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November 20, 2011 13:41

803 posts(s)


I think the idea of having a ranking for loyal and older managers is good but mostly for other decisions in the team, older and loyal managers should have more free to fire, list below or higher price margins etc… For the clubs manager choise is of low interest, we rarely see more than one person applying for the same team and there are lots of good teams without managers in the game…

Just as an observation, very funny to be you making this suggestion, who would say lol


November 20, 2011 12:23

45 posts(s)


I think managers who have long time in a club should have some privilege. Look at Europe today, we have managers with 20 years in a club, even though the jobs are always challenged, quite different from what occurs in Brazil. this should be taken into account when choosing a club yes.


November 20, 2011 11:15

803 posts(s)


The board doesnt allow them to leave because they are the best players in the team. No matter how much time you are managing the team, we all have to deal with that so its not just your board cursing you :P

Improvements on the managers reputation and its uses are planed but as all improvements in the game they require the free time of the developers, so I dont think we can be here demanding imediate changes… What you can do is try to find ways to resolve your problem, there is a simple way to do that and I’ve talked about it before in a topic just like this, the one you should read before posting…


November 20, 2011 10:49

47 posts(s)


Hello everybody,

I have an excel tab where I report all the informations on the players of my team and I noticed that since the begining of the season, the value of ALL players (even the youth players) has been constantly decreesing, whether the players are gaining skills or not …
Could this be a bug or is it on purpose by the administators to lower the players value ?
In fast ticker it seems to be normal as the players value is still growing.


November 20, 2011 09:04

123 posts(s)


I,m managing this team about more than 10 seasons!!!!!!!!
The board are rewning contracts with players, that i dont want (last season, and this one).
What is this????
Yes, in this game, for so many years managing the same team, this is a shit.
Sorry for the bad word.


November 20, 2011 08:57

609 posts(s)


Maybe the longer you are in the game the less chance you get on getting fired in a new club? :D


November 19, 2011 23:11

4,300 posts(s)



Currently reputation is only related to cheating or suspicious activities. I agree loyal managers and those playing for a long time should have some preference when applying for a new club. I like the idea of including such attributes in the manager information page.


November 19, 2011 16:08

637 posts(s)


Some young talents on the transferlist in Malaga. They’re all improving and certainly could have a great future in every team.
I sell them because I need new youths on other positions.

Take a look:

Be quick before a CPU team buys them!


November 18, 2011 21:29

4,300 posts(s)



All done. Seven accounts banned, Heleno fired and reputation reduced. I haven’t had much time lately to read the forums and do the housekeeping here so I really appreciate all the help :-)



November 18, 2011 16:00

803 posts(s)


Gabriel needs to confirm the conclusions we got, that requires time and he probably hasn’t got the time to do that… He has been around few times lately and for very short time so just be patient, the cheaters will be punished sooner or later…


November 18, 2011 15:31

123 posts(s)


My first post about this, was already one week ago, and nothing happen. So, sorry to the cheater.


November 18, 2011 12:29

51 posts(s)


But that’s just a reputation and nothing what Imortal is suggesting. Unless reputation takes into consideration the time at the club, time in the game….etc


November 18, 2011 12:10

123 posts(s)


Yes, but they use the holliday mode, just to make business, and ruin other teams. And they continue active. Nobody fire them. Cheating its not fair. I love this game, and hope that many people will enjoy this.


November 18, 2011 11:29

609 posts(s)


There is already a ranking system in the game: “reputation”.


November 17, 2011 22:49

32 posts(s)


lil TWEAKED trans

Hello, I would like to give my contribution to the game by improving the way teams choose their trainers. It could be added next to the Status tab with a ranking of the coach, which would appear like some kind of a part of the current classification. In this new classification coaches would be distributed according to the time they are in the game (by season). For example, Novice, Amateur, Aspiring, Professional, Teacher and Legend, and another with the average length of stay in the same club. These two new classifications would be used by teams to tie-break when there is more than one coach applying for the same position. For example, a Novice, that had been on a single club, would beat an Amateur who took over more clubs in the same period. This would avoid the constant “escape” of coaches from one club to another, causing them to stay for longer periods in the same club. Thus, his reputation would be worn out, making good teams choose coaches with rankings worse than his, but with a history of longevity in their former clubs. It is what happens in today’s football.

What do you think of this idea?


November 17, 2011 14:21

301 posts(s)



Hello, I would give my contribution to the game to improve the way teams choose their trainers. Could be added next to the Status tab with a ranking of the coach, which would appear a kind of part of the current classification. In this new classification technicians would be distributed according to the time they are in the game (in season). For example, Novice, Amateur, Aspiring, professional, teacher and legend. And another with the average length of stay in the same club. These two new classifications would be used by teams to tie-breaker when it has more of a coach applying for the same position. For example, a Novato, who had been alone in a club, a gain of Amador who took over a club in the same period. Thus, we avoid the “escape” of technicians constantly a club to another, causing them to stay for a longer period in the same club. So his reputation would be eroded, making good coaches chose teams with ranking worse than his, but with a history of longevity in their former clubs. What would happen is now in football.

What do you think of this idea?


November 16, 2011 12:00

803 posts(s)


My players are being sold well mostly to CPU teams, as this new CPUs are masters in predicting the future you may want to check my team for more opportunities, the robot masters dont like 22-23 y.o players with small improvements so I need you humans to buy them, they are as good or more promising as the younger ones, my guarantee!

PS: The goalie Quadros is not on the guarantee thing, I just want to get rid of him, he’s still improving though so if you believe he can became great, by all means take him :D


November 16, 2011 11:20

609 posts(s)


November 16, 2011 11:19

609 posts(s)


You go of holiday mode when you enter the game dimension, but you can set it back to holiday mode when you done your business. It’s good for ppl who don’t wanne watch every day in the game, but i think it’s being abused atm.


November 16, 2011 06:31

28 posts(s)


Sales time at Tottenham Hotspur, England.
Oldies on sale for an attractive price, have a look


November 15, 2011 19:44

22 posts(s)


Selling a world class 24 years old D RC with 96 tackling 88 speed and 83 heading. Take a look.


November 15, 2011 12:13

123 posts(s)


And the 4 managers that i mencioned that was all the time on vacation, but stil active in make transfers, still on vacation. But have 2 more that are on vacation, and used to negotiate with the same guy (the master mind). So, we have now 6 manages that transfered players with Heleno Ribeiro, that still all on vacation.


November 15, 2011 11:35

803 posts(s)


Already a few players sold, several others listed, the same principle, players that can become top class when fully improved… We cant know for sure they will, but you wont find any other team selling players with the same probability this ones have… A secure deal for cheap money, I need the money, you’ll have a nice player or a superstar for no risk :D


November 15, 2011 07:25

15 posts(s)


They might not win, but they sure fuck up the transfers/ money flow in the game.


November 14, 2011 23:13

45 posts(s)


Ola, gostaria de dar minha contribuição ao jogo para melhorar a maneira como as equipes escolhem seus treinadores. Poderia ser acrescentado junto ao Ranking uma aba com Status do treinador, onde apareceria um tipo de classificação a parte da atual. Nessa nova classificação os técnicos seriam distribuídos de acordo com o tempo que estão no jogo(em temporadas). Por exemplo, Novato, Amador, Aspirante, profissional, mestre e lenda. E uma outra com o tempo médio de permanência em um mesmo clube. Essas duas novas classificações, seriam usadas pelos times para critério de desempate quando este tiver mais de um treinador se candidatando ao mesmo cargo. Por exemplo, um Novato, que tivesse ficado só em um clube, ganharia de um Amador que ficou em mais de um clube em um mesmo período. Assim, evitaríamos a “fuga” de técnicos constantemente de um clube ao outro, fazendo com que os mesmos ficassem por um período maior num mesmo clube. Assim sua reputação seria desgastada, fazendo com que boas equipes escolhessem treinadores com ranking pior que o dele, mas com um histórico de longevidade em seus antigos clubes. É o que acontesse hoje no futebol.

O que acham dessa ideia?


November 14, 2011 19:58

301 posts(s)


ya i assum ethey do it to just screw with everyone… not sure though but it seems to me cheaters don’t always win… just seems to me that the managers that play fair are the ones that win most of the time.


November 14, 2011 19:13

803 posts(s)


I dont know if it possible to block an IP adress or a network from the game so unless that is possible the best option we have is still fire the cheater and keep an eye on him, if we ban his account than for sure he can start a new one and starting cheating again without us knowing who he is… At least this way we keep an eye on the guy, if he cheats again we fire him again, it will be easier as we know were he is…

I sometimes think this people cheat simply because they like it… Just for the “fun” of screwing everyone else playing fair, its the smart-ass factor lol


November 14, 2011 17:50

301 posts(s)


lets be realistic here filipe. we both kn ow this person will create another account right away and perhaps wait a few weeks/months before cheating again…

i don’t want to put anyone down or anything, but i still find it ridiculous that people cheat in a free web based game lol! its just so pathetic…


November 14, 2011 16:15

803 posts(s)


We figured that too Paulo, all the accounts were identified as cheaters, we now only have to wait for Gabriel to fire/ban them, probably only heleno ribeiro will keep the account, fired from the team and have a reputation lost, its better to know he’s a cheater and keep an eye on him than ban him so he can start a new account (one we dont know)


November 14, 2011 15:37

123 posts(s)


Yes, sure. Heleno Ribeiro is the master mind of this. It,s very clear.