I would like to know which are the conditions that are preferred to contract players from Free Transfer.
In the past I know that is the wage?
But in this season I already give higher wages (somethimes the double) and the player goes to another club???
I wait from some explanation.
Thank You
Best Regards
You have to look at it through the country ranking perspective.
The sooner a team from a determined country gets eliminated, the lesser chances the country will have to earn more points.
And if the country ranking really does have any influence on the youth academy (in reality we don’t quite distinguish that), then it does have a practical value.
But I understand where you are coming from because first and second places in the brazilian league always get Tigre on their group.
Two weeks later…should be fixed now :-)
lol as soon as possible has turned into how much later mate lol
When will ‘as soon as possible’ be? :)
I personally think value could be deleted from the game. To many managers suddenly think there players is actually worth that much, while the real market value for such a player is not even close to that amount.
Value of a player has no influence on your overall performance as a team. So who cares what players are worth wether it’s 90 or 100 mill……..who gives a damn.
And what about closing a date for each negociation, just like SoccerSim/ManagerSim ? As soon as a team is bidding for a player (or offering a contract), negociations are open for 2/3 turns so buyers & sellers have enough time to discuss about the transfer.
The value is also based on his age. When age goes up, value can go down.
The value is based on all the players in the game, your player might be getting better by say like 3 points but maybe there are 100 other players that gain 5 points. When that happens the other players are better so your player value get lowered.
I have a player in Real Madrid (fast ticker),Nico Orellana, although his stats going up his value has decreased. Like 2 week ago he was over 100M in value now he’s under 94M.
This last tick: From: Assistant
Subject: Player skills increase
Nico Orellana skills have increased.
yet gone from 96M to 94M.
Any thoughts?
well i see people seeing shitty players for that much and ppl buying them and people charging stupid money for players that aren’t worth it i sell to the highest bidder
First of all congrats by winning all titles Filipe!
Luis Lopes is indeed a great player. I certainly use him in my portuguese squad. Now I have to find the way to let him do miracles for me :)
Btw If someone else has a suggestion, they’re always welcome in my mail. Don’t spam Filipe’s thread with it :)
Exactly, player announce retirement between 36 and 40. The older the player higher the chance of retiring.
I guess the problem is on my side then :)
I’m working with FF 5.0 (mac version) and there is not problem here.
Can’t delete messages in Firefox. Can in IE though. Anyone else with FF having the same problem?
As far as i know it’s kinda random, at the age of 35+ you have a chance that a player will retire.
How does the retiring algorithm works? Because i have 2 players, both strikers. One is 37 and the other is 36. The one with 36 years old is 96 in shooting and, for my misery, he’s retiring this season :(
Very complete midfielder for a really nice price, great overall skilled with nice tackle for a M0… Be quick because it wont last much :D
Emilio Lanza
27 years old
Tackle: 84
Pass: 96
Shoot: 78
Speed: 86
Drible: 90
Control: 96
Heading: 83
Price: 27M
prices have been dropped on all players listed, getting ridiculous now
Let’s gather some ideas! 1 topic shout away, i’ll go first:
Currently working with the wiki page is old, out of date en unorganised to where the game is at the moment. There is a need and demand for a decent help funtion, especially to new managers which we defitnally need in the game.
Creating a new part on the website, like the forum, where managers can keep track of develpment, the needed adjustments and most importent the basic of the game.
Up to date
A way to keep the help function up to date i suggest the following;
- a way that ppl can send in suggestions/ corrections and new content
- some moderators who keep track of the send in information and post them if needed on the help page
First of all, we don’t need a help funtion site where you need help to find anything. Within the help function a visitor shouldn’t have to click more then twice in the menu and only one inside that content text. With use of breadcrumbs visitors should have a good overview of where they are and how to get back.
How to start
- we need to get a flowchart, which menu buttons do we want, which submenu buttons and what do you want to tell the visitors
- on the last point, the content, we should make a simple rule on what we will put out in public and which we don’t put out. We surelly don’t want to put out all the information, there should still be a little self inventing (like what filipementioned on the forum, something he thinks he founded out and works for him team :p)
- design
- content!!!
If anyone has any other ideas or modifications about my plan then please post them here so we have 1 general topic about this issue.
It only shows your first cup wining, I’m guessing the number of trophies you win will count for the silver and gold achievements
I think there is a bug in Rank and Achievements. I’ve won the National Cup in season 54 and it’s not appearing in Bronze achievements.
Great historic team Arsenal needs a good manager. With many great players you can chose either to be fighting for all competitions or make some money and develop a great team for the future. Either way it is the best team to do that now in England and the only team in EPL without manager for next season…
There’s also the real life comparing thing, managing a team with the history the real Arsenal has its always diferent, I know that from managing ManUtd so you can believe motivation will always be there…
You got your part on that turning of events, I would probably be stubborn and keep the squad as it was if someone hadn’t call me to reason…
Congrats Felipe. Perfect season in any sense. And making it out of the Group of Death in CL after collecting just 1 point in the first 2 matches, now that’s something!!! England is making a strong case for glory, getting better by the season.
On a separate note, it is intriguing that 4 Argentinian teams made it to the Semis in Libertadores. Where the hell is Brazil? Tigre cannot be an excuse anymore, since they themselves got kicked out in the semis.
Cya all in Premier League next season. The Welsh are coming!!!
Bordeaux is selling 2 young players because I need some open spots in my team. Take a look.
Fromont – D – 17 y.o.
Patry – A – 17 y.o.
We’ve made it again
For the second time in RS Man United made a perfect season and won every title there was to win. This Red Devils gold generation already had proved to be a dream team season 52 and now with mostly the same players they’ve done it again. We congratulate Grenoble’s manager for making it to the final kicking some better teams in the way. Also a word for our CL group contesters from which I could be sure this season CL winner would be from one of those 4 great teams, fortunately it was our time again.
For the new portuguese national team manager please take a look at Luís Lopes, it is not a main skill kind of player but he can perform miracles if you know how to use him, in my opinion the greatest responsible for our CL win…