click on “save as” then type in the name you want, then press
closed without seeing the bids is way better! nice post :)
Out for one more week! Bye, bye.
I totally agree, it would be a great addition to be able to allow highest bidder to negotiate alone. It would benefit selling part by means of an increased transferprice and benefit buying part by means of making sure they get the player and avoid having to pay those ridiculous high wages.
I would like to see a change in the way transfers work now. As it is now you bid on a player and it starts counting down from 3 ticks to 1. After the 1 tick you will get the player if you offer the right price and wage. You will get the player RIGHT AWAY.
Now here is where I would like to see it like it was in managersim. I think something should change in the current way of dealing which could help with the high wages in the game. I think the seller should be able to drop lower transferbids and accept higher ones.
I want to be able to outbid my competition and negociate for the contract alone, so I won’t be forced to offer some crazy wage in order to get the player. I’ve had it happen that I was the only 1 bidding with 1 tick left, but I didn’t offer the right wage. Tick after that I knew what wage to offer the player, only to see some other manager come in and “steal” him from under me with a higher wage.
I would like to see an option that the transfer is “closed” so you can simply negociate for the wage without having to worry some other team swhooping in. Perhaps this could be made possible by having more then a 3 tick “waiting time”? As it is now you can offer a lower amount and then when 3 ticks pass your bid isn’t dropped. I’ve seen stupid bids on some of my 20+ mill value players. I don’t mind seeing that stupidity dropped after 3 turns. If you simply don’t offer the right transfer amount your bid should be dropped after 3 turn. I really don’t see the point of this not happening.
Sylvain Dingenouts
Such teams have a unique chance to spend 300k a week =) What can be betteer ? =))
I experienced that if a player has a high salary for his class (acquired on a free transfer, for example), he will agree to be paid 20-25% less.
you can try to lower it, but the current system is that the player will look what other players in your team earn/get in wages and demands the same wage or abit less.
patience is the key… they do lower their wage demands, but still that would be more than their current pay…
u have 36 turns to lure though…
Not just that. I liked the team History with managerism. It had a tactical use aswell…instead of fighting cheaters =)
Can anyone please explain how to set up an alternate formation? I have triedclicking on all the “save as” and “new formation” buttons and updating them, and every combination of those buttone I can think of. Nothing has worked so far…
I just want to know, when you renew a contract with your player, does he ever lower his demand? Cause most of the time no matter what you offer he doesn’t change his price. One other thing, can a player decide not to resign with you?
or may be you could add more options to the scouting search results.
After all we have paid for those scouts and we need to see the results the way we want ;) lol…
thanks guys…
Exactly, that’s why I’m considering just the position and (maybe) side filters.
There is no such magic number as 3 seasons, for new or old players ;)
wasn’t there a topic like this already? can’t find it this quick, but there were some suggestions and disadvantages in there.
i was thinking some way to improve or “give a present” to the managers/teams who have coaching 10. Something like a training option to train, say like 6ticks, on 1 particular stat or maybe train M on passing and so on..
That would increase the amount of managers to go quicker for coaching level, which will result in quicker youth training, more loans, better cash flow.
uhm you can find players with specific stats with scouting, so i think you shouldn’t introduce it to the transfer list…it would make scouting abit useless. Only the managers who are to lazy or don’t have time would benifit this.
i think players from the old system stop growing after 3 seasons played (officials+friendlies), i could be wrong but i still would like to know from gabriel or anyone else :)
Vaughn is right, that’s exactly what’s gonna happen ;)
Thanks Parag, Google’s translation is pretty accurate :D
i think if a player leaves a team the loan get’s cancelled automatically, same with transfer.
One of my players loaned out to another team has his contract expiring in the next seven turns :). The problem here is i don’t want to renew the contract and his loan period outgrows his contract period with my team.
Is there a huge fine waiting for the contract break???
or should i just fire him, at least i don’t have to pay his salary for next 2 to 3 weeks ?? (which should probably compensate for the fine).
On a different note, since the player signed the loan deal himself and will be a free agent soon, don’t you think it is logical that he should continue his loan period regardless he is not associated with me;) ( Gabriel just think :)
Google Translation of the above conversation
How can I negotiate directly with a specific club? Swap, sell and pick up different values for the exchange, there is already such an option? If not, consider creating?
For now you can only negotiate with players “announced.” It is difficult to say that having this feature, Why it is very controversial and open space for cheaters. But we will see in the future.
vaughn, i think u didnt’ read that i said they played 20+ ( league + cup) games this season itself… and to make you more clear they are the backbone of my midfield and attack…
Philippe Hinz
Joris Lederer
Since last 4 seasons they both have been playing more than 35 official games per season… (although they were respectively just 20 and 18 yrs at that time)
But i would like to stop this matter here :)
and thank you all the guys for trying to calm me down… (i know it still feels too weird that they wont improve anymore :( )
If they do i will post it right here :)
OOPs, so true gabriel! think i didn’t read it correctly ;)
you said it yourself parag, they stopped growing. So don’t expect them to grow more :) BUT i think (need confirmation) that official matches do matter and not only friendly..and don’t expect that 5 officials are enough :). I see many players that have played 200 friendlies and get sold for like 1/ buy them, let them play officials and they start growing insane!
gabriel, first of all welcome you back.
now that u have confirmed it, i have a weird feeling they are never going to improve again. since they stopped improving last season and they would have improved by now after playing some 20+ league+cup games this season alone.
And no don’t question my coaching…
Por enquanto só dá para negociar com jogadores “anunciados”. É complicado dizer que teremo essa funcionalidade, pq ela é polêmica e abre muito espaço para cheaters. Mas veremos, no futuro.