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January 24, 2013 17:46

116 posts(s)


I put more 3 players.

I will think about Tomás Cejas and Amadeo Samuel.


January 24, 2013 17:09

116 posts(s)


After the early elimination in libertadores da américa and tha bad results in the season, even being superior in 95% of games, we decided to sell six of our top players. Hurry, before the board repent and takeoff him from the market.

Kind Regards.



January 24, 2013 16:55

299 posts(s)


I’m sure new rules and salary caps set by the board will make sure new managers don’t destroy their teams, and that salaries won’t be this high.

But…for the time being…I’m gonna enjoy my new toy and hope he improves some ;-)


January 24, 2013 16:44

340 posts(s)


you sexist pig! :D


January 24, 2013 16:42

340 posts(s)


What are the chances manager joining and turn 102 and selling a star player at turn 107, someone who would go for 2-300M going for around 130M?

I am not sour for missing to buy the player nor for the player going for a wage of 150k/week.

That’s kind of thing that bothers me, someone joining and selling one of the best players for 1/3rd of the market value. I know because I sold such a player for 300M.

SO the question is; will the new functionality allow managers to join to clubs and sell the best players just like that?

No offense to the managers involved, I am not saying they cheated but it certainly doesn’t look good.



January 23, 2013 04:59

17 posts(s)


Check out Paraguay’s players national flag.


January 22, 2013 06:58

4,303 posts(s)



January 19, 2013 12:28

340 posts(s)


Many people actually just like to moan (read bitch) about things without having any clue what making, maintaining and developing such games cost in time and money (time is money on a paid job remember).

Danilo and Gabriel has done great so far with how things work. Having said that it doesn’t mean the game is perfect and they can relax. I think in order to take it to next level some things are vital before being able to go “mainstream”, or at least trying to reach a wider audience.

1) Economy in MMORGS is NEVER an easy task, this area needs to be researched really well. Can’t be taken lightly.
2) Player development patterns, you can’t have too many superstars, it’s just silly.
3) Tactics of the match day, ie what you as a manager can add to the game. I am working on such concept of my next game, can share my ideas with the developers.
4) Do not ignore the real life economy of this game or it will DIE, 100% for sure. Read this again!!! Several things can be done, for example a simple app that will scout players/tactics etc.. (for real money)

Sadly, I know this does almost no difference but maybe someone will read this and one day start making their own game, then there is much knowledge to gather from these posts.



January 18, 2013 21:54

828 posts(s)


i disagree because i really do not know fk all about unicorns. never seen one mate :) fine you guys are contents with the lack luster state of the game. fine its dieing just like managersim did


January 18, 2013 17:19

57 posts(s)


lots of teams sign players with tons of potential and then end up being terrible players. in real life. i can just see them implement a “player potential scout” and then when one of your players doesn’t work out you’d just whinge about how the scout screwed you.

we should have assistant managers that just play the game for us too. man, that’d be handy if they just searched through the player database and fielded the optimal team for us. soon you won’t have to do anything. to disagree would mean you know fk all about unicorns.


January 18, 2013 13:08

639 posts(s)



Ok, I’m interested, you know any players who sucked as youth players but were still contracted by big clubs cause of their big potential?


January 18, 2013 11:48

828 posts(s)


a player potential scout would be great. To disagree would mean you know fk all about football


January 18, 2013 08:33

57 posts(s)


then i guess you’re SOL :P


January 18, 2013 06:21

828 posts(s)


no computer teams have 10 coaching that will take em on loan


January 18, 2013 00:20

299 posts(s)


one thing i notice is that u loan your kids to teams with level 5 coaching. Not much to grow there, no matter the official games they play. No wonder why your patience grows thin :)


January 17, 2013 22:03

828 posts(s)


charles they play entier games, i dont do subs in friendlies or when i play them in a 1st team performance i give my players a full game unless stamina is low in which case i either do not play them at all and rest them or ill give them a few mins


January 17, 2013 16:15

639 posts(s)



In real life scouts are looking for talented players. A talent is someone who is good for his age. A scout can’t tell how strong someone will be in the future: some talents become stars, others fail.
In the game it’s the same. To change that is not realistic, and also not more fun I think.

“for w.e reason when fired or sold these very stagnant players develop in other teams yet for some reason dont at my club”

If this is true, there are two options: either you are doing something wrong (and they are doing something right), or the admins are screwing you :P


January 17, 2013 14:53

301 posts(s)


Davison, players that play in friendlies, do they play the entire game or just parts of the game? If they sub in, at what time do you sub them in?


January 17, 2013 13:45

340 posts(s)


>for w.e reason when fired or sold these very stagnant players develop in other teams yet for some reason dont at >my club even though they get more playing time and more games. its just utter bullshit

um, they simply do not like you perhaps??



January 17, 2013 12:03

828 posts(s)


perfect example how useless the entier game logic is.


January 17, 2013 10:19

828 posts(s)


i think the whole search thing is retarded in regards to “scouting” i think a system of you hire a scout as you would a physio . to tell you your own players potential and you can also hire a transfer scout to check out what “he” says about players in free agency and transfer.

the reason i ask for this is because currently having 10 coaching, good physio and had 10 scouting really did me f- all of favors for the majority of players coming into the team that had high est values as youth played alot of 1st team and friendlies yet gained f-ing zero attributes.

and players est starting value meanins f- all too ive found this out first hand. a player of 17 years old playing an entier season out on loan gains 1 or 2 attribute points ?

wtf is that

this whole game is starting to piss me off now. and ive been around since the early years of this game. the following is a MUST:

Get in an customizable training regiment options, Intense/ medium/ lite/ rest and be able to focus individualized training such as focus on tackle, passing shooting ect.

scouting ( use the grade system : ex Work Ethic : C+ Adaptability B- Attitude A- ect ect that is accurate enough to at least 70-80% at level 10 that way i dont waste my time with players that refuse to gain f-all

for w.e reason when fired or sold these very stagnant players develop in other teams yet for some reason dont at my club even though they get more playing time and more games. its just utter bullshit

there are professional 19-20 year old in the real football with high talent and already developed. just had enough now really. 1-2 seasons for any change ? yeh ok see you in another 4 months ffs how long has it been now ? ive been quiet about this for too long and im blowing up about it now. im sorry if i offend anyone. but this shit needs to be said. at least i think it does

end of rant <3


January 16, 2013 08:58

639 posts(s)



Did you add this to your to do list?


January 15, 2013 02:16

828 posts(s)


January 14, 2013 10:42

116 posts(s)


Las Malvinas son para nosotros!




January 14, 2013 08:27

828 posts(s)


the Falklands belong to ENGLAND !!!


January 14, 2013 00:41

116 posts(s)


Hey guys!

We need help with Argentina.

The country have alot of spots to play libertadores and sulamericana, but didnt have players enough.

Do you want play libertadores da america, sulamericana?!

Comes to Argentina.

Lets show to the “brazilians” who is the better!!

Come on, we waiting for you.


January 13, 2013 01:46

1,003 posts(s)



I can’t guarantee I will get to it very fast, as I had other things in mind… For example the new player evolution model, adjustments to the formation screen so it would work on tablets, more achievements, finally invest more time and take the newspaper to a new level, a simplified and limited mobile UI… So much to do and so little time :)


January 13, 2013 00:22

4,303 posts(s)



Yes, a little bit. We have agreed this can be done initially as a “rebuild mode” option for the manager. I’m focused on the economy changes, now you can harass Danilo and get him to implement this :-D


January 13, 2013 00:20

4,303 posts(s)



The first link seems pretty good, BK. They even used the same source as us for the map and flags :-D


January 11, 2013 12:18

301 posts(s)


all the teams i’ve taken weren’t formed to begin with, they’ve all been bottom dwellers with less than 2mil$ in the bank. but i’m pretty sure i’ll give england a try at some point :)