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July 11, 2013 16:27

340 posts(s)


The result itself is no strange but I understand the frequency should not be too often.

That is the weaknesses in a real time game engine results. There are really two major ways to calculate results, one is the way it happens in this game, by generating and calculating score chances.

The second more realistic but harder to build is scripting the wins, draws and losses against some real world results.

So for England for example, you could for each game-week, hard-code the results for the say premier league for 10 seasons (the more – the better of course), then in each week, you sort it from the best to worst result – then map those results, after sorting the game league teams on most deserving those results, and “bingo” – you have real life results every tick. What you can fine-tune is the algorithm for sorting the game league teams in the order deserving the best scores. That can even be changed from season to season to add more variety into the game.

For example: game admin or game master (a role for staff that doesn’t play the game really as he can not tell what the criteria’s are to ruin the game play and playing himself to benefit from same game rules under the hood), can setup the game that a certain league will map to the results service by a certain order such as (one or a number of those):
1) offensive football, obviously formation dictates this,
2) smaller size of squad,
3) aggressiveness
4) average age of the first team
5) stamina
and so on…

Now, you will have a scripted system that delivers real life results to the teams and not knowing what is rewarded is the thing you need to find out so you can benefit from it.

Also same scripted set of result will give YOUR team different scores depending on those inputs..

Just some thoughts of course..

Oh, and one MAJOR advantage will also be SPEED of “playing the games”. “Generating” results for a whole league will be a matter of seconds.



July 11, 2013 13:53

28 posts(s)


Hi Gabriel,

Is there any change in the engine regarding the scores of International cups?
So many big scores for these 8th of finals !!!

I’m not asking because I have lost 4-0 (ok a little:), very sad after my result), but I can see many similar “strange” scores between teams managed by humans:
- Botafogo – Velez Sarsfield : 7-0
- Remo – Almagro : 4-0
- Middlesbrough – Dynamo Barnaul : 5-0
- Galatasaray – Gueugnon : 7-0
- Malaga – Feyenoord : 4-1

Any idea ?

Thanks and Regards,


July 11, 2013 06:04

340 posts(s)


I vote for Davison.


July 10, 2013 15:13

340 posts(s)


Yeah, the add note thing is bad, I guess the only reason you want is to store the scout report findings, so perhaps that is not needed.

One thing, a toggle current / potential values on squad list and formation screen would be enough.

Then for the scout reports having a life-length perhaps another department can be brought into the investments screen:
- Player Academy/Labs, where the scout reports get re-evaluated each season (twice/season) so you get more accurate data?
- having higher levels of that can auto re-scout scouted players with reports expiring?!
Perhaps not the best solution, but I think one can add more departments so you have more holes to throw your points at.



July 10, 2013 15:07

340 posts(s)


I think displaying the potential values is most interesting in perhaps setting up the formation so perhaps having an option (checkbox) in the manager profile settings to display the potential values, instead of the regular values, for available (scouted) values of course.

or for scouted players perhaps have a report icon and when hovered over, display the potential values (think about the pad’s lack of hovering methods).

Not entirely sure but the WHY here is simple:
To aid me in my “work” when checking potential values (from formations/squad list) to go to each player’s scout report or have a second tab opened with all the scouted players (a list that grows by each tick), so I can select my potentially best players when setting up formation and first team.

Now, I get rid of the less potential players every time I can but it’s still not very easy to check a players potential without x number of clicks.

A simpler solution would be the “add note”- functionality, so when on scout report, clicking on link/button would add the time now (season nr, turn nr and the potential skills), and to display them easier perhaps one can have a check box (toggle) potential/current values in the formations screen? Two solutions perhaps then.



July 10, 2013 07:33

639 posts(s)



Happy now? You seem to have stamina problems, too small selection for playing internationally probably.


July 09, 2013 23:15

61 posts(s)


Ricardo Texera
Age: 34
Position: A
Side: R
Keeping: 31
Tackle: 83
Passing: 75
Shooting: 94
Speed: 85
Dribble: 83
Control: 88
Header: 91
Aggressiveness: 44

Price: 60M!!!


July 09, 2013 11:11

4,300 posts(s)



@BK: I thought about that, but in the end decided it could get messy. Any suggestions?


July 09, 2013 11:03

340 posts(s)


Why not display the potential values in the squad/player screen directly?



July 09, 2013 08:49

639 posts(s)



PSV is selling! If you think the prices on the English transfer market are too high, check out these players:

Alexander Kamphuis 21yr 87 keeping, 86 speed $120k
Josué Valenciaga33yr One of the best keepers in the game perhaps: scoring close to 8.5 average in the last 5 seasons. $92k
Jean Meyer 33yr DA L 88 av $83k
Javier Borghi 32yr D LR 86av $44k
Jon Morris 33yr AD RC 87av $59k


July 09, 2013 07:23

828 posts(s)


someone should start it over from scratch at this point, which will take some considerable amount of time thank you to that person who decides to volunteer


July 09, 2013 07:23

828 posts(s)


July 09, 2013 01:57

4,300 posts(s)



Let’s see how it goes, from now on all CPU teams will have coaching level 10.


July 09, 2013 01:56

4,300 posts(s)



OK, I won’t answer then :-)


July 08, 2013 20:46

639 posts(s)



And another improvement for the players screen: a link to the scout report, if available. Or even just if a scout report has been done.


July 08, 2013 19:37

340 posts(s)


Gabriel, is it random 1-X nr of percentage either way, or based on a skill/investment level?
ie the higher the scout level the less risk/chance of guessing wrong?

I hope you don’t answer, answering that kind of questions ruins the gameplay.



July 08, 2013 08:32

241 posts(s)


25 Year_old Defender- avg skill 87 -price dropped


July 08, 2013 03:51

4,300 posts(s)



Yes, the prediction can go either way.


July 08, 2013 03:44

4,300 posts(s)



We are currently experiencing issues when trying to update the wiki and haven’t spent enough time on it to solve. I agree this information should be on the wiki. I will try to remember to add it to the Players and Skills page once we fix the wiki.



July 07, 2013 10:32

14 posts(s)


Yeah, I tried searching the forums for stamina information, but couldn’t find anything.


July 07, 2013 08:00

639 posts(s)



It was posted on the forums somewhere, but yes, it should be in the wiki too. I think updating the wiki is on the to do list, but not so high…there is more info like this on the forums, but it’s not so easy to find.


July 07, 2013 00:16

14 posts(s)


Wow! I had no idea! Thanks so much! I wish that information was on the wiki page!


July 06, 2013 20:30

639 posts(s)



You have lots of players with low stamina playing. Every 3 points of stamina below 100 gives the player 1 point of penalty in all skills. That is probably the reason you are losing a lot now.


July 06, 2013 17:17

14 posts(s)


Anyone have any suggestions for a good formation and tactics with that formation? I am new to this and have completed almost 2 whole seasons in fast ticker with mixed results. I won about 8 straight to end the last season and now have lost about 6 straight. Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated. I have been experimenting with terrible results so far.


July 06, 2013 08:34

803 posts(s)


Yep, in any case this one seems to have a lot of points to receive, I’ve droped the price to compensate for that uncertainty you created :D


July 06, 2013 07:22

637 posts(s)


Looks like you have an optimistic scout Filipe. :) My level 10 scouts give him “only” 94 tackle. Looks like the scouts agree on the total points level, but not on how they are divided on each skill.

Jean Peake
Report Generated on season 86, turn 67

Position: D

Skill Current Value Potential Value
Keeping 39 39
Tackle 72 94
Passing 62 74
Shooting 57 75
Speed 72 82
Dribble 69 84
Control 68 94
Header 75 95


July 05, 2013 17:16

803 posts(s)


Young potential player listed for transfer… My level 10 scouts say he can get to 99 tackle, do your scouting and maker your offers :D

Jean Peake

Skill Current Value Potential Value
Keeping 39 39
Tackle 72 99
Passing 62 76
Shooting 57 80
Speed 72 78
Dribble 69 81
Control 68 89
Header 75 94


July 05, 2013 14:01

301 posts(s)


since admins are saying that scouting is not 100% accurate, i’d like a bit of clarification on something.
so far i’ve noticed scouts under predicting ratings. Does this mean they can also OVER predict ratings? i assume yes but would just want confirmation.


July 05, 2013 00:34

61 posts(s)


Ricardo Texera
Age: 34
Position: A
Side: R
Keeping: 31
Tackle: 83
Passing: 75
Shooting: 94
Speed: 85
Dribble: 83
Control: 88
Header: 91
Aggressiveness: 44


July 04, 2013 20:26

13 posts(s)


Totally agree with Miguel. In this situation, with such a big difference between teams, this kind of results shouldn’t happen. Not by that big of a margin anyway. 1-0 it would be ok, considering the random factor and all. 2 would be a stretch, 3 is totally unreal, considering both teams potential.