Recent Posts by Dimitri

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August 01, 2013 22:58

639 posts(s)



It wouldn’t hurt though if the scouting reports are more accurate than random numbers, would it?


July 31, 2013 07:44

639 posts(s)



Quoting Alexander: “Then perhaps Gabriel could explain what’s going on and what to expect from this scouting system. I just had another player re-scouted – he’s 19 years old MD and went from potential passing = 94 to potential passing = 79 which is his current ability. If this is the level of inaccuracy to be expected from the scouting system I would rather be without.”

I would also like that. I know “the scouts should give you a rough idea of what the players attribute should look like once he’s fully developed.” but at the moment it just looks random.


July 30, 2013 20:49

639 posts(s)



Another example of scouting report differences:

73 86 92 90 87 88 91
63 81 75 86 82 82 100

I am wondering if the scouts make better reports than a human would do…


July 24, 2013 20:41

639 posts(s)



And check the differences between these scouting reports on the same player:

Tackle 92 81
Passing 95 98
Shooting 90 87
Speed 94 79
Dribble 98 100
Control 90 100
Header 86 96


July 23, 2013 11:15

639 posts(s)



Skill Current Value S1 S2
Keeping 34 34 34
Tackle 80 92 80
Passing 73 86 90
Shooting 73 86 73
Speed 86 90 87
Dribble 83 96 87
Control 77 76 81
Header 76 77 79

S1 is last season (scouting 9), s2 is this season (scouting 7). 20 points less potential…


July 23, 2013 11:12

639 posts(s)



Yes, that would be nice.


July 21, 2013 08:59

639 posts(s)



“and you won’t be able to ask for a new report of the same player before 1 season has passed.”

So I scouted all my (younger) players, and want to scout them again in the new season. So the only way is to check all scouting reports, and to write down in Notepad for every player when the scouting report was made?

That is another reason why ingame notes would be handy…


July 10, 2013 07:33

639 posts(s)



Happy now? You seem to have stamina problems, too small selection for playing internationally probably.


July 09, 2013 08:49

639 posts(s)



PSV is selling! If you think the prices on the English transfer market are too high, check out these players:

Alexander Kamphuis 21yr 87 keeping, 86 speed $120k
Josué Valenciaga33yr One of the best keepers in the game perhaps: scoring close to 8.5 average in the last 5 seasons. $92k
Jean Meyer 33yr DA L 88 av $83k
Javier Borghi 32yr D LR 86av $44k
Jon Morris 33yr AD RC 87av $59k


July 08, 2013 20:46

639 posts(s)



And another improvement for the players screen: a link to the scout report, if available. Or even just if a scout report has been done.


July 07, 2013 08:00

639 posts(s)



It was posted on the forums somewhere, but yes, it should be in the wiki too. I think updating the wiki is on the to do list, but not so high…there is more info like this on the forums, but it’s not so easy to find.


July 06, 2013 20:30

639 posts(s)



You have lots of players with low stamina playing. Every 3 points of stamina below 100 gives the player 1 point of penalty in all skills. That is probably the reason you are losing a lot now.


July 01, 2013 12:08

639 posts(s)



It seems that Frenchi’s request has been granted :)


June 27, 2013 10:40

639 posts(s)



Probably not a bug but a feature. ‘Searchable every turn’ starts as soon as you can search again, which is in 7 turns since you had low scouting last season.


June 25, 2013 18:49

639 posts(s)



14 is not that much, if you want to scout for talents who could join your team. Also sometimes you will waste turns due to being away, asleep or just haven forgotten about it…


June 18, 2013 08:48

639 posts(s)



I am wondering about the use of “Money from players sold added to transfer budget” in investments.

The positive point, I guess, is that is makes points more valid. And perhaps also that it gives more options/choices. There are some negative points though:

  • People will be less inclined to sell by it, especially if you have little points invested in it.
  • People lose money by it (or at least it feels that way), which is a bad feeling.

To make points more valid, there are other options. Introducing other categories of investments would be good, but lets just look at this one. If we remove it (and with it some points for every team as compensation), would that make the game better or worse?

My feeling is that it wouldn’t be missed if it would be removed.


June 18, 2013 08:32

639 posts(s)



I also still prefer the old model, but one of the advantages of the points system is that things as this can be introduced. I think the developers have been considering this (or at least points for extra youth players).


June 15, 2013 20:59

639 posts(s)



Yeah, I saw it too, people have stopped playing the game. It’s possible that has to do with the changes, it can also be because of other things (real life issues). There are also some new managers. But if there are less managers now than before the big change (the developers probably know that is the case), this is an indication that it wasn’t a good change…

In general, I think the developers were looking too much in a big scale, and not at individual level. You have a lot of money at tick 144, then the new season starts and suddenly it’s all gone. Is that fun? No, it sucks.

Now, assuming I’m right, it also means that a lot of developers time have been wasted (or at least could have been used more efficiently). Nothing to do about that, apart from trying to make more time and fix what need to be fixed.


June 10, 2013 21:08

639 posts(s)



“Yo guys are the ones that wanted this sistem, it can’t work with money being transferred to next season. If that would happen in a few seasons we would all have 1 Bill in the bank and no player could be sold.

You do realize I said “some of the money left”? So you still lose money (budget) at the end of the season, but instead of 100%, it’s 60% (or another percentage), and you keep 40%.


June 10, 2013 12:31

639 posts(s)



I mentioned before that some of the money left (or budget actually) should be transferred to the next season. If I remember correctly the developers agreed, so it’s probably a question of time and finding the right balance.


May 30, 2013 18:18

639 posts(s)



“i juste got boared of the game after losing two teams AGOVV and Eindhoven.”

Is Seb Cops (who got fired at AGOVV and Eindhoven) another account of Romain?


May 30, 2013 07:21

639 posts(s)



It’s a new factor in the game: unrealistic board ;)


May 29, 2013 13:27

639 posts(s)



It happens alas. However, I think only higher ranked managers can take over. There’s a good chance the top 61 managers are not looking for a new club.


May 29, 2013 06:59

639 posts(s)



Yeah, thanks, I could use the boost :P

You only get fired if someone applies to manage your team (which means advertising it here could backfire…)


May 26, 2013 21:46

639 posts(s)



Because the Cordoba keeper was playing perfectly (10.0). And it was a away game.


May 26, 2013 13:29

639 posts(s)



I have a 89 passing improving ML you can loan for free next season:


May 26, 2013 07:44

639 posts(s)



I like the fourth point. Wasn’t that in Soccersim also?
Don’t like the first point so much though. Then you have a good player, and you see the whole world bidding on him, while you don’t want to sell him for any money (or “money” as it is these days).


May 21, 2013 20:58

639 posts(s)



Cause it’s programmed that way? But in the past it was worse: if you were unlucky a new player would start with 10 stamina or so…


May 13, 2013 23:45

639 posts(s)



Please read the topic “Fixing the game” in Suggestions for more about formulas etc.


May 13, 2013 15:35

639 posts(s)



I very much doubt Bobby Fischer would be able to beat you in chess :P