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New Youth Player

Subscribe to New Youth Player 18 post(s), 6 voice(s)


July 16, 2011 07:32

72 posts(s)


toulouse haven’t had a new youth goal keeper since last two seasons…
even when there was not a single goal keeper in the whole squad…

is this a bug ??


July 16, 2011 09:56

609 posts(s)


just bad luck with the ramdomness?


July 16, 2011 22:38

4,303 posts(s)



Bad luck with randomness…usually I have the opposite, more goalkeepers then I’d like. The odds of a new youth being a GK are approximately 1 in 9.


July 17, 2011 02:16

828 posts(s)


i get too many defenders for a while, i hope there will be a time, wheres we get a full squad of youth like REAL life teams with youth teams cos a youth academy cannot play a match with 5 players lol 11 is needed ;)


July 17, 2011 08:30

609 posts(s)


You can have 30 players in your team, so let’s say this;

- A team (best); 11 players
- B team (second best for stamina); 10 players (same keeper as team A)
- Friendly team (youth); 5 acedemy + 6 team

You still have room then for 3 players which can go as backup for team A / B or other youth.


July 17, 2011 08:53

828 posts(s)


academy should have 11 players not 5, ^ ty captian obvious we all know 30 players is the max so instead of replying with complete useless infomation that everyone knows like the 30 player max. in an atempt to mask over the b.s how about we improve the game with the necesary steps like 11 player youth academy like every club team has in real life has. Sunderland in real life has and it should have the same in the game.

benefits 1) unmanaged teams get stronger
2) no more bullshit wages and wage bid wars over a 17 year old Free agent
3) will cause transfer market prices to drop to realistic levels due to people developing at least 7-9 out of the 11 in academy ( not all will be good players )
4) will help managers build a team up from local youth players instead of having so many forgieners


July 17, 2011 09:11

639 posts(s)



“11 player youth academy like every club team has in real life has”

This is nonsense, in real life clubs have much more than 11 youth players.


July 17, 2011 09:28

828 posts(s)


well then my point is made that 5 in the youth academy should be increased to 11 ty for helping me prove my point


July 17, 2011 10:19

803 posts(s)


There are no youth competitions on the game so no need to increase the number of youths… If there were this competitions we would need much more than 11 youths, it would make the transfer market useless and make the game too complicate. Also no need to do it like in real life because some teams in real life have hundreds of players, we cant match that too…

I’ve seen people asking for a player position youth choice but I’m not sure about that either, In real life players can change position but that requires lots of hard work, a manager cant just ask for a mid so he would magically appear… I would like much more of a changing position option for any player we have, it should take in consideration the actual position of the player, his age, the number of games he play in the new position, maybe the team’s couching level… The player would have to play many matches in the new position and make bad performances (because skill decrease) before he can change position…


July 17, 2011 10:36

609 posts(s)


My point is Davison that u can play friendly games with only 5 acedemy players, you just need to fill the other positions with players in your team.

If you want to make ruby as in real life then we should get over hundreds of players like Filipe says, which is impossible in this game.


July 17, 2011 15:04

639 posts(s)



I think either the amount of youth players should be lowered, or the way computer teams manage friendlies should be changed. At the moment a lot of young talented contract players do not develop because crap youth players are playing in friendlies. A lot of potential is wasted this way :(


July 17, 2011 15:19

609 posts(s)


And CPU teams lower the coaching :)


July 26, 2011 16:09

72 posts(s)


Well, to return back to the original issue,
i received two new youths since my last post… and none of them are goal keeper yet… :)


July 29, 2011 08:03

828 posts(s)


feel free to buy one of mine :)


September 25, 2011 17:18

72 posts(s)


three more seasons ahead and still not a single youth goal keeper for my team :)


September 25, 2011 20:37

828 posts(s)


LOL are u serious ?


September 27, 2011 14:11

72 posts(s)


you can check my players list…
also you can check my detailed history list :)


September 30, 2011 12:33

72 posts(s)


Finally a youth keeper… On my 6th season in charge… :)

Forums Bugs