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October 11, 2011 17:08

51 posts(s)


Im questioning if it’s a bug and it applies to both games my just fast tick but thanks for your useful reply :)


October 11, 2011 17:06

51 posts(s)


Also old vets tend to play in a lower league at the end of their career for a small price. This was happening before…


October 11, 2011 17:04

51 posts(s)


Sorry didn’t see this thread. Moaned about this elsewhere. It’s a change that is going to make us all think about what players we have. I’m sure I will go bankrupt in the near future because I can’t sell players and too scared to buy players. Unless ofcourse they are the future and then they be sold to a human player.

It’s not a very productive change in the fact that I’m not enjoying the game as much. It may get better of course but the low balanced teams are now suffering. The rich will get richer ! Doh :)


October 11, 2011 16:36

609 posts(s)


There is alreardy a topic about this @ fastticker forum.


October 11, 2011 16:36

609 posts(s)


October 11, 2011 15:22

678 posts(s)


LOL, no they are not. I think Barca has a dept of almost 400 mill atm :). In the EPL there is the same problem…..


October 11, 2011 13:58

24 posts(s)


Yeap. But in real life clubs do that because there are Councils, banks and other public staff wondering to avoid their trully big debts


October 11, 2011 12:27

51 posts(s)


I know i will be beat up for posting this as a bug but since the change (end of Sept) i havent managed to sell one player to a CPU team on either medium or fast. I’ve put the price down so they are basically 1/8th of their asking price and less than 1 mil! Normally this would get a sale easily but nothing.

Is this a problem or are we stuck with players who are too old and past it AND also players who are younger than 20 that we no longer need? I’m sure this isnt right.


October 10, 2011 10:36

803 posts(s)


You are talking about superstars ghuardian, those will always be sold no matter their age, in the game there are a lot of examples, check Tigre’s history :D

The kind of players Sly is talking about are the ones we usually want to get rid off when we start a new team, old average players that most CPU teams already have or would have just with a few player improving strategy… Also in real life most old players leave their teams by no money, thats the equivalent to being in the free transfer market and hired for some other team…


October 10, 2011 09:38

828 posts(s)


ill hit u up when ive sold some of my lads.


October 10, 2011 07:56

299 posts(s)


Cardiff is selling 7 moderately young players (they ain’t no grandpas). Prices can be negotiated, deals are welcome as long as we find them beneficial.

Uriel Castelo 71 79 97 99 88 89 94
Philipp Besson 84 65 95 95 92 84 88
Pedro Mateus 78 76 87 89 83 92 92

Herve Trichet 74 98 80 95 84 95 91
Clodoaldo Medeiros 83 93 77 91 89 91 90
Flavio Flores 88 93 78 86 91 98 90

Johan Mortier 92 84 79 88 84 91 95

Mail me!


October 09, 2011 21:44

24 posts(s)


OK, but, have you though in the bubble effect?

Mainly, we all accept that there was an unreal market of old players. Unreal? Look at some Brazilian teams (Ronaldinho, Rivaldo…), many Greek teams and not first line teams buy old players (Mateja Kezman in BATE Borisov, for example), and the greatest example is AC Milan.

Also, if you splash a bubble suddenly, all actors will be economically punished so hardly.

I agree on that change, but I do not agree on making all CPU teams in a development way, because of:

- there is a certain need of market movements superior to the one in the last turns
- there are real teams buying and betting for old, or simply not young, players

So, I suggest to make 2 different types of CPU teams: one as now, looking for very good options to make future, and others searching immediate results (ok, just look at actual FC Barcelona and Real Madrid philosophies and strategies, Barcelona mainly from young players development, R Madrid mainly buying big stars)


October 09, 2011 20:20

387 posts(s)


Tony Bodin
93 sho


October 09, 2011 18:27

609 posts(s)


I’ve visited spain this summer, the weather is just to nice!


October 09, 2011 18:22

28 posts(s)


Please guys, what don’t you come to Switzerland ? :))

Enjoy your trip to Spain.


October 09, 2011 17:12

678 posts(s)


luckely that doesn’t happen to often :)


October 09, 2011 14:14

609 posts(s)


Besides trying to win the CL & World cup and the rest with it, this is also a friend vs friend game for me :) Syl is a really good friend of mine and it’s fun to play against him and laugh at him when i win :D


October 08, 2011 21:46

4,300 posts(s)



It doesn’t care about stamina, just choose the “best” in overall skills.



October 08, 2011 12:11

28 posts(s)


And what about Stamina ? Does it care about Stamina or just choose the “best” in overall skills ?


October 08, 2011 11:00

678 posts(s)


correction, the game will play your “best” player there as a replacement. It looks at overall skill, not just mainskill. Only downside is that it could happen that he picks an ML to suddenly fill in for your MR……


October 08, 2011 10:14

22 posts(s)


Selling several youths players for CHEAP, very usefull for small / medium team.
Take a look at Fenerbahce.


October 07, 2011 21:18

4,300 posts(s)



CPU teams were too fond of good old players, now they prefer a long-term strategy, hiring younger prospects or players they believe might be useful in a few seasons. I’m sure I’ll miss them buying my veterans as well. Let’s see how this change will affect CPU squads.


October 07, 2011 18:23

678 posts(s)


Yes there is. We talked it over among each other, and we felt it was time for a new challange. We figured we dominated europe for so long, that it was time for something new. It was my idea to go to spain. Because of the vacation bug Dirk was fired from Bordeaux. I pointed him towards Spain :). I wanted to manage a “real name” team. I saw my chance with Barcelona and I took it. The rest has slowly followed. Only Francois didn’t want to go to spain, he chose Arsenal.

I think in the future it will be Spain vs England. I am looking forward to it :)


October 07, 2011 17:28

28 posts(s)


Last season for France as Rank #1 ???
What happened to the so hard “Ligue1”, so many very famous managers have left: Dirk, Charles, Sylvain, François, Nicky, Martin …
Is there any reason ?


October 07, 2011 13:03

678 posts(s)


you know you can send out invites yourself aswell right?


October 07, 2011 12:09

340 posts(s)


Thanks man, I appreciate that.



October 07, 2011 10:45

47 posts(s)


New season new open dates, so please send me some invites.



October 07, 2011 10:19

609 posts(s)


Contracts will be renewed, youth players will get a contract if there is room in your team and the team will set a player with the highest main skill if a spot is open in your team (for example an injury or red card).


October 07, 2011 08:12

340 posts(s)


Hey Guys, does anyone know what exactly happens during vacation mode?

What happens with team, results, and youth players.
What happens if I can not offer a youth player a contract if he should want to sign during me being away?

How about first team players? Basically how does contracting work during vacation /holiday mode?

Does anyone know?



October 06, 2011 08:18

678 posts(s)


Man I use to like selling to the cpu’s. They atleast were willing to give you something for a player.

José Almeida (32 years old)
Position: A
Side: C
Keeping: 35
Tackle: 71
Passing: 79
Shooting: 92
Speed: 89
Dribble: 83
Control: 90
Header: 90

I’m asking 2.1 mill? Why the hell can’t I sell this player for this amount…

Héctor Barajas (34years old)
Position: M
Side: LC
Keeping: 36
Tackle: 76
Passing: 91
Shooting: 79
Speed: 75
Dribble: 91
Control: 93
Header: 89

1.5 mill!! I meen seriously?

Incendio Torres (34 years old)
Position: M
Side: RC
Keeping: 36
Tackle: 89
Passing: 92
Shooting: 70
Speed: 91
Dribble: 82
Control: 89
Header: 89

Great M-1 player with his tackle. How come no cpu is willing to pay 3 mill for this? It’s a steal I tell ya!!!