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Subscribe to Soccersim/Managersim? 8 post(s), 7 voice(s)


October 29, 2012 22:17

61 posts(s)


Hello, my name is Daniel Duarte and i used to play soccersim that became managersim later… dont know if anyone of you played over there, but if you did in the slower ticket you might know me! =)

so, rubysoccer is basecally the same thing that peter strand created!

i saw a player with a billion dollars… economy over here is getting aggressive??? hahaha as a new member, thats not a good thing to read…

anyway, any advices? any old soccersim members who wants to tell me a few things about this game

thank you and i wish you all a good game.


October 29, 2012 22:19

61 posts(s)


oh, i played in all soccersim/managersim phases! hahaha so its about what? around 12-13-14 years? maybe im a little too old for this hahahha


October 29, 2012 22:38

803 posts(s)


Not really, you’ll find that the most active managers in RS are soccersim/managersim old managers. There’s a lot of people around, I think there is a topic in the forum with that.

I played managersim for maybe one year before it closed, been with RS since then :D


October 29, 2012 22:57

639 posts(s)



Welcome! It’s basically the same yes, but some differences. If you read the guide, you should be up to date quickly.


October 29, 2012 23:02

6 posts(s)


I also was a fan of soccersim/managersim, and now I’m a fan of rubysoccer. Welcome m8


October 30, 2012 14:08

28 posts(s)


Welcome Daniel. I also played to soccersim. Both games are so exciting ;)
There are some differences, but sure you will enjoy.

In my point of view, the feeling of players was a good thing in the old soccersim, you had to make all your guys playing, otherwise they will not want to sign again their contracts.


October 30, 2012 23:46

4,300 posts(s)



Welcome Daniel! Me and Danilo used to play ManagerSim as well, that’s why the game has many similarities with it. We had been planning to create our own game for a while before MS came to an end, which sped up things a little bit.

We used to be more active regarding game improvements, but as we got older and busier things got slower. This doesn’t mean we’ve abandoned the game and we are aware of issues such as game economy as you’ve pointed out. Let me stop right here before I change the subject of the topic.

Welcome again :-)


October 31, 2012 00:21

296 posts(s)


I remember the name :-) ruby soccer is always improving, although slowly since everyone is old now! Welcome

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