A Global List Of Players

Subscribe to A Global List Of Players 4 post(s), 3 voice(s)


April 07, 2019 22:25

57 posts(s)


What would be amazing & kind of awesome would be a way of browsing the entire list of players in a country, or continent or even the game.

I get that scouts are there to find players with stats, but I don’t use them (and don’t think any others do) other than to find players with good potential.

We can already look at individual teams, national team etc and sort them by specific skills, value, anything. It would be nice to just have a list of ALL players.

They could be listed by nationality, or by current league, or by country etc.


April 07, 2019 23:19

4,303 posts(s)



I do feel that would help a lot and agree that scouts are mostly used for finding players with good potential rather than established players. I’ve always thought there is some merit in browsing the lists trying to find suitable players for your team, but it does take a lot of time and some people just can’t afford it. I’m sure some managers will still defend separate lists as we have today, but lately I’m more and more inclined to have some kind of search centre or at least more global lists as you mentioned.


April 08, 2019 23:32

68 posts(s)


What would be good and useful would be if we could take freelisted players on trial for say 6-8 turns and during that time be able to get a coaching report on them to see if they are of any use to you.


April 09, 2019 00:15

4,303 posts(s)



That is an interesting idea and a good alternative to allowing scout reports for specific players, even though the scout option is easier to implement.