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2nd anniversary treat?

Subscribe to 2nd anniversary treat? 27 post(s), 10 voice(s)


August 13, 2009 21:05

609 posts(s)


[quote Gabriel]We already have a nice 2nd anniversary present…we’re doing our best to give it in time :D[/quote]

So let’s guess what this will be! If i’m right the anniversary is the 29-08-09?


August 14, 2009 11:52

4,300 posts(s)



You’re right about the date. We gave some clues to a few people about the present. I hope you guys like…we like it very much!


August 14, 2009 16:50

1,003 posts(s)



it will be big, that we guarantee…


August 15, 2009 15:59

678 posts(s)


can I trade in my present for ruby dollars? :)


August 15, 2009 18:25

4,300 posts(s)



Of course…NOT! :D


August 15, 2009 23:19

1,003 posts(s)



I dont think you would want to trade it, after you see what we are talking about…


August 25, 2009 11:26

375 posts(s)


Will RS come out of beta and become pay-to-play ? =)))


August 25, 2009 11:34

803 posts(s)


My guesses… :D

1- A new dimension
2- National teams
3- A new dimension with national teams :P


August 25, 2009 13:34

4,300 posts(s)



Should I give a hint? I don’t know…I’ll tell you we’re not going pay-to-play, so Alban is wrong. but you’ll see things in a different way.

You may like it or dislike it, but I doubt anyone will be like “whatever…” :)

Oh, and don’t worry if the treat is not what you were expecting, interesting and big improvements will come before the 3rd anniversary.


August 25, 2009 16:17

7 posts(s)


Already 2nd anniversary? The time pass so fast. National teams will be nice. And I hope new countries because I think that will atracts players from other countries.


August 25, 2009 17:01

651 posts(s)


i didn’t want any fancy improvements…
A simple periodic re-calculation of players “value” would have been a great starting by turn 1 of season 28…


August 25, 2009 17:28

4,300 posts(s)



I plan 3 great enhancements for our next year: match engine reformulation, world cup with clubs and national teams.
About the recalculation, I can certainly work on that soon, it’s not that hard. At least people will stop asking me to recalculate their players value individually :D


August 25, 2009 17:34

14 posts(s)


Danilo, was it worth a burger?


August 25, 2009 22:27

1,003 posts(s)



half. :D


August 26, 2009 13:16

803 posts(s)


Hum… Are gona have a new look?


August 27, 2009 21:48

35 posts(s)


This is just a suggestion, I know that the nest enhancements will be for the anniversary and this is what Gabriel said
“I plan 3 great enhancements for our next year: match engine reformulation, world cup with clubs and national teams.”

But, how about more nations?

If there are more teams added to the game, I think it should be ideal if the decision of what nation to include can be based from the International Federation of Football History & Statistics (IFFHS) this is the latest list of the first 25 National Leagues and the points they received. (IN 2008)

  • Nation already in RS

*1. England 1192,0
*2. Italia 1031,0
*3. Argentina 1020,0
*4. España 952,0
*5. Brasil 942,0
*6. Deutschland 922,0
*7. France 847,0
8. México 683,0
*9. Portugal 649,5
10. Ukraina 620,0
11. Türkiye 599,0
12. Greece 597,5
*13. Nederland 573,0
14. Chile 564,5
15. Perú 553,5
16. Colombia 553,0
*17. Russia 549,5
18. Danmark 546,5
19. Belgique 536,5
20. Scotland 527,5
21. România 472,0
*22. Uruguay 466,5
*23. Paraguay 463,0
24. Ecuador 444,0
25. Česká Republika 439,0

As you can see 8 of the first 10 leagues are in Ruby Soccer. I personally think that we need more Nations from America, not just South America but also North and Central America. To even out the competitions, (because as we all know, with only 4 nations in SA Brazil will always be the best.:-\ ) (Even though South America belongs to CONMEBOL and North America belongs to CONCACAF.)


August 28, 2009 01:11

4,300 posts(s)



More nations will be constantly added, Jesus. Our plan is to add all South American and European nations before including other continents. Of course we may change our mind ;)

Interesting list, Turkey and Greece are already in our plans, I see Ukraine is a good candidate as well.


August 28, 2009 09:26

678 posts(s)


when do we get our anniversary treat? :)


August 28, 2009 10:29

4,300 posts(s)



Hopefully today, even though the right date is tomorrow we don’t wanna have to fix any bugs during the weekend :D


August 28, 2009 11:57

651 posts(s)


that will be great:)


August 28, 2009 16:58

4,300 posts(s)



Did you guys like it? :)


August 28, 2009 17:36

803 posts(s)


AhAH my 4th guess was right :D It looks great Gabriel, it is slower than the old one (at least in my pc) but I guess you are still working on that, I like it more without the miniatures, the menus are great.

Happy birthday to us :D


August 28, 2009 17:49

14 posts(s)


Thanks Filipe, anyways we are working on the rough edges of the layout.. and probably will be for the next few months ;)

I told them the miniature layout is evil, but they won’t listen ;) Nevertheless we’d like the users to have more options, initially we also had a third layout option called “Tiny”, which might be added at a later date.

PS: I didn’t do the newspaper part, don’t blame me guys


August 28, 2009 17:50

651 posts(s)


first impression is great… will keep posting gradually about my thoughts……


August 28, 2009 17:59

678 posts(s)


so…what did we get then? :) Did I miss something? :)


August 28, 2009 18:15

1,003 posts(s)



just to clarify that some things were only “ported” to the new layout, without adjustments. those will come next. the newspaper is a good example of this situation.


August 28, 2009 18:17

1,003 posts(s)



and do blame Franca for the newspaper, I asked him to work on that screen and he did not have time to do it. :D

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