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January 23, 2011 13:22

678 posts(s)


Let Danillo reply to this topic and try and shed some light on this matter. Or perhaps Gabriel can say some things. I must admit, I’ve been amazed at his “finding skills” aswell. I always felt I had a good grasp of “what to look for”, but Tigre makes me feel I’m still playing in the amateurs division, while he’s playing with the pro’s :)


January 22, 2011 11:39

803 posts(s)


Updated the sold players records in this page, most of the players we sold are still developing and probably will become superstars. We have two defenders for sale now. Both of them I believe have potential to be world best, for that reason the prices wont change much, its up to you to know if I am the kind of manager who fools other managers or the kind that you can trust every time you want to make a deal…


January 21, 2011 18:19

299 posts(s)


I think what amacb is saying needs serious addressing here. If players at Tigre keep improving beyond the age of 30, when it has been said without a doubt that growth stops at 30 no matter what, then there’s smth wrong going one way or another.
This whole Tigre story has gone on far too long, the reason being, IMO, that the team plays in South America. If the equivalent of Tigre would have happened in Europe, ppl would have been more aware.


January 21, 2011 16:22

241 posts(s)


I remember a topic like that, but maybe there is more to it than “knowing the ins and outs” . I repeat my first question. read the following from developers and then look at this retiring guy skills.

“Every 12 turns an old player may lose 1 point in a particular skill, the older the player the higher the chance of losing the point. The odds are 10% * (player age – 30), so a 31 years old players has 10% of chance of losing 1 point every 12 turns, a 35 years old has 50%, a 40 years old has 100%. "


January 21, 2011 15:23

678 posts(s)


This topic was already adressed by Dhimiter Gjodede. He pointed out that the succes rate of Tigre was 60+%. So more then half of ALL the players he bought became stars. Not just stars….but “The best in the game” in there position.

This manager is the cousin of Danillo. According to Danillo (the god of rubysoccer :P) the only advantage of Tigre was that instead of reading the ins and outs about Ruby on the forum he got them directly from him.


January 21, 2011 11:38

241 posts(s)


Yes guys all players you have mentioned has been improving plus more…looks like sky is the limit for potential growth when it comes to this team.


January 21, 2011 11:15

803 posts(s)


I’ve seen that too in Argentina, Gustavo Klimowicz became some kind of superhero about 3 seasons ago… Maybe we are being unfair but it sure looks strange how mostly every player that passes there become world best.


January 21, 2011 07:54

637 posts(s)


I guess you’re also talking about Diaz. When I bought him a season ago he was 641, now he just improved to a solid 680. It’s just amazing!

The other Tigre player I bought is Virginio Costa. He improved from 628 to 675 but is decreasing skills now.


January 21, 2011 01:08

2 posts(s)


wow, really is something to consider … as I admit have also realized this, it’s amazing how players after going to Tigre they evolve quickly and voluminous.


January 21, 2011 00:01

241 posts(s)


Can somebody explain me how this guy can have 4 solid 100 skills at the age of 38?

I manage Argentinian national team i see old players keep improving with blue colors playing or has played for tigre… i have been observing this for a while and decided to post at last. Not pointing to finger to anybody but something is not right.



January 20, 2011 21:17

241 posts(s)




January 20, 2011 18:11

120 posts(s)



I manage Spain in FT, i would like to see one of the atackers of Geta in the national team, sergio comino,,, he is not on the list, and he is much better than any one on it…..


January 20, 2011 17:27

15 posts(s)


January 19, 2011 17:01

639 posts(s)



The following young players can be loaned for free:

Heron Peres, goalie with 87 keeping
Blasio Rojo, D C, 85 average
Cristian Lobo, DA RC with 85 average
Jan Linssen, A RC with 85 shooting

Conditions: minimum coaching level 8 and they must play most official matches.

To loan a player, go to Netherlands, PSV:


January 19, 2011 14:35

116 posts(s)


Lembrando que aparentemente o técnico do Rio Ave não teve culpa alguma, pois quem prejudicou o campeonato foi o técnico do Belenenses..

Agora se houve algum acordo entre eles.. isso eu não sei e nem posso afirmar nada.

Lince colocou sua equipe completa, pronto pra tentar um grande resultado para ser campeão, já o Bruno colocou a equipe reserva, curiosamente no último jogo da liga, sendo que na 36a rodada enfrentou o Guima, sem chances de ir pra CL e já garantido na EL e manteve o time titular, e da mesma forma manteve o time titular na rodada 37.


January 19, 2011 14:33

116 posts(s)


Link do jogo pra valer entre ambas as equipes

Relatório da Partida
Data: Temporada 49, Turno 33
Competição: SuperLiga
Público: 40031


G Tiago Trindade 9.0
D Iván Caldero 6.4
D Sérgio Franco 4.5
D Ben Sumner 6.0
D Arne Küpper 4.9
M Johannes Pieper 5.3
M Mark Cook 4.6
M Kevin Earl 6.3
M Renato Ufano 7.9
A Fabrice Bernardin 6.8
A Pedro Clareu 6.6

Técnico: Bruno Lamotte
0 × 2
4-4-2 formação 4-4-2
50% posse de bola 50%
18 chutes 25
16 chutes a gol 20
80% passes certos 90%
31% roubadas efetivas 53%
1 escanteios 2
5 impedimentos 7
6 faltas 1

46 min: Negre (a) scores
61 min: Negre (a) scores
Repetição Completa do Jogo

  • = homem do jogo
    Rio Ave

G * Malo Humeau 10.0
D Léo Fortin 7.7
D Lorenzo Maciel 6.8
D Fabián Tiñera 8.1
D Mansour Auvray 8.2
M Víctor Arribas 6.1
M Jean Darmon 8.7
M Jeremias Fraga 10.0
M Pedro Sociedade 7.2
A Jean Negre 9.9
A Gustavo Aguirregaray 6.3

Técnico: Lince Iberico

A diferença é enorme em?


January 18, 2011 16:45

637 posts(s)


I saw the order of the ranking is changed. Is there a sort of weight added in the system?
How is it calculated?

I thought total number of CL/Libertadores but that reasoning stops with F. Michelet and his 5 Libertadores titles.


January 17, 2011 22:43

116 posts(s)


A equipe do Nacional foi completa contra a partida contra o V.Guimarães, já o Belenenses colocou goleiro e zaga reserva e time misto na frente, logo ele não estava tão inativo assim, mas passou.

Como disse o Marcos, isso abre precedentes perigosos, e eu com certeza irei usar isso a meu favor agora caso eu precisar.
Parabéns pelo título.


January 17, 2011 12:38

241 posts(s)




January 17, 2011 00:29

387 posts(s)


Hertha BSC player for loan – Goalie & 2 Attacker


January 16, 2011 14:34

104 posts(s)


Realmente foi um campeonato bastante renhido e espectacular onde pontos foram perdidos com equipas teoricamente mais fracas sem treinador e pontos ganhos contra equipas mais fortes com certos golos de diferenca. Eu pessoalmente costumo marcar sempre mais golos em media que as outras equipas mas tambem sofro bastante mais golos que os concorrentes directos
Penso que esta errado Félix; penso que o treinador do belenenses e do nacional estavam inactivos na ultima jornada, quanto ao treinador do Braga nao sei.
Do que pude ver é mais dificil jogar contra uma equipa sem treinador do que contra uma equipa que esteja com o treinador inactivo a alguns dias.
A condicao fisica é tambem bastante importante um jogador de pass 100 por exemplo se tiver com a condicao fisica a 75 por cento nao ira jogar melhor que um jogador de pass 83 com a condicao fisica a 100 por cento digo eu. O mal nas equipas com treinadores menos activas é que se tiverem jogos amigaveis e jogos oficiais onde nao puseram duas tacticas diferentes os jogadores acabam por se cansar e ou quando voltam ao activo teem que colocarem jogadores mais frescos com caracteristicas inferiores; tantos pontos se perde por causa da condicao fisica.
A sorte tambem faz parte do jogo e o azar tambem; um dia ganhamos outro dia perdemos; falando na epoca passada relembro ter te ganho 3 2 no campeonato e poucos turnos depois com a equipa a 100 por cento perdi 3 2 na final da taca num grande jogo onde merecestes ganhar
O jogo é mesmo assim.


January 15, 2011 20:04

2 posts(s)


Realmente é uma situação bem chata.
Porém, futebol é assim, e aqui não seria diferente.
Mas acaba sendo perigoso, pois se não houver punições abre precedente.


January 14, 2011 22:06

639 posts(s)



No bad start in season 49. On the contrary, in the first half of the season PSV scored 17 wins and 2 ties! One of the wins was a convincing 3-0 against the defending champion AGOVV, who also won almost all their matches. Unfortunately, in the second half of the season battling on three fronts turned out a bit too much for the squad and PSV started to drop points in the Eredivisie. Since AGOVV continued to win a lot, PSV only managed a second place, but 91 points (117-34) is still a good result. The cup final between both teams was also a convincing victory for AGOVV: 4-0.

In the Europe League, PSV was paired in a tough group with teams from England and France, at least on paper. It turned out to be a piece of cake though, and with 13 points from 6 matches PSV easily qualified for the quarterfinals. There again Manchester United was the opponent. PSV beat them twice in the group games, but this time the wins were shared and by scoring one goal more in the two matches the English team went through. So no luck this time, but in season 49 we hope to make our name in the champions league!


January 14, 2011 11:20

803 posts(s)


A second place Season
Once more Manchester United managed to be in almost all matches possible for one team to be. For the 3rd consecutive time in the FA Cup final, this time not with a victory. Second consecutive Europa League final too, and again losing it. Facts that are probably related to the team’s inexperience for the big moments, something we will be more careful in the future. Premiership’s second place was more than the board expected even thou we believed to be possible the title, Liverpool rarely facilitate so we can be satisfied to end second for now.

Partnership with Manchester City announced
Manchester City will receive from us 10M every season to loan and develop some of our youngest players, we hope with this to be able to loan out some promising players that the loan market would not absorve for itself. We are still open to more partnerships, contact us if you are interested. We also have many players listed for loan, all of them with great potential and the guaranty of loan renewal from us.


January 14, 2011 10:54

56 posts(s)


Sales at Recreativo, – prices negotiable

Good players for loan too


January 13, 2011 20:51

287 posts(s)


Yep, not nice.


January 13, 2011 18:20

639 posts(s)



Not technically a bug, but still…

I had in midticker a player who had been on the transfer list for the minimum possible price for at least fifty ticks. I decided not to renew his contract, since he is too weak, but didn’t fire him, cause who knows, maybe some computer teams will bidd on him. And that happened! At the last day of his contract. And of course, instead of being sold, he left the club. Nice AI :(


January 11, 2011 22:28

116 posts(s)


Eram trÊs times que chegaram na última rodada da Super Liga disputando o título com o mesmo número de pontos.
A diferença era apenas no saldo, sendo de 1 gol entre o Vitória de Guimarães e o Rio Ave, e o Marítimo ainda sonhando com o tropeço de alguém.
Quem enfrentava o adversário mais forte teoricamente era o Rio Ave, já que o Belenenses havia feito uma bela Super Liga e se classificado para Liga Europa, a esperança estava ai, já que o forte time do Belenenses tinha tudo para engrossar contra o Rio Ave, mas não foi o que aconteceu.
O senhor Bruno Lamotte, mesmo sabendo da importância dessa última rodada, foi extremamente sem caráter e pisou em cima de todo o campeonato e entrou com um time praticamente reserva, resultado, uma bela de uma goleada do Rio Ave e o consequente título.
Já o Sp. Braga e o Nacional entraram completo, exemplo de profissionalismo e manteram a honra até o final do campeonato e contribuíram para um campeonato limpo e disputado, com exceção do Senhor Bruno Lamotte que manchou todo o campeonato com essa atitude rídicula e desprezível.
Fica meu protesto.


January 10, 2011 09:03

120 posts(s)







January 06, 2011 17:10

639 posts(s)



“The amount of points for each skill is pre-determined, randomly allocated.”

I noticed an interesting example of the random factor. I have a player (DA) who had 72 65 70 for his main skills five seasons ago. Now he has 82 84 81 (so he gained 10 points in defense, 19 in passing, also 9 in dribbling). Most of the times the gained points are about the same for the different skills though, I guess this is an extreme example.