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September 29, 2011 02:59

828 posts(s)


i think this idea of quality of play wage is a good idea and to have clauses . now its the players decision to agree to such clauses but the option should be there regardless. i like this idea "


September 28, 2011 23:58

828 posts(s)


i think a simple fix to this would be fixing the est value system. im sure theres a calculation process to how this is estimated however that needs to be improved by the game.

i think value should play apart in price however its skill thats the main important. and history of avg ratings in games how well he performs. i just dont know if the est value consideres this fix the problem at the source.


September 28, 2011 23:39

301 posts(s)


Player value still gives you an idea what the player is worth… as i said, its not market value but it gives you an idea…


September 28, 2011 22:23

65 posts(s)



Berhan how differently would a person play if their was a contract clause stating for good performances he would get a 10% pay bonus, but then in reverse was to get a 10% pay reduction for a bad performance.

Vaughn their have been instances with differing sporting codes where players have received performance related contracts or in extreme cases the player contract stating he gets paid per game played rather than a set weekly pay.


September 28, 2011 21:33

678 posts(s)


@Glenn: I think Gabriel should remove the value all together, since its never realistic. An 88 goalkeeper who’s 24 years old is just so simple to train yourself. These are the types of players, that are so avarage, there are plenty of these players around. The selling price for this player would be something like 20 mill. Then you can only hope someone thinks he will grow and will pay that amount. Just think about the basics of economics in the sence of “Offer and demand”. There is not a very high demand for 88 goalkeepers, yet there is a big offering of these low level players. Conclusion, he’s worth peanuts.

There is alot of overestimating around. Just forget ingame value, that shit is just bullshit if you ask me. I think I should suggest to gabriel to just remove it or make it invisible or something. It’s created alot of really insane prices on the TL. They are never sold for those amounts anyway, but people just list them and keep them there. Eventually these players are usually removed from the TL or prices lowered. Just takes time. You should as a laugh put a silly listed player in your hotlist :). Then you’ll keep getting messages over and over about the price being lowered. Eventually the player will be listed for a “fair” price. It just usually takes a while for the selling manager to come to his senses :)


September 28, 2011 21:32

609 posts(s)


You might wanne ask yourself first, why is that player performing bad all the time? Maybe i’m doing something wrong? Like having to low stamina, putting him in a wrong position so he get’s minus skillpoints, etc?

If you perform poor your wages doesn’t get cut, you get fired or sold.


September 28, 2011 21:29

609 posts(s)


This is not the topic for it, so stop that here. Like the new rules say, do it in private or take it to a GM/developper.

Now back on topic about selling/loaning.


September 28, 2011 21:24

678 posts(s)


Facts really seem to speak for itself. I can also confirm that there is a “same network” with all these teams. Perhaps it’s time to get gabriel involved in this one…..


September 28, 2011 20:54

301 posts(s)


sorry Berhan, i didn’t catch on to your sarcasme… after all tonality is tough to get in forums :)

on that note, @Nimmo: Player value doesn’t really mean you can get that much for that player. It just means that you’re player is worth that much in comparison to other players in the game. Again, it doesn’t mean you can get that much cash, it just means that his ruby worth is 174mil$. As you can see, market value vs player value are 2 different things.

@Davison and Berhan, seriously guys, this little thing you guys have going has to stop. It’s not healthy for either one of you :)


September 28, 2011 19:01

828 posts(s)


lol @ “writings” the only correct part of your last response was " i can not compare myself to you" very true. you are trash and im not. im glad we agree on something run along now child before you go and make yourself cry agian.

now back on topic please


September 28, 2011 13:50

47 posts(s)


I don’t really get the player values that well, so if anyone wants to negotiate a price for that keeper, let me know.

I thought face value would be the ‘par’ value as many players go above, but if not, let me know what you would pay if you are interested.



September 28, 2011 13:11

32 posts(s)


Since my last post didn’t have the effect I wanted, this time I’ve collected some data to back it up.

If you feel this is a waste of time, then you can stop at this period.
The post is a little long. Don’t complain about it afterwards; I warned you ;)

At the end I will make some comments.

This is better viewed in a full window ;)

The players stats are here just for easy refference.
If you think there might be errors, then you can check them directly:

Juventude’s Main Team
Second Team

Élcio Pontes
Pos: G Age: 29 Kpg: 89 Pas: 83 Spe: 94 Dri: 90

Uriel Galvão
Pos: G Age: 17 Kpg: 70 Pas: 59 Spe: 65 Dri: 72

Jerônimo Gama
Pos: D Age: 27 Tac: 98 Pas: 77 Sho: 83 Spe: 95 Dri: 82

Dirceu Damásio
Pos: DM Age: 16 Tac: 66 Pas: 63 Sho: 61 Spe: 69 Dri: 70

Lúcio Lago
Pos: D Age: 30 Tac: 95 Pas: 80 Sho: 77 Spe: 87 Dri: 93

Jarbas Godinho
Pos: D Age: 18 Tac: 72 Pas: 65 Sho: 60 Spe: 76 Dri: 79

Jurandir Aquino
Pos: D Age: 32 Tac: 92 Pas: 84 Sho: 84 Spe: 85 Dri: 90

Orlando Esteves
Pos: D Age: 17 Tac: 70 Pas: 53 Sho: 62 Spe: 73 Dri: 73

Manolo Andrade
Pos: D Age: 33 Tac: 90 Pas: 76 Sho: 84 Spe: 85 Dri: 88

Virginio Padilha
Pos: D Age: 17 Tac: 67 Pas: 61 Sho: 59 Spe: 68 Dri: 69

Jeremias Neves
Pos: D Age: 17 Tac: 77 Pas: 58 Sho: 58 Spe: 71 Dri: 70

Iran Terra
Pos: M Age: 35 Tac: 81 Pas: 88 Sho: 77 Spe: 86 Dri: 91

Otávio Assunção
Pos: M Age: 27 Tac: 72 Pas: 87 Sho: 78 Spe: 96 Dri: 84

Carlos Sastre
Pos: M Age: 24 Tac: 73 Pas: 90 Sho: 75 Spe: 89 Dri: 88

Edmundo Rocha
Pos: M Age: 20 Tac: 74 Pas: 80 Sho: 71 Spe: 75 Dri: 79

Otávio Assunção
Pos: M Age: 27 Tac: 72 Pas: 87 Sho: 78 Spe: 96 Dri: 84

André Amorim
Pos: M Age: 31 Tac: 76 Pas: 86 Sho: 71 Spe: 85 Dri: 96

Lourenço Quadros
Pos: A Age: 21 Tac: 70 Pas: 69 Sho: 78 Spe: 88 Dri:77

Admastor Cordeiro
Pos: A Age: 29 Tac: 80 Pas: 78 Sho: 92 Spe: 89 Dri: 87

Nuno Vieira
Pos: A Age: 22 Tac: 71 Pas: 73 Sho: 83 Spe: 72 Dri: 80

Renaud Gaubert
Pos: A Age: 29 Tac: 80 Pas: 75 Sho: 88 Spe: 88 Dri: 100

Franklin Santos
Pos: DA Age: 17 Tac: 71 Pas: 65 Sho: 69 Spe: 69 Dri: 69

Flamengo’s Main Team
Second Team

Vincent König
Pos: G Age: 34 Kpg: 94 Pas: 79 Spe: 79 Dri: 78

Ozias Carvalho
Pos: G Age: 21 Kpg: 83 Pas: 74 Spe: 88 Dri: 81

Ricardo Maciel
Pos: D Age: 35 Tac: 92 Pas: 73 Sho: 77 Spe: 93 Dri: 81

Vitor Martins
Pos: D Age: 17 Tac: 72 Pas: 66 Sho: 68 Spe:71 Dri: 67

Jamil Coutinho
Pos: DA Age: 36 Tac: 83 Pas: 80 Sho: 78 Spe: 93 Dri: 88

Natanael Lemos
Pos: DA Age: 17 Tac: 62 Pas: 62 Sho: 62 Spe: 76 Dri: 73

Vicente Araújo
Pos: D Age: 26 Tac: 92 Pas: 75 Sho: 86 Spe: 91 Dri: 82

Javier Maradona
Pos: DM Age: 19 Tac: 69 Pas: 65 Sho: 60 Spe: 70 Dri: 78

Adriano Dantas
Pos: DM Age: 21 Tac:79 Pas: 69 Sho: 68 Spe: 85 Dri: 81

Mauro Mourão
Pos: M Age: 18 Tac:71 Pas: 78 Sho: 67 Spe: 78 Dri: 74

Hilário Faria
Pos: M Age: 24 Tac: 90 Pas: 81 Sho: 80 Spe: 85 Dri: 96

Cristian Lobo
Pos: M Age: 17 Tac: 60 Pas: 70 Sho: 67 Spe: 74 Dri: 71

Alan Mascarenhas
Pos: M Age: 30 Tac: 80 Pas: 100 Sho: 79 Spe: 95 Dri: 90

Ozias Diniz
Pos: M Age: 23 Tac: 68 Pas: 78 Sho: 61 Spe: 78 Dri: 75

Ernesto Ramires
Pos: M Age: 36 Tac: 84 Pas: 90 Sho: 78 Spe: 84 Dri:84

Fábio Batista
Pos: M Age: 17 Tac: 58 Pas: 74 Sho: 61 Spe: 74 Dri: 80

Alexandres Passos
Pos: M Age: 29 Tac: 74 Pas: 89 Sho: 83 Spe: 99 Dri: 92

Fernando Correia
Pos: A Age: 17 Tac: 70 Pas: 66 Sho: 74 Spe: 78 Dri: 74

Danton Beltrão
Pos: A Age: 28 Tac:86 Pas: 86 Sho: 100 Spe: 87 Dri: 81

Aboubacar Lhuillier
Pos: AD Age: 19 Tac: 69 Pas: 63 Sho: 73 Spe: 76 Dri: 78

Roberto Muniz
Pos: A Age: 28 Tac: 83 Pas: 79 Sho: 95 Spe: 88 Dri: 91

Custódio Sousa
Pos: AM Age: 17 Tac: 59 Pas: 65 Sho: 69 Spe: 75 Dri: 67

Diego Cardoso
Pos: AD Age: 27 Tac: 80 Pas: 79 Sho: 91 Spe: 92 Dri: 89

Ituano’s Main Team
Second Team

Getúlio Marques
Pos: G Age: 29 Kpg: 99 Pas: 73 Spe: 91 Dri: 93

Laerte Barcelos
Pos: G Age: 20 Kpg: 80 Pas: 69 Spe: 76 Dri: 78

Lucas Chamot
Pos: D Age: 36 Tac:91 Pas: 74 Sho: 57 Spe: 81 Dri: 88

Inocêncio Sousa
Pos: D Age: 19 Tac: 72 Pas: 63 Sho: 64 Spe: 74 Dri: 76

Nicodemos Sampaio
Pos: D Age: 21 Tac: 74 Pas: 65 Sho: 68 Spe: 78 Dri: 71

Eliel Fagundes
Pos: DM Age: 17 Tac: 67 Pas: 63 Sho: 65 Spe: 70 Dri: 79

Ibraim Gaspar
Pos: D Age: 30 Tac: 95 Pas: 77 Sho: 80 Spe: 85 Dri: 93

Horácio Batista
Pos: D Age: 17 Tac: 64 Pas: 65 Sho: 59 Spe: 76 Dri: 69

Percival Dinis
Pos: D Age: 17 Tac: 78 Pas: 58 Sho: 61 Spe: 70 Dri: 74

Cristian Álvares
Pos: M Age: 37 Tac: 74 Pas: 87 Sho: 81 Spe: 86 Dri: 84

Christian Valentim
Pos: M Age: 21 Tac: 74 Pas: 87 Sho: 67 Spe: 83 Dri: 80

Deivid Maia
Pos: M Age: 20 Tac: 73 Pas: 72 Sho: 63 Spe: 76 Dri: 73

Oswaldo Amaral
Pos: M Age: 27 Tac: 78 Pas: 91 Sho: 71 Spe: 96 Dri: 91

Oswaldo Amaral
Pos: M Age: 27 Tac: 78 Pas: 91 Sho: 71 Spe: 96 Dri: 91

Rodrigo Conde
Pos: MD Age: 29 Tac: 94 Pas: 93 Sho: 77 Spe: 94 Dri: 89

Glicério Oliveira
Pos: M Age: 17 Tac: 60 Pas: 69 Sho: 62 Spe: 65 Dri: 73

Egberto Meira
Pos: A Age: 27 Tac: 80 Pas: 82 Sho: 97 Spe: 100 Dri: 95

Oscar Nóbrega
Pos: A Age: 17 Tac: 60 Pas: 57 Sho: 70 Spe: 64 Dri: 72

Ben Wilkins
Pos: A Age: 21 Tac: 67 Pas: 71 Sho: 83 Spe: 77 Dri: 81

Mairon Albuquerque
Pos: AM Age: 18 Tac: 66 Pas: 65 Sho: 72 Spe: 71 Dri: 73

Alessio Campistri
Pos: A Age: 35 Tac: 66 Pas: 79 Sho: 88 Spe: 93 Dri: 96

Odair Vaz
Pos: A Age: 19 Tac: 71 Pas: 61 Sho: 75 Spe: 72 Dri:72

In Juventude, Otávio Assunção is in both teams, same happening for Oswaldo Amaral in Ituano.
The players’ stats were taken from season 59 turn 91 and the matches are against Corinthians and São Caetano:

Corinthians x Ituano

Corinthians x Flamengo *

Corinthians x Juventude

São Caetano x Juventude

São Caetano x Flamengo

São Caetano x Ituano

*variation: Jean Courtin plays instead of Aboubacar Lhuillier

Now, to the comments:

There is an obvious difference between the teams used against the two adversaries, even considering injuries and suspensions.
You can’t even call the second teams as substitutes, since there are so many youth players.

And even though Juventude’s stamina is depleted, that doesn’t mean it was like that in the begginning of the season, nor it excuses the difference between the two teams used.
That fact enforces that the manager is either a newbie, lazy or a fake. This last one would be my ‘guess’ as well for the other two managers.

My opinion is, any manager has the right to use, without strings to someone, whatever player they want at any time.

The reasons why someone uses a different team could be to save stamina, not having anymore ambitions in the league, develop players, specially against a weaker/too strong to beat/tired team, randomly feel like it, or because they just don’t like the team.

A real manager could also do it to intentionally favor/harm another team. That is unfair play, small thinking, unethical, but is it cheating?
If the person does it out his own free will, with no strings to somebody, I’m not sure. In RL it isn’t, but I think the big teams don’t do it to avoid lowering their own or the league’s image.
And besides, do we really want the game to turn into this? A league of pals that give away results?

That being said, it is completely unacceptable, as well unlikely, that 3 managers spontaneouly decide to take this action, at the same time, to favor a single team. It is as a probable coincidence as winning the lottery a few times.

Did you get the single team remark? Doubt it? Then I dare you to point out any other match in this season, until now, that another team gets this ‘special service’ from them. You don’t even have to show it like I did, just point out the match report and I’ll check the rest.

Go there, I’ll wait

Hard isn’t it? I know because I checked.

It would be a much safer assumption that these 3 managers have some sort of connection.

Are they real people helping someone, or multiple accounts in service of one person?
I’d say it is the second one, although the first couldn’t be completely overruled.

And even though Corinthians is the only team to gain from this, could it not have anything with this?
Sure that would be possible if it wasn’t for these two things: first the situation that called my attention to this whole thing :

tick 63
tick 64

There was a Cup match just before the Ituano match. Since both matches were against strong opponents, a sacrifice would have to be made.
But notice how syncronizedly Corinthians uses subs (a real sub team and not one with a bunch of youths) in the Ituano match, so it wouldn’t interfere with stamina.
Also Corinthians used the subs in all the reffered matches.

My suggestion: Fire the managers, not allowing them to rejoin any of the implied teams. Also, if it has any effect, keep an eye on their IPs.

That is the minimal that should be done, if you think something else then I’d like to hear it.
PS: Palmeiras also didn’t use the main team in the 2 matches against Corinthians. He did in other matches too, though.

While Márcio Yokomizo was managing CRB, he also did it. In the sequence of that match there was a Cup match.
He left CRB shortly after that.

Notice how ridiculous both the teams that CRB and Palmeiras used compared to Corinthians’ subs by looking at the match stats. Yes, Corinthians also used subs in all three matches.


September 28, 2011 13:05

639 posts(s)



Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!


September 28, 2011 11:30

340 posts(s)


You must be living on a different reality, no one can match you in being a special case, I can not compare myself to you.
I am not trying to project anything to you, everything I written about something that has your name in the comment can be verified.

Most of the things you write are simply ridiculous that are beyond most people. Most of your comments are written in poor english, even though you nag about people writing bad english, yours look like an 8 year old writings.

I am sure the developers could fish up what mails you have sent me in-game, and probably to others as well. If this was my game I would warn such a user only once, next would be ban for life. Do you realize how lucky you are?

ps your english is still bad, so if you are going to complain about other people’s english writings you could set some example by writing better english that makes sense for normal people.



September 28, 2011 09:47

828 posts(s)


do you even see yourself ? lol @ what you look like to everyone lol. Apply everything you try to project onto me, then look your self in the mirror. Say that to yourself. :) runalong now child i think its your bedtime


September 28, 2011 08:25

340 posts(s)


Well, I do have an excuse for not writing perfect english, what is your excuse for writing so lame english, like an 8 year old?



September 28, 2011 07:00

828 posts(s)


berhan please before you talk shit Learn the language and grammar. thanks


September 28, 2011 06:23

340 posts(s)


Nah, only Davison does that kind of purchasing or players not worth the money.

Charles, I was being REALLY sarcastic, player is not worth anything more than max 50M and only if I had a silly amount of money.



September 28, 2011 06:20

340 posts(s)


hahaha, wouldn’t that be a nice thing to have in all jobs actually, then people would starve to death.
NO sane person would want to sing on such a wage deal, unless you are really professional and ambitious of course.

I do not agree entirely to what you just described but I can see the point that can be interesting for some managers. Why not do a really cool feature that every club has his own type of wage structure.

Some doing the real old school, ie you have a contract until you retire and players would then write you mails asking for more money as they perform better than some other players etc.

One as it is now, and one the way you suggest.

But to make it really interesting I think the players should be aware of their wages being good or bad, so they can “compare” to other team mates and bitch about it when similar player gets a lot more than them.

SO your idea is good but you have to make also the players “aware” they have a good or bad salary.

I would also suggest some changes in performance (slightly though) when you pay alot more to another player of same caliber as some of your players, that the performance(morale) would drop/increase etc. Could be a whole science there but there could at leas some minor changes be added thus giving a nicer game experience.



September 28, 2011 02:00

65 posts(s)



I just thought of this and decided to post the idea.

A manager should have the option to contract players with a game performance clause in the contract. So that if a player performs poorly on a consistent basis then a manager can reduce the players wage accordingly.
I.e. a player receives too many disciplinary points or has consecutive games where he has a performance evaluation of 4 and below.

What do other managers think of a performance based clause in contracting players?


September 28, 2011 00:02

828 posts(s)


feel free to buy him berhan at your 300m price lol im sure glenn would love that


September 27, 2011 14:16

301 posts(s)


his keeping and speed are low. He’s played almost 300 officials and he’s 24 years old, if he’s done growing, i wouldn’t even say he’s worth the asking price.
Keeping and speed really makes or breaks a keeper in my opinion…

but he’s definitely still worth a look for teams without any good keepers.


September 27, 2011 14:11

72 posts(s)


you can check my players list…
also you can check my detailed history list :)


September 27, 2011 10:34

340 posts(s)


wow, why so cheap man?
he is worth at least 350M!!



September 27, 2011 09:35

47 posts(s)


24 yr old GK for sale.

Available for face value 174m


September 26, 2011 09:42

828 posts(s) 30 year old 93 shooter 15m dont need him i have enough strikers and he is expendable no bids lower than 12m


September 25, 2011 20:37

828 posts(s)


LOL are u serious ?


September 25, 2011 17:18

72 posts(s)


three more seasons ahead and still not a single youth goal keeper for my team :)


September 25, 2011 09:01

637 posts(s)


Luiz Vargas for sale. Good goalkeeper for subtop teams

Take a look. Price is negotiable.


September 25, 2011 02:03

803 posts(s)


I dont think it is a waste of time Berhan, in this case I dont think there was any favouring but there’s no harm for people to talk about it, at least this way the doubt wont be left. I think when people suspect of something should report it to and Admin or GM or simply post it in the forum as heraser did, i know you have a diferent opinion about this but I would also fell bad and not enjoying the game if I suspected my oponents to be using fake accounts to win matches with reserve team…