If you just want to not receive almost any email from rubysoccer, the best option would be to uncheck the “want to receive emails” flag on both dimensions, in your manager settings screen.
Now, if you just want to quit for good and be completely removed from our database, please send us an email. What we will do is ban your user and erase your email from our database. admins at rubysoccer.
Nod. (Just increasing my post count, Gabriel has too many posts.) :D
i was not available too… guess it is time to think about a new server. will see our options.
Will put that in our history. Let me open a bug to track that…
About 2., I will implement it, when possible. Thanks for reporting
i’ve included this one in the small package i’ve just released… enjoy!
Hey Onions, I will see what I can do tomorrow… Just released an enh package, have to sleep now :). But thanks for reporting.
A small package of improvements for your fun:
- detailed history for team and manager (BETA) – you have the option to see all player transfers in manager/team history
- uses blue template instead of red – in a near future will enable you guys to select a color
- don’t have to exit/enter dimension to change from miniature to non-miniature layout
- fix flag positions for non miniature layout
- simplify list of files to be downloaded in every screen refresh (faster load time)
- add links to some history table parts. still have more places where links could be added…
- the history sort is now smarter. it has more criteria to be able to organize events that happened in the same turn
I’ve changed everybody to use the expanded layout. Whoever wants to use the miniature layout should go to the manager settings screen and change it manually. The reason being we think the expanded layout is more intuitive for first comers to the new layout.
Siqueira, you should consider switching to the non-miniature layout. Go to your manager settings screen, switch it and please let us know if you find that one simpler for you.
that is the major problem with statistics… we have collected opinions from people around us, who preferred the miniature layout. But now some cry babies like Ulisses will start whining here. lol, kidding guys. Well, it is like Gabriel said, you can change from one to the other with very few clicks. Also, about the color: we will add the option to choose whatever color you want for the header. :)
and do blame Franca for the newspaper, I asked him to work on that screen and he did not have time to do it. :D
just to clarify that some things were only “ported” to the new layout, without adjustments. those will come next. the newspaper is a good example of this situation.
I would also like to add that you have 2 options of layout. If you go to your manager settings screen, you can remove the miniature layout and use an expanded layout version.
Dot, you are not being ignored. We just couldn’t make in time to analyze your situation: our rule was to never rollback the transaction if another team already had the player hired. That is it, and it is for you and everyone else here. But don’t worry, we are already making arrangements to avoid any other problems in the future. http://www.rubysoccer.com/forums/5/topics/1237
muito estranho Cleithon, voce é o primeiro a reportar esse tipo de problema. Acontece de todos os computadores que voce tenta, ou voce so usa um?
Lince, nossa preocupacao também é não deixar as pessoas que nao estao jogando direito “esburacar” o time onde elas estão, senão depois fica dificil alguem querer gerenciar o time – por um bom tempo. Vejo como urgente a board não deixar que os melhores jogadores sejam perdidos ou demitidos tão facilmante, para evitar novos problemas do tipo. Ou algum outro tipo de solucao. Vou falar com o Gabriel e vamos ver o que podemos pensar.
when it comes to admin decisions we always have to consider 2 main things:
1. justice
2. fun
one cannot be without the other, at least not in rubysoccer. we do our best to fulfill both, and that is one example of decision that tried to do that. Arminia lost 3 players, 2 of them were not rolled back – because they were hired by other teams.
Cleithon, de que bug voce está falando…?
i have rolled it back. also sent a warning to the manager, he did let one of his best players go.
half. :D
There is something you guys can do to help diminish this frustration… Pass the word to everyone you know about rubysoccer, and maybe someday we will be able to work full time on it :D.
Because in the way it is right now, we are sacrificing a couple pizzas per month to have it running.
It really depends on some factors, like the availability of the players for that moment and the attributes they have. Sorry for the long absence, I expect to be back now… :) Had some very tough time in work, recently.
I dont think you would want to trade it, after you see what we are talking about…
it will be big, that we guarantee…
is it better now?
The idea is that, after approval, you cant delete or change it anymore. But you can send a message to us so we can edit it :D. I will take care of this one…
@Vaughn: I am on a tough week at work. Will get back to this as soon as possible.
I thought about that. But that could make the newspaper a pain to read :). Or maybe not, lets see.
Nicky, we do know that the match engine needs to be tweaked, and it will. But random is the wrong word to qualify its current state. If that was true a lot of stuff would not be in the way they are right know. An example is the ranking. The names on the top of our ranking do not change that much.
Have you ever tried to investigate the different results you get when you have the same tactic X against each one of the possible tactics the adversaries can choose? It is not just a matter of team A winning against B and then losing to C, which lost to B recently.