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February 16, 2019 00:17

4,285 posts(s)



I have recently added the option to only return transfer listed players within your transfer budget, does that help? Or maybe you are interested in filtering by estimated value for non listed players, so you can plan your forced transfers?


February 15, 2019 23:49

57 posts(s)


Maybe adding a scout’s ability to search for estimated value.

Greater than x
Less than x
Between x and x

Estimated value is a value we can all see on every player already, so it would be a valuable tool for scouts to weed out players that would be out of the budgets of lower level teams. Like mine haha


February 12, 2019 21:10

4,285 posts(s)



Another very close poll about player wage reduction, these are the results:

38% – Do not allow wage reduction
26% – Lower the amount that can be reduced on renewal
32% – No change
4% – No answer

It will take some time for any rule changes to take effect as we need to make sure CPU teams are not adversely impacted as well as managers who “inherit” big wages when joining a club.


February 12, 2019 21:01

4,285 posts(s)



I only checked averages on a specific competition, not overall season average across all competitions played.


February 12, 2019 20:25

639 posts(s)



I thought I didn’t see a lot of 9+ averages in the world team of the season, but I guess it’s more common than I expected. Still strange that no one wanted to buy him.


February 12, 2019 12:03

4,285 posts(s)



There are 11 players in FastTicker that have played at least 7 matches in the same competition this season that have an avg rating better than Dennis. Still, a very impressive performance!


February 12, 2019 09:07

639 posts(s)



Gabriel, do you know if Dennis Bakker (who I kept because people didn’t want to buy him, even for a cheap price) is the best player of the game currently with 9.01 average?


February 12, 2019 03:08

57 posts(s)


This is a great idea.


February 12, 2019 01:46

4,285 posts(s)



In fact the requirement is to play in a country at least 3 positions above his home for example if an English player in FastTicker has that requirement he can play in any of the first 11 countries (England is currently in 14th place). Of course that for players born in the top 6 countries that means they have to play in the top 3.

That said, I’m willing to change these fixed steps to something more dynamic, where players can still improve even if playing in your team, but would improve much faster if other requirements were satisfied. While that is not done, a simpler solution would be what Dimitri proposed (to have a step that benefits lower ranked countries) as well as relax the existing step a little bit to allow for top 6 countries or any country above the player native country.


February 11, 2019 23:49

639 posts(s)



Add ‘This player needs to play outside the top 3 countries’. Problem solved?

(instead of ‘man of the match’ would be my wish)


February 11, 2019 22:33

803 posts(s)


Juan Morán won’t renew contract, he’s mad at me :(

Will go for the best offer, take a look:


February 11, 2019 22:21

57 posts(s)


“This player needs to play for a team in the top 3 countries.”

There are elite players in more than just 3 countries in real life. There’s 7-8 top tier leagues. I really really hate that in order to be the best you have to be either Spain, Brazil or Portugal. So managers go there, and the other leagues remain empty, and underdeveloped.

I suggest increasing this requirement to the top 7-8, at LEAST.

I get that low leagues won’t develop top tier talent, but getting your country into the top 3 is actually impossible. Giving them a chance to get into the 7th or 8th spot is at least possible, and would create competition.

If the game were much much larger then top 3 would work better, but right now, it’s 3 massive leagues and then 1 or 2 managers in the rest.


February 08, 2019 06:35

4,285 posts(s)



Yeah, I guess the question was a bit simplistic, but I always try to get straight to a specific point with them as there is not a lot of room for explanations. Even if we change that little thing there is certainly a lot of room for improvement in terms of player contract negotiation and what you mentioned in terms of having different wage and contract length expectations at different ages is definitely one of them.


February 08, 2019 05:21

228 posts(s)


the vote was interesting, I would say that players who are 36+ should not be expecting wages the same as they got in their prime. Significantly less wages, and 1 or 2 year contracts.


February 07, 2019 21:07

803 posts(s)


Juan Morán 96+2 worse class – 70M

Darren Carpenter 94 – 12 M

Evaristo Hernandes 93+3 international cups – 15M


January 24, 2019 01:15

14 posts(s)


Ok, obrigado pela atenção. Vou verificar.


January 23, 2019 22:37

639 posts(s)



Pedro Ferreira, age 31

He has only 83 average but is cheap and has

Plays better in international cups (+3)


January 23, 2019 22:35

639 posts(s)



And João Vargas, A-player, age 29

87 average with 98 speed.

Plays better against teams with a class better than his team (+3)


January 23, 2019 22:31

639 posts(s)



Another good player for sale: Federico Haedo, age 30.

92 passing, 87 average.
Plays better against teams with a class better than his team (+3)


January 23, 2019 20:50

4,285 posts(s)



Sobre os investimentos olhei seu histórico financeiro e eles estão zerados no mínimo desde a temporada 83, não foram zerados agora. É possível aumentar os investimentos mas o primeiro deles tem que ser o HQ (Sede), nenhum dos outros pode ficar com nível acima desse. Se não estiver conseguindo aumentar o nível da sede me avise que posso te ajudar.

Sobre o algoritmo não é questão de estar certo ou errado, é apenas uma tentativa do jogo de se moldar aos atributos que estão sendo valorizados pelos managers no momento. Os pesos de cada atributo pra cada posição são recalibrados toda temporada e isso pode gerar essa variação de classe dos jogadores e time. Concordo que seu time tem desempenho muito melhor do que teria um time D, de fato o algoritmo está longe de ser perfeito mas na média não tem errado por muito, espero que essa temporada tenha sido uma exceção (ou então é mérito seu de levar um time em teoria mais fraco a bons resultados) ;-)


January 23, 2019 16:40

5 posts(s)


Todos os itens do investimento estão zerados. Como pode isto?


January 23, 2019 16:39

5 posts(s)


Desculpe mas continuo achando que esse algorítmo deve estar com algum problema pq o time tem ótimo desempenho com jogadores muito melhores do que times de classe D e sem possibilidade de alterar os investimentos todos zerados.


January 23, 2019 10:40

4,285 posts(s)



Olá David,

No começo de cada temporada o jogo recalibra o cálculo da qualidade dos jogadores pra uma determinada dimensão além de recalcular as classes deles e dos times, baseado na força relativa da equipe com relação a todas as outras. São levados em conta apenas os 11 jogadores que o jogo consideraria titulares e mais uns poucos “reservas”. Dei uma olhada na sua equipe e imagino que ela seja considerada mais “fraca” porque seus jogadores não têm bons atributos secundários, embora sejam muito bons nos atributos principais.

Quanto a nível de treinadores no zero basta aumentar o nível do headquarters (sede) primeiro, nenhum outro investimento pode ter nível maior do que o da sede.


January 23, 2019 10:19

5 posts(s)


Meu time foi rebaixado para classe D e nivel de técnico ZERO sem possibilidade de aumento.

As finanças estão regulares e o time foi vice campeão, com muito bons jogadores.

Isso foi um erro do sistema???


January 23, 2019 08:53

637 posts(s)


Solis — D — age 24 — tac 96

Peralto — M — + 2 in international matches
Tac 84 pas 89 sho 84

Rabassa — M — tac 85 pas 93

Isco — M — +3 in international matches
Pas 90 sho 83 spe 94 ctr 95

Domene — M — +3 against teams a class worser
Tac 86 pas 89 sho 80 dri 94 hea 94

Civelli — D — avg 88
Tac 93 spe 89 dri 92 ctr 93

Marinelli — avg 88


January 21, 2019 14:04

803 posts(s)


Hi, many players for sale at Liverpool (English 2nd Division at the moment)

Take a look and fell free to ask coach reports or traits for any of them.

Most players in transfer list still with good potential (92+)



January 20, 2019 00:03

4,285 posts(s)



Added report age and proper sorting, hope you guys like it ;-)


January 19, 2019 23:03

4,285 posts(s)



Improved the player tooltip in the formations screen. It now contains the player’s pressure handling and traits. In addition to that the skills are shown in the same order as in other game screens.


January 17, 2019 09:22

639 posts(s)



There are not many better players for B-teams though. It’s true that you cannot use him all games (for full effectiveness), but the same counts for players with reasonable/poor pressure handling.

Also 8.36 avg rating this season so far.


January 16, 2019 23:50

4,285 posts(s)



It is a decent player for B teams or lower I think. I agree there aren’t that many with the same characteristics available, but maybe those who could use the player would rather try to invest in younger ones that could become even better than yours? Or maybe it’s just that not everyone checks the forums :-)