Recent Posts by Filipe Silva

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March 24, 2013 20:34

803 posts(s)


It happen after the last changes only, before that it was much more easier, maybe too easy as you could make fortunes from selling to CPU teams, right now not even that makes the market works because people simply dont want to sell.

3-4 seasons ago you could buy mostly any player in the game, just check Everton, Lokomotiv Moscow or even my West Ham and you see how many great transfers they have in those periods… After the changes, young players or free transfer market.


March 24, 2013 16:21

803 posts(s)


Many does, but I bet someone has 500M to spend in that same striker Lince :D

Problem is, you wont find any interesting player to buy with 250, and those with 500 wont either because it isn’t possible to sell anyone at that price. In a few seasons people will adapt and budgets will be cutted, there will be no players to buy and no money to spend, we are limiting the game to getting young players and fill them with friendlies, it seems to me more and more the dealling part is being removed from option…


March 23, 2013 18:58

803 posts(s)


The market is not completely dead because there are still managers doing crazy stuff like selling Andy Sullivan for 50M at season end. All the respect I have for François was questioned because of that sell. As the market is, can only be explained with some heavy drinking the night before :D

The players you speak Vaughn are mostly young ones being sold by CPU teams (fortunately they didn’t adapt as humans did). And you have that much competition because there are so few good players being sold that everyone is bidding any time one does.


March 23, 2013 10:10

803 posts(s)


Not really, only one sell to a CPU team, a couple proposals “over the counter” I can’t agree for now.

But I hope to get more attention now, most of this players are close to what they looked when started career so sometimes it gets difficult for people to see how they may become when fully improved. I’ve done the same when in MU and people really trusted my players, afraid they may have forgotten :D

For instance, take a look at Ueslei Ribeiro, 74 average skills, almost no improvment since he’s with me so I’m gessing around 70 average skills when started career… My bet, around 88 average when fully improved, what skills will he have? Dont know, will be sorry to lost him if he gets great at tackle, can become a great M-1


March 22, 2013 23:24

803 posts(s)


Nah, all pre formed teams, as Middlesbrough will Be to Davison in a few seasons.

Anyway, thanks guys for advertising the topic :D


March 22, 2013 20:15

803 posts(s)


Nah, too much OLD Trafford this days :P

Could buy you that Orsi kidd though…


March 22, 2013 17:57

803 posts(s)


lol the word should be gathering, thou gartering could be applied too, besides great players this guys also perform some very interesting shows at night :D


March 21, 2013 22:12

803 posts(s)


After a season of gartering some of the best prospects the game has to offer, Middlesbrough is now in the process of dealing players.

I’ll be listing some players, as usually I can’t be sure they will become great, but if some players will, this are the ones you should be betting…

Take a look:


March 21, 2013 08:12

803 posts(s)


Poor guy… maybe an american name so he could be happier, try Dick Lover…


March 20, 2013 20:28

803 posts(s)


No, yo simply wont have Money to buy players, only the Money you get by selling, Just a @% of that also. Define that till turn 13


March 20, 2013 18:10

803 posts(s)


Careful with those infected teams… To be sure, scheduled with me, I always wear protection when friendling…


March 20, 2013 13:48

803 posts(s)


Now more than ever, the best place to buy players:

Both players improving, maxim price I can list them only, of course :D


March 19, 2013 13:43

803 posts(s)


I agree with Rui, would say for those who take the “starting with youngsters” strategy at some point even they need to get some better players. I know I do. Forming a team with many great talents dont garantee you get many top ones. I used to sell many of those great ones for great values, and be abble to buy one top player. Right now you wont find even a nice developed player in the market, and I believe things will get worse if nothing is done. You can say the game is playable without that, but for many managers dealing was a great part of the game, and if we can have both forming and dealing strategies, why shouldn’t we?..


March 17, 2013 19:42

803 posts(s)


By the way, if nothing else works you can sell him. They dont let you sell now because you have no other keeper in the team, the loaned one doesn’t count to them. Get him back or buy other kepper and you will be abble to sell this one. My advise, sell him next season if the wage limit doesn’t work…


March 17, 2013 19:38

803 posts(s)


The board allowed you the 490k wage because they had a certain value for the player, as he got older and maybe lost some skills they now have a lower value for him so the max wage allowed is lower too… From your post i take its even lower than what the player is willing to lose…

I think you can still renewal if you raise your wage limit (if you have it lower than 10) and renew contract after turn 13. Not sure thou, maybe Gabriel can confirm this…

Good luck, but dont blame the game. You took to much risk with that wage, a decision you should know what could provoke…


March 16, 2013 22:50

803 posts(s)


We should only speak English in the forums, its the language everyone can read and write, better or worse.

I already said this but I see no problem in those rising values, if much is a signal the market is working. If the problem is inflation we could use other options like reducing the money available (for everyone) or players asking higher wages (an excellent idea Gabriel had to cancel because people protested simply for not being used to it).

Even so, doing all this there will always be situations like those 500k wage, if a manager really wants a player and can do that, why not? Players morale can be helpfull to prevent that but we should not rush it just because you couldn’t get one player because of that. So what if Rui got that player for 500k wage, think he’ll do it again? When boards points start to be a worry for people this situations will be even more rare.

Now, the problem with the transfer market is a whole other issue, I think this suggestion along with the board points benefits for saving money will help things to start working again, as they are right know its unbearable for most managers. You can only find old average players or young unimproved players in the market. The only way to mount a top team is by getting them when young and improve them. Instead of giving managers some other options we are forcing them to this path. Fine by me and others that always have done that, for most people not so fine…


March 15, 2013 08:21

803 posts(s)


Vaughn the ridiculous prices are the ones people are willing to pay, I already got agrement on several players but cant make no deal because this limit thing. With the est value so low and so much money available this is one big part of the sleeping market we now have.

Gabriel, this is simple to do no? We can give it a try and see how things go, if you dont like it put it back again :D


March 14, 2013 13:12

803 posts(s)


I dont think there has been any change, Gabriel would let us know. You’re just unlucky manuel… I continue to have no care for injuries, double yellow cards are much more offen than those.


March 13, 2013 13:18

803 posts(s)


You wont be abble to renew contracts unless your team’s wages get lower than the limit… Be careful or you may need to fire someone to keep others…


March 12, 2013 20:25

803 posts(s)


Just be patience guys, I’m sure Gabriel and Danilo will understand our preocupations and make things better for all, unfortunatly we can’t pay them to work 24h a day for us :D


March 10, 2013 12:31

803 posts(s)


You do know a team’s name means nothing in this game right? You probably should know that before anything else…

Anyway, I guess in a few seasons you’ll consider Middlesbourg a pre formed team also so, it’s like talking to a wall, only the wall wont say stupid things… Why dont you try a wall carear? :D


March 10, 2013 12:23

803 posts(s)


Sure Berhan, I just suggested the injuries because it seems simplier to implement. Just changing some formula I guess. At the moment injuries have almost no importance to me, one less department to worry about.

Your suggestion seems fine, but I guess will take longer to implement.


March 10, 2013 12:13

803 posts(s)


You can have the points available for your performance at the moment, the closer to season end the more acurate those points will be…

Most teams have no more matches after the main league ends, those ones already would know how much points they would have with much time to prepare for it…


March 10, 2013 10:22

803 posts(s)


I dont remember who but someone said “what happens if a manager can’t login in the first 13 turns of the season?”

The game would distribute his points to the departments automatic.

This could easily be avoid if we have access to a prevision table of departments next year. I believe it isn’t hard to implement. This way managers could start planing their strategies for next season earlier, without the danger they cannot plan an entire season…


March 10, 2013 10:14

803 posts(s)


Berhan, dealing players is one of the most interesting parts of the game for many people, me included. As the market is now I understand Rui’s point, a developed team needs to find better players, and they should as they have the means for that (much hard work from their managers to do it). At this point you’ll only find a top player in the market if the manager selling is stupid or not a real person…

Comparing to the real life, if this was the situation Cristiano Ronaldo would never leave Sporting, no matter if there are teams willing to pay 15M or 94M for him… Sporting would have no use for 15M, Manchester would have no use for 94M…



March 09, 2013 12:35

803 posts(s)


Those crazy high wages are very rare I believe, we have seen some recent ones but still… A manager that joins the game, puts his best players in transfer list for some symbolic prices and then never comes to the game again, you know what that is… Those players probably haven’t gone to the real cheater, but I bet he was one of the managers offering, no surprise those players gone with crazy wages, but as I said, a few cases caused by a bigger problem in my opinion…


March 08, 2013 13:18

803 posts(s)


You wont get 100% from transfers Berhan, the max you can get is 80%. but even then, why would you want the money if you cant buy better players? This sistem wont work without any benefit from making money, if you have no interest in money you dont need to sell…


March 07, 2013 19:39

803 posts(s)


I agree with Berhan abou the cheating thing, as long as we have cheaters there will be cheating :D As long as we have people there will be cheaters, so…

About the transfer thing, some changes already planed will probably make the situation a little better. If money from previous season turns into points people will have some more incentive to make some extra. Also by removing or updating the transfer limit price there will be a price you can actually pay for those top players…

Right now it is true, 300M means nothing… That´s something makes me believe there are still cheaters…


March 07, 2013 19:23

803 posts(s)


Sorry for the double post but Berhan theserves an anwser here:

“I think also the question that bugs me is: can I play the game optimally without having to do all that xp calculations on excel and so on.”

I consider myself to have a nice carear here in RS, I never used those calculations or excel. I also consider myself a good talent finder, the two things I know about this in the game are:
1 – player improvement is incertain
2 – the best a player is when he starts the more hods he becomes great

knowing that you can make some other conclusions, for example:
- If you have 1 nice skilled “starter” you have some probability he becomes great (I have no idea how much that is)
- If you have 30 nice skilled “starters” you have a higher probability one of them becomes great

Hope it was helpful :D


March 07, 2013 19:13

803 posts(s)


I dont know if this is correct but I’ve been playing with the logic that player ratings are based on the number of attempts and successful tackles, passes, shots, goals, cards, etc… You can find all that information in the table bellow the match report (I pay much more attention to those then the first). The logic can be improved it is certain, but still, with no other personality tipe factor in place you must know all that matters are skills, stamina, tactics and a random factor you cant influence. You take two players with the same skills, in the same position with the same tactics and they will do the same AVERAGE match rating (with average you eliminate the random factor).

About Davison claims, we all know how this goes so there’s no point trying to explain him why he’s wrong, I just hope the Developers have more patience than the most people and make no care of what he says…
