux Hank. Looks like I did something wrong with the ‘holiday mode’. I thought I set it right. Half a day too late :( Pity I can’t enjoy my new formed team.
I’ll have to started all over again now :’(


August 21, 2011 20:44

31 posts(s)


Hey all,

Just took over at Bordeaux for legendary Dirk Woestenborghs and noticed his abundance of riches. I’m hoping to let go of some high quality attackers to make room for some other needs. A few are listed but if something else is of interest, please send me a PM.



August 21, 2011 14:57

241 posts(s)


Decent midfilder for 5M….priced to sell fast!!!


August 21, 2011 01:18

4,303 posts(s)



New country’s fault…fixed!


August 20, 2011 21:00

42 posts(s)



Fast ticker’s tick is frozzen…


August 20, 2011 18:31

678 posts(s)


let’s ask gabriel to comment, I can only speculate how it works. I was always under the impression that board expectations are based on your entire team. So in theory a team with 11 players on 90 avr and 19 on 70 avr would be considered worse then a team with 30 players who are 88 avr.

Perhaps that’s how it works? It doesn’t look at the team you selected, it looks at the total amount of players compared to the others? Perhaps Brazil still has waaaaay more depth because of the old day’s. Still lots and lots of 90+ avr players who are in there Thirties…….

We need gabriel to confirm this, but this is my theory :)

P.s: I think you are a good dude Filipe :). Don’t forget who got you this “Game Master tag” :), but you must admit that with your latest posts you slightly come accross as this French hater :)


August 20, 2011 18:22

803 posts(s)


That’s true Parag but with time (as Vaughn said some 7 to 10 seasons) country ranking also influence national teams, as a country get higher in ranking the better are the youths formed in there so in time the better the national team probably gets, mostly in a country with many human managers that explore all the good youths so they don’t end career without full improvement.

Although, country ranking doesn’t matter for the board expectations and I don’t know how they are formed as I think Gabriel never revealed it, so for some reason France National team expectations dropped and remained really too low some 7 seasons now.

I think a better way to form board expectations (for national teams) is needed, maybe include an mesure of the country ranking of 5 to 10 seasons ago… Or this can be only my obsession with France talking as Sly pointed :P


August 20, 2011 17:23

72 posts(s)


i can understand what u mean… but then the country position, i guess is mostly dependent on club performances. And club can have players from any country, right… although mostly they are from the same club , but then in some cases (mostly weaker leagues), better players are from other countries


August 20, 2011 17:08

803 posts(s)


I didn’t say anything like that, as strange as you may think not everything I say is against France, read my post carefully :P If the board expectations for France National team was realistic Felix would have been kicked long time ago and maybe some other manager could get some title with it, as you can see he’s been there 6 seasons already and only won an Eropean Cup… I’m guessing some other managers would do better with a team like that, hell even I would :D

Also to be noticed the previous manager was kicked after losing in the WC semi-finals so for some reason the National Board lowered the expectations, French players have been getting better since long before that so I can’t understand how this can be, my only explanation is that the expectation is taking in consideration the latest performances of the team but if that’s so the only thing Felix has to do is keep making it to the semi-finals and always lose there lol


August 20, 2011 15:16

678 posts(s)


Yeah, I’m sure gabriel some how favours us and thus makes the board expectations easier for france then for any other country :)

Common Filipe , wakeup and smell the rozes :)


August 20, 2011 12:21

803 posts(s)


6 seasons number 1 in the ranking, before that France was already in the top by long. Anyway, if you check both teams you wont find that much diference and you can say it it fair for the French board to only ask the quarter-finals of their manager…


August 20, 2011 11:27

609 posts(s)


Country ranking has not much to do with it, the players from France aren’t just yet that develloped compared to the Brazilian ones.

Brazil has been in the top of the ranking for quite some time now, so there are alot of managers who will train Brazilian players just because they have a better chance on growing. Now in the latest season France is on the top and need some time to develop players with France nationality.

6 Seasons on the top would mean that players who started with age 16 in the academy would be now 22 and aren’t really fully grown.

I think it’s just a matter of time, more managers will train France players now so there will be alot more quallity France players in some seasons.

Tbh Mr Silva, i expect more from you, you should know this basic stuff :)


August 20, 2011 10:58

803 posts(s)


Season 57 I managed Brazil and my board’s objective for the world cup was to reach the final, I knew I would only keep the place If won the cup so its not strange I’ve been fired. My surprise was to see France manager also losing in the semi-final and keeping his job. If I’m correct than France’s objectives for the world cup was only to reach the quarters lol This for a country for some 6 or so seasons in the first position of the country ranking… Some fixing probably is needed here :D


August 20, 2011 07:01

22 posts(s)


Hello, feel free to sent your friendlies matches invitations for all the season, i will be glad to accept them.



August 19, 2011 13:12

678 posts(s)


I’m selling my young goalkeeper. He’ll have a few points growth left in him, but I’ll be honoust….it can’t be much.

Moana Chesneau (23 years old)

Position: G
Side: -
Keeping: 91
Tackle: 32
Passing: 79
Shooting: 28
Speed: 85
Dribble: 92
Control: 88
Header: 96

You can pick him up for 15 million


August 19, 2011 00:01

4,303 posts(s)



Interesting discussion. I have to say that in Brazil things work similar to Portugal, if a club is not doing well in the league the attendance is likely to be low. Of course there are a few exceptions for clubs with more fanatic supporters.

Anyway, the change on season start makes sense. I’ve increased the attendance levels for the first 3 league matches, when it is not clear yet who the favorites are.



August 18, 2011 23:10

639 posts(s)



What, 18000?


August 18, 2011 23:04

803 posts(s)


England has not yet comparison with France, when I started with Manchester there was only one great team there and Dhimiter quit Liverpool leaving the league for me, this days there are many teams with title aspiration, this season I was 2nd for most of it and only get the title because I was out of CL sooner than expected, I could end like 4th in EPL and probably make a much better CL but in my eyes there would not be any managing if I didn’t try to get them all… As result of that England made the worst score since a long time now and all the work before was compromised, lets see now with Dhimiter back in the fight if we can get it right :D


August 18, 2011 21:06

678 posts(s)


One last thing to also prove our point :). From season 49 to 57 the winner of the EPL has been you Filipe with Man U. Now, offcourse this is very impressive. In those seasons the winners of the french league has been: Bordeaux, brest, auxerre, Marseille and Reims. That’s 5 different teams in the last 8 seasons. That’s how it is with us :. It’s very hard in france to keep winning the league over and over with this amount of good managers.


August 18, 2011 16:52

72 posts(s)


August 18, 2011 16:13

828 posts(s)


yeh thats some bs right there should make him manage a div 2 team


August 18, 2011 15:45

609 posts(s)


What the 2 above said


Being high ranked gives a better chance of good youth, which makes the game “cheaper” ;) Look at my new 3 A’s. 2 are almost fully develloped and are pretty nice, how much would i be needed to spend on those kind of players? 100m each? I don’t have that kind of money. So i rather stay in france for now to have a better chance on better youth.