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October 30, 2012 14:08

28 posts(s)


Welcome Daniel. I also played to soccersim. Both games are so exciting ;)
There are some differences, but sure you will enjoy.

In my point of view, the feeling of players was a good thing in the old soccersim, you had to make all your guys playing, otherwise they will not want to sign again their contracts.


October 30, 2012 04:02

20 posts(s)


I remember him,

he was developed in my team (Gueugnon) I knew he was good but never expected to play that well, and you got him for only 5M, I will use this so advertise dome of the the players that I have for sale, that as well as Sutter may become excellent players. everyone is welcome to look at my players and if you can put an offer for less than the transfer price we can always work something out.


October 29, 2012 23:02

6 posts(s)


I also was a fan of soccersim/managersim, and now I’m a fan of rubysoccer. Welcome m8


October 29, 2012 22:57

639 posts(s)



Welcome! It’s basically the same yes, but some differences. If you read the guide, you should be up to date quickly.


October 29, 2012 22:38

803 posts(s)


Not really, you’ll find that the most active managers in RS are soccersim/managersim old managers. There’s a lot of people around, I think there is a topic in the forum with that.

I played managersim for maybe one year before it closed, been with RS since then :D


October 29, 2012 22:19

61 posts(s)


oh, i played in all soccersim/managersim phases! hahaha so its about what? around 12-13-14 years? maybe im a little too old for this hahahha


October 29, 2012 22:17

61 posts(s)


Hello, my name is Daniel Duarte and i used to play soccersim that became managersim later… dont know if anyone of you played over there, but if you did in the slower ticket you might know me! =)

so, rubysoccer is basecally the same thing that peter strand created!

i saw a player with a billion dollars… economy over here is getting aggressive??? hahaha as a new member, thats not a good thing to read…

anyway, any advices? any old soccersim members who wants to tell me a few things about this game

thank you and i wish you all a good game.


October 29, 2012 21:13

45 posts(s)


Hélder Guerra

Posição: D C
Nacionalidade: Portugual

Goleiro: 36
Roubada: 95
Passe: 72
Chute: 88
Velocidade: 88
Drible: 89
Controle: 82
Cabeçada: 88
Agressividade: 30
Vigor: 100

Preço: 100M


October 27, 2012 14:32

639 posts(s)



Yeah, that’s probably the main reason.


October 27, 2012 12:56

637 posts(s)


We’ll miss you in Spain. Good luck in Holland.

Btw I was Cpu already bought a new goallie for almost 178M :D


October 27, 2012 10:40

104 posts(s)


Cpus team in Holland no have good goal keeper


October 27, 2012 08:32

639 posts(s)



Welcome in Holland!


October 27, 2012 08:32

639 posts(s)

Urbain Sutter
Estimated Value: $12,657,831
Avg stats: 86

Doesn’t look like a great player, does he? But he is! Look at his averages:

Season 68: 5.46
Season 69: 5.3
Season 70: 7.54
Season 71: 7.53
Season 72: 8.73
Season 73: 8.81
Season 74: 8.81
Season 75: 8.64

And in the last four seasons he scored 102 goals in 102 games, as a midfielder…

I have no clue why he plays that well, but I’m happy to have him in my squad!


October 27, 2012 08:25

639 posts(s)



Holland is doing well. 10 Managers in the Eredivisie, all of them in the top 100 of the managers ranking. In the country ranking Netherlands is fifth, probably the highest ever.

Interesting is that last season the top 5 teams scored 623 goals! Are the computer teams that weak?

The last four seasons PSV won the title, but the competion is getting tougher…


October 26, 2012 15:01

45 posts(s)


Marin Jean

Posição: D LC

Nacionalidade: França
Idade: 33

Goleiro: 33
Roubada: 94
Passe: 70
Chute: 84
Velocidade: 86
Drible: 93
Controle: 82
Cabeçada: 94
Agressividade: 37
Vigor: 100

Preço: 40M


October 26, 2012 14:03

14 posts(s)


Decent old squad, 521M in bank.


October 23, 2012 09:34

4,300 posts(s)



We are currently testing a solution to stop the spam in the forums. Please let us know via in-game messages if you are unable to create topics or posts.



October 22, 2012 23:27

828 posts(s)


you didnt take the bribe from the cartel ? lol :P


October 22, 2012 21:58

296 posts(s)


Thought id bump this to say ive now been sacked!! haha so much for blowin my own trumpet


October 21, 2012 15:12

637 posts(s)


Great players for sale in Malaga! Take a look:


October 20, 2012 12:47

104 posts(s)


Hi i need a good defender i have some money, i have one last place in my team for one player, send me your player in game


October 16, 2012 23:54

296 posts(s)


This is happening to alot of forums i use now, stupid bots.


October 16, 2012 22:17

828 posts(s)


appoint some forum mods ?


October 16, 2012 05:28

1,003 posts(s)



deleted some messages and banned a couple users. this is definetely annoying, we will need to implement some extra precautions to stop those spammers. probably also give our admins a couple extra powers


October 15, 2012 22:38

296 posts(s)


Thanks Nestor, id like to have more Colombians in my own team but its hard to find ones good enough! Hopefully if we keep goin like this we can keep moving up the table. :D


October 15, 2012 15:56

14 posts(s)


Congrats Joseppi!!!

Colombia is currently in 9th place is the overall ranking and 3rd is the South American ranking with only 3 active managers, (hopefully Colombia bumps takes France’s 8 place this season).
Joseppi has created and is currently creating great Colombian players and all that hard work is paying off, there are a lot of great young players in Colombia. All that is needed is a lot of patience and a little luck developing players; hopefully Colombia attracts more managers and becomes a South American powerhouse in a near future.


October 15, 2012 08:30

828 posts(s)


October 15, 2012 07:52

296 posts(s)


Haha Davison, you always say that! Thanks :-)


October 15, 2012 07:29

639 posts(s)



Congratulations, well done!


October 14, 2012 23:58

828 posts(s)


sell me some players