
Subscribe to Notes 15 post(s), 3 voice(s)


May 09, 2013 10:35

639 posts(s)



I don’t know how difficult it is to implement, but I would find it useful if you could add notes to (your own) players. For example, if you’re considering to sell a player but do not want to put him on the transfer list yet; or if you want to give a player rest for some turns but don’t want to forget to select him later again. Or if you just want to remind yourself how you want to use a player.

Of course you can make notes on your own computer about players, but in game would be more convenient.


May 12, 2013 10:11

4,303 posts(s)



I see what you’re saying, I think Football Manger has such feature. How difficult would that be? Not much really, I guess with some focus all the changes and testing could be done in 1-2 hours.


July 08, 2013 20:46

639 posts(s)



And another improvement for the players screen: a link to the scout report, if available. Or even just if a scout report has been done.


July 09, 2013 11:03

340 posts(s)


Why not display the potential values in the squad/player screen directly?



July 09, 2013 11:11

4,303 posts(s)



@BK: I thought about that, but in the end decided it could get messy. Any suggestions?


July 10, 2013 15:07

340 posts(s)


I think displaying the potential values is most interesting in perhaps setting up the formation so perhaps having an option (checkbox) in the manager profile settings to display the potential values, instead of the regular values, for available (scouted) values of course.

or for scouted players perhaps have a report icon and when hovered over, display the potential values (think about the pad’s lack of hovering methods).

Not entirely sure but the WHY here is simple:
To aid me in my “work” when checking potential values (from formations/squad list) to go to each player’s scout report or have a second tab opened with all the scouted players (a list that grows by each tick), so I can select my potentially best players when setting up formation and first team.

Now, I get rid of the less potential players every time I can but it’s still not very easy to check a players potential without x number of clicks.

A simpler solution would be the “add note”- functionality, so when on scout report, clicking on link/button would add the time now (season nr, turn nr and the potential skills), and to display them easier perhaps one can have a check box (toggle) potential/current values in the formations screen? Two solutions perhaps then.



July 10, 2013 15:13

340 posts(s)


Yeah, the add note thing is bad, I guess the only reason you want is to store the scout report findings, so perhaps that is not needed.

One thing, a toggle current / potential values on squad list and formation screen would be enough.

Then for the scout reports having a life-length perhaps another department can be brought into the investments screen:
- Player Academy/Labs, where the scout reports get re-evaluated each season (twice/season) so you get more accurate data?
- having higher levels of that can auto re-scout scouted players with reports expiring?!
Perhaps not the best solution, but I think one can add more departments so you have more holes to throw your points at.



July 15, 2017 07:43

639 posts(s)



I still think this would be a useful feature, but perhaps it can be a paid one? Pay a ruby to be able to add notes to a player?


July 15, 2017 11:56

4,303 posts(s)



We haven’t disregarded this suggestion and another manager came up with the same request not too long ago. If it is not paid we need to have clear boundaries with regards to how many notes you can add and how big they can be.


October 28, 2018 08:57

639 posts(s)



Thanks for implenting this suggestion. But I wonder: is there a way to see which players have notes, apart from checking them one for one?


October 28, 2018 10:36

4,303 posts(s)



Not at the moment, I was giving it some time to see if people would like the feature before spending too much effort on it. Any suggestions on how you would like this indicated? An icon alongside the player name in the list?


October 28, 2018 17:52

639 posts(s)



That, or a screen with a list of links to the notes you made.
Or (if it is possible) to give ‘Notes’ a different color when it’s not empty?


October 29, 2018 00:10

4,303 posts(s)



I’ll try some different options and see what works best.


March 05, 2021 10:38

639 posts(s)



For me personally this was one of the most useful improvements of the last two years, I use it a lot!


March 05, 2021 13:28

4,303 posts(s)



Thanks for the feedback Dimitri, always useful to know things like that! I still use my own google sheet to keep track of my players…lol