Recent Posts by Jose Rocha

Subscribe to Recent Posts by Jose Rocha 123 posts(s) found

November 10, 2011 11:52

123 posts(s)


I forgot to mention that i,m talking about mediumticker…, not so much time…


November 10, 2011 11:29

123 posts(s)


I,m following some managers that surpeended me, because i wanted to buy one player, some time ago, and looking at his story, finded a very strange think between them, and i waited about 3 weeks, or more, before i,m be sure about what i,m posting here.
The managers Murilo Heitor, Arthur Quaresma, Andre Knupp and Ge Junior, at least, they starting managing a Team “on vacation”. Sometimes they go there make some transfers, and when logout, continuous “on vacation”. ALL the times. How can one guy manage a team “on vacation”, jus buying or selling players. And they change a lot of teams.
Yes, because, they sometimes are 10 or more days “on vacation”. When log in, it,s just to buy or selling players. I put this here, because many transfers smell like “cheating”.

Jose Rocha


June 12, 2011 05:43

123 posts(s)


I played soccersim, almost from the begining. I was the bad guy that many times was fire for bad words. Now i,m almost 52, and need some rest….. But i,m loving RS…Hoppe all you enjoy too….


February 14, 2011 13:21

123 posts(s)


Danilo/Gabriel, o meu amigo Nuno Rodrigues, nao consegue fazer o login porque perdeu o e-mail, e nao consegue a password.
Como tu dissetes, isso seria possivel atraves do Facebook. Mas parece que tu nao vais la’. Aqui vai o paste do post dele no FB. Obrigado

“Nuno Rodrigues Caro Admin, Eu tenho uma conta no RubySoccer e desde que mudaram as passwords eu nunca mais consegui entrar na minha conta. Atraves de uns amigos soube que mandaram as novas passwords para os emails. O meu problema e que eu ja nao me lembro do meu email antigo. Assim venho pedir que me mande a password do Username: “nuno1976”, para o meu email actual: Obrigado"
Friday at 5:37pm · LikeUnlike ·


December 05, 2009 15:09

123 posts(s)


Sure. The problem is why the managers do that…They manage a team too…………….
Another suggestion. 3 official games, must be just in league games, because if the team must play the league, cup, international cups, impossible use the same team (players) in all the competitions.
Think about it Gabriel, because with managers that want their loaned players dont loose games with no stamina, what we can say…(poor guys) – (not managers for sure).
At least, not play 6 official games. Normal 9 games, or more, if the team play in all the competitions….


December 05, 2009 05:30

123 posts(s)


How is possible that people put players to loan with so much lower stamina (have some that have 3!!!)and the minimum offical games that cannot play are only 3 games? It,s crazy.
I suggest that one loaned player that have less than 92 or 93 stamina, dont count for loosing official games.



April 04, 2009 11:39

123 posts(s)


Hey Stephen……
Do you remember Jose Rocha?
From soccersim…sure
Just to tell you that i dindnt change my opinion/mind about you…
“Good luck”

Jose Rocha


February 07, 2008 14:13

123 posts(s)


Why nobody apply for Getafe (FastTicker) Almost 40 millions in the bank


February 07, 2008 05:15

123 posts(s)


Sorry, What i wanted to say was “A game (rubysoccer) is not just lucky”
Because we already spent a lot of time improved our team, and now….lottery, again, because already reseted all the games
Cannot allways change the rules,because someone not happy (my case now). But i realy got a good team, before this
Now looking at my team, and the future…..see that blake


February 07, 2008 05:03

123 posts(s)


Well, last night, because here in Macau holidays (chinese new year) i was a little drunk:0
But know and paying attention to the improvements (L,C,R sides) i cannot agree with the way (randoom, sort, lotery,etc) that was made
Because in that way, many strong teams will turn in weak teams
Why? Just because the lucky?
One game, not just lucky
Its my opinion


February 06, 2008 17:14

123 posts(s)


For example, i used to put my best defender in the center, and now he is left, the other is right, the other bad player is Center
So, what i do? I had a good team, now….i have nathing
Why you didnt wait for the next season?
I dont agree, But ok, this is a free game


February 06, 2008 17:05

123 posts(s)


Good improvement
For the others, because my team runed very good before this
Tomorrow, i will try to understand, but for now,,,,maybe good for the others


February 06, 2008 09:11

123 posts(s)




January 30, 2008 14:45

123 posts(s)


It,s possible in a nearly future the teams have coaches?
Tired to play friendlys (not to many now, and dont want) to develop the players


January 30, 2008 01:42

123 posts(s)


Yes, i dont know if help, but its happen that many times, too much times lately, many keepers are getting rating 10


January 27, 2008 12:08

123 posts(s)


Filipe….“..prevent this to happen again…..” happen what. Nathing is happening
Are you one of that managers that wasted all the money, and now want to take back the money that you wasted off?
Redution of stadium, is not a solution, because the players are asking a lot of money to renew their contracts
My player,s wages are about 150.000 a week, for example, and with a 10.000 seats stadium..means bankrupt, soon or later
Now the maintenance coast more than one friendly
No one reason the guys that are complain about it….


January 27, 2008 06:28

123 posts(s)


One of some solutions is that ALL the stadiuns be full in all season games
Why dont try it?


January 27, 2008 05:22

123 posts(s)


I just know one think:
Reduce the stadium to 10.000, will make many many managers go to bankrupt, and not fair, and i think the game will die
Many poor clubs, just are poors, because their managers. Why the "rich one,s must pay for it?? That,s all


January 23, 2008 22:51

123 posts(s)


Allways this message:

“RubySoccer System Error
Oops! It looks like there was an error”

Two Company’s????


January 23, 2008 12:05

123 posts(s)


I have the same problem:) But i lost the game:)


January 20, 2008 02:52

123 posts(s)


when you put Macau (or Macao – RAEM), near Hong Kong in the list of countrys that can use credit card?
If not, how can i help, for the new plan? Or this one? That is not good, beccause still ticking:)


January 18, 2008 13:24

123 posts(s)


Txs, because its very hard playing now
Its free, yes, but when we adicted, have one important game, and cannot login, its crazy
Hope you kepp this normal, because i cannot help
Faster, please


January 11, 2008 23:00

123 posts(s)


Seems that it,s very clear that was cheating
If a least he bought the players for a fair price, would be cheating, but not so obvious
In this way not fair for the other teams (mangers)
Strong squad and big bank account
This need to be punished
At least, reversing the transfers, its the minimum required
My opinion


January 11, 2008 07:00

123 posts(s)


Sorry, this is a free game, and i cannot help, because living in Macau, and cannot be a donator
But, the ticks beying taken long time to load
Many times, very slow, and sometimes the page break, cannot do nathing
My connection is very fast, but like i said, this is a free (and beta) game, so, something wrong?
Thanks, this post its just because i,m enjoying the game, and many times “need to go to bed”, but need to spend a long time, because very slow
My fault, or…….



December 19, 2007 07:02

123 posts(s)


sorry, perfomance………..more or less


December 19, 2007 07:01

123 posts(s)


And Levante had more shots than the opponent
The GK,s here, same with a bad keeping, are greats against better FW,s
Please take a look at the amount of penaltys in the game and the GK,s permomance


December 19, 2007 06:52

123 posts(s)


Levante x Real Murcia – medium ticker, Levante loosed 4-0
5 penaltys against Levante and just one yellow card!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The games have too much penalty kiks – and just almost 50% sucefull
Something wrong here, because usually the games just decided from penalty kiks at another competitions, not in the league


December 13, 2007 23:42

123 posts(s)


Means “Great decision” :)


December 07, 2007 21:22

123 posts(s)


I think that the maximum number of players would be 30, not counting the youth players
This, because in real life is almost the same
Well, big/top teams have more, but loaned to other teams
Top real teams, that are playing for all the competitions have about 25/28 players, because the cards, injuries, tactics, and so one,,,
When have 30 players, if want to sign a youth, must free transfer one from the squad first.
My opinion


November 25, 2007 09:01

123 posts(s)


Sorry for this post
Danilo, talking about what? “democracy”??
I,m anarchist, just in my mind…..
I just will be democrat, whith a gun into my pocket
Anarchist??? Just with a machin gun:))
But no problem, because i have no guns
So, dont worry
Politic, just important for those who earn money, with that
And, because i dont like money…playing this game
And like it………………..:)