Nuno Paiva still for sale, wont improve more but still a 96 main skill average player (94*0,6+99*0,4) with 99 control… Tell me where do you find a keeper like this with 24 y.o. for sale :D
Oh, if you plan to win something 84M is something that wont stop you :D
The fun is to be the best :)
Primary is ofc D > tackle, M > passing, A > shooting. The secondaries where i mostly aim for is control and dribble. Goalkeepers is ofc keeping + speed mostly (this determites the stopping power).
Finally a youth keeper… On my 6th season in charge… :)
When you put it that way, it’s no fun playing the game, just go by heart! ;)
Seriously basically when a player is as good as possible in everything he would be a better player than a player having just 100 in say keeping and bellow 80 in speed, control , passing etc.
Just think about the skills and what they do.
Passing is something all players have benefit of doing really well, dribble is good for better shot attempts, speed and control is very important as well.
Just look at the last 5 seasons champion league cup winners squads and you’ll see a pattern.
But again it spoils the fun of the game if you chose to play like that.
I would like to continue the discussion on player’s market value as opposed to their estimated value.
The disparity (as I’ve been told) is due to the estimated value including ‘secondary’ skills and some assumption that young players are still improving.
The youth/improving side of things can be judged by watching the player’s development and seeing how many games have been played.
So, my questions is more about primary and secondary skills.
Can someone please provide (or point me towards) a list of primary and secondary skills for GKs, DEFs, MIDs and FWDs?
Thanks Sly. So the high fees I have gained have been the exceptions rather than the rule.
That’s what’s confusing…I’m then thinking that a 24 yr old GK that is valued at 174m is a massively saleable asset…but it looks like I’m wrong.
I might have to play him to see if I can his keeping up above 90.
Not to mention the fact that countries like Brazil and Argentina get 10+ teams each in their continental competitions, while European countries get at best only 7 teams.
wow, then I suggest castration ;)
I also suggest Heraser as GameMaster.
Still Gabriel, maybe the BOARD of the club should have kicked him? The BOARD can be very easy-going sometimes.
Maybe time to introduce other mechanisms to the game, such as chairman and BOARD actually having a goal and pursuing it no matter how many managers they have to kick (like in reality) and then even head-hunting the best managers?!
Improved decision making for CPU teams when buying / selling players or hiring youths. They now have a better guess on the player potential instead of just considering their immediate needs. Loaning players not included yet.
It just so happens that the manager confessed being favored by the others. They all know each other but the ones who favored her are not really committed to the game. There is a discussion going on with the GMs to decide the best course of action.
Thanks again for the help heraser.
I don’t know what you are talking about because I do not care to look into that deep waters BUT, consider this:
I have no chance at the title in English Premier League.
I am out of the national cup.
I am out of champions league.
Rest of the games I have a main team and a “development” team, which is a mix of first team and youths.
The whole idea is to develop players. Now it could just be so that I lose to a team and then win against another which could result in “favouring” a team when I play against them with a weaker team than I could.
Am I cheating? Am I giving away the game to some of the teams? MY main concern at this point is to give youths some first team experience.
This guy could be doing this on purpose, maybe, but how do you prove an intention?
SO what I do could be seen as I just described or I could set up my teams so that I favour certain teams, but the question is HOW do you know which is the thing I DO? One is legit, the other not, but HOW do you know what is my intention?
If you analyse same way my games then you’d be accusing me for not playing with best team against some teams, go take a look.
I thought the clubs BOARD was the one in the game and not here on the forums, if the team loses on “purpose” is hard to guess/determine but that is the BOARD’s concern, they could kick the manager for loosing too many games, no?
I understand your concerns guys but let’s not get crazy about that stuff, what’s wrong with asking the guy what he does and why?
Wouldn’t that be enough instead of warning him and telling him his under investigation? Well, you could end up with really fair to all (10) people game at the end yes, if that is the goal.
Alright, just sent Corinthians manager a message saying this is currently under investigation and everybody will be punished should it continue. I also demanded to know which of these accounts are fake or used just for that purpose.
Thanks for all the hard work guys, I wouldn’t have the time to do such a detailed investigation myself :-)
If you look at the international points carefully you’ll see there is a correction factor in place so that if a team starts in the qualifying round and win all the matches up to the final in Champions League he’ll have the same number of points as a team which does the same in Libertadores. The same analogy can be done between Europa League and Sudamericana. The only disadvantage not corrected by this factor is the fact that more countries in Europe will have teams automatically qualifying for the group stage, giving them some points to start with. Once we have more countries in South America the problem will be exactly the opposite.
We’ll try to find a better way to calculate the international points, but the thing is the existing slightly disadvantage shouldn’t be a big deal when your country starts performing well. I’m hoping to help Colombia next season by playing Libertadores ;-)
They have a point, European teams have now more chances of making international points as we have more matches to play and it is easier for to have more teams in the group phase (actually playing the competition). Yet, any changes to be made have to be carefully considered because it could turn the balance again for Brazil and Argentina, remember they now have 13 teams each playing international cups…
yeah Felix, I see you joined season 40, so you don’t remember the early day’s when ALL THE POINTS where devided between brazil and argentina, while europe had 7 countries and had to devide it.
In my eyes, it’s nice to see it the other way around for a change….
lol wrong
I also had a question about the way the rankings are working with new countries,
I manage Deportivo Pereira (Colombia), last season I was 1st in Primera A, the best I could do in international competition the next season, was play a qualifying match against Deportivo Quevedo (Ecuador) I won my 2 matches (both 3-0) that gave me a change to go to the Group Stage, then Independiente Medellín (Colombia) tied both of the qualifying matches against Tanque Sisley (Uruguay) in Sudamericana (unfortunately Independiente Medellin was disqualified) looking at the points for Colombia up to that point we had less points that Switzerland and they had 2 teams playing qualifying matches in both (1 in each CL and EL) the 2 teams lost all 4 matches and then 2 other teams automatically qualified to Group Stage, Basel got 8.108 points for simply playing in Group stage.
I see a disadvantage for South American teams in the way the rankings are set up. (It could be because of the number of leagues in Europe against South America) but something needs to be fixed
Last game.
Corinthians 8 – 0 Santos
Santos used second team:
Looking at the current astimation of the ranking it seems we still get around the same points. The gap is big because France has been doing very well last seasons in el/cl etc.
There was a time Brazil had a HUGE lead over everyone :)
Vaughn, the european teams, have more games that the sulamerica teams.
It is my point.
The european teams will gain more points.
We play more games so we are able to earn more points, is that what you’re asking?
Google translate:
Good morning, how was the new calculation of points accumulated in the rankings due to the international performance?
Apparently Europe is now at an advantage because they are more games that count in the ranking points and thus more points.
My observation is right, or there is some room for correction?
The points gap is too large.
Glen, I think it was your lucky day getting 200 mill. The manager that bought him from you was tagged to be a 2nd account and has been fired for cheating…..
I think you just got lucky, since big teams these day’s don’t pay that kind of cash that easy. The player needs to be very very exceptional. The player you sold doesn’t look exceptional at all. He’s only 87avr so….. I think you need to know how EXTREMELY lucky you got in selling this player. I also think Filipe is disappointed Tom Whitehead didn’t grow that much more after buying him from you. I would think he would think twice about spending 109 mill on this “avarage” player :)
You have much more information here, with the matches you first presented we could not confirm anything, with this ones maybe…
Player value already has many variables and it is a much more complex formula than it was when the game started, yet it can’t determine exactly how much the player is worth and it will never do, its impossible to predict all the factors a manager consider when buying a player, trying to achieve that is a waste of time IMO. In this case the player is valued because he has great secondary skills and because his age is still low, age is important as the player could still be improving and that would make him much more valuable, yet this player is not improving so he’s worth not even close his value, there could be a formula to take in consideration a player be improving but even with that player’s value wouldn’t be completely accurate so IMO it is not worth-it to even think about it…
Anyway this is not the topic for this guys :P Neither for the Berhan/Davison thing, for that there is no topic also, jut ignore him BK…
if you would write in english I could actually answer……
Bom dia,
como ficou o novo cálculo dos pontos acumulados no ranking devido ao desempenho internacional?
Pelo visto a Europa está em vantagem agora, pois são mais jogos que contabilizam pontos no ranking e consequentemente mais pontos.
A minha observação está certa, ou existe alguma margem de correção?
A diferença de pontos está muito grande.
Thanks for the advice. Its a bit confusing as I had a striker worth c. 140m and I sold him for 200m…but he had higher ratings in the key stats.
So the big ‘devaluing’ factor for my keep er is his 88 in keeping…obviously!
I’ll see if I can get 50m for him….you never know :)
I agree, that’s what I’ve been saying, remove the value column. Have a info text/ value saying something like:
“Bought last season from Man. City for 4.2M”, that would be enough to give you an idea what his value was last season.
Value is not something that is calculated from attributes, unless it’s a car manufacturing facility, when you know exactly what each part costs. For a player, a value is not an exact science but whatever someone is prepared to pay, period.
Kuroyuki, maybe wage adds nothing to your performance, maybe it does. It’s about psychology and how you let or not let things affect you. IF you have say two players that are virtually the same in experience and stats, and pay one 10k and the other 20k, in reality the guy getting 10k only would like to increase his wages as he compares himself to the other guy, while the other guy would probably want more. So it’s more psychology than a quick explanation how would affect the performance of a player, but it could be:
- guy with smaller earning (if he has low mentality skill) get depressed, not want to re-sign with the club and want to move to another club that could properly evaluate and reward his skills.
- guy with smaller earnings(if he has a high mentality skill) could be motivated and perform the best season of his life, and want to impress his boss to see why he is worth as much as the other guy. If you reward him by increasing his wage (doubling it actually) then it would create another ripple in the water for the other players, why is he “suddently” getting a double salary increase while other maybe do not get anything. It could lead to LOTS of problems in reality as well.
A performance based wages would prevent people from going into that kind of trouble, now you have no excuse not to perform, and also you have no need to get upset when you are not rewarded when you know that you have performed badly.
Easier said than done, that thing can be quite advanced stuff to have a good formula to compute.
Also the negotiations are quite funny, I experimented with one of my players to negotiate salary many times, not just giving him exactly what he wanted. We were negotiation about 3 more bucks, it is silly, we probably spent at 3-5 turns about those 3 bucks of extra wage. Wow, imagine that could be an indicator that this person has a strong will/determination then I could start thinking that he can actually be better player than he already is?! Just a thought..