Hi, I was thinking since it takes 3-6 turns to complete a transfer, the earlier you register your interest in a player the more tickets you should be given. Not a lot more but some because you have shown interest as soon as the player is transfer listed instead of a bid at the last moment.
Any opinion on this?
(I haven t lost out on any player, it’s just an idea)
I have mixed feelings about this one. The 3 turns wait time is there to allow more people to have the time to find players that are being transferred and the new ticket system made it less important to make a last minute bid as high wages do not guarantee you are getting the player. This change would have a positive effect of rewarding those that are online more often (which is good for us) but could have a negative effect on those who like the game but can’t be online as often.
Yeah I understand, I see both sides. I thought it would be an interesting idea.