Currently you are given players with an attribute detailing what side of the field they are to play on (L, LC, C, RC or R), why not just get rid of this feature. The removal of this gameplay feature will make the game easier to play by making field placements easier and by simplifying player recruitment. i.e. I need to get another midfielder, you just do a midfield player search compared to I need a RC midfielder, theirs a good midfielder, can’t use him he’s a LC midfielder, gotta keep looking.
personally we should be able to train a player to be right, center or left we should be able to pick a training regiment for players if coaching is at 10, i mean have an option like a bunch of scroll boxes like 1) type of training, stamina, endurance, speed, shooting, passing ect and have another box for how intense, it would help us as managers develop GOOD players instead of 80% of the players in the game not even gaining fuck all in ability points due to gabreil doing something with it recently and players just dont improve anymore as much as they should be. i support this suggestion and add my own
I thought i read this before and actually u made that post: ;)
Kuroyuki, do you understand what LC means?
Or in other words, have you read ?