Recent Posts by Dave S

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May 31, 2008 12:22

120 posts(s)



I’m already a good manager in this game, so it’s not like I need the “help”. Nor do I think it will make the game too easy. But I could be wrong.

I also think there needs to be a good reason to encourage people to contribute financially. I think this is a good way to do that.

I am personally growing ever more tired of the chronic “treasure hunt” aspect of this game (and managersim before). I now find it somewhat annoying… it’s like work. Not going through all the lists… that’s fun! But GETTING the lists. That’s annoying.

I have to login. Often times I get booted right there… and have to keep trying. Once I’m in… I have to choose my gameworld… then open the country list… then open every country… then go to the transfer list for each country… then sort for free transfers… and every click… I have to wait, and wait, and wait for the page to load… and sometimes they fail to load… and I have to try again… and again.

And because everyone else needs to do this too… it places more demand on the server. And if the game grows the way we want (more managers, more countries)… the server demand will only worsen… and page delivery will only slow. And more precious development time will be spent on streamlining the database and figuring ways to serve pages quicker… and less time will be spent developing gameplay.

So, I if have 20 minutes or so in the morning… and I spend more than half that just accessing the pages I need… and somedays I don’t even GET to access the pages before I need to leave, and I just give up…. that’s not “challenging”… that’s annoying, stupid, frustrating.

Forcing managers to waste time waiting for pages to load is frustrating. It seems a good way to drive intelligent thoughtful managers away from the game. And you lose an opportunity to make some money while you’re at it.

THINK about it…. “the ability to endure forced long page load times”. Is that what makes a good manager? Is that something that makes a manager more deserving of obtaining better or cheaper players? Is that what we want the game to be about?


May 30, 2008 22:17

120 posts(s)



Why not “test” it for a while. If it turns out to be a bad idea… you can always put an end to it.


May 30, 2008 22:06

120 posts(s)



Did you actually suggest we make the server response SLOWER??? Are you out of your mind? There 400+ manager-less teams right now… would you be happy if you were the ONLY manager here? Because that will happen if the server gets slow enough. Then you get your wish… you’ll be the ONLY manager bidding on players!!!

Why limit it to 10 players per page?… let’s make it ONE player per page. And yeah, let’s add more countries… there are already over 400 teams without managers.

I agree, paying customers should not get an UNFAIR advantage. Unfair, to me, means that someone has access to something others do not. Everyone HAS access to the available players.

Everyone does NOT have the precious quantity of TIME to search through those players. The current system is completely UNFAIR to people who must work (for one example).

Why don’t we limit the amount of time a manager can spend online with his team each tick??? That would make things much more fair.

Because right now, some kid with no job and all day to search for players has an UNFAIR advantage over me. And I DONATE, and he DOESN’T.

That is not reality. Not a sustainable reality. Ask the guy that ran managersim.

I don’t want access to information that non-paying players don’t have.

I don’t want to get better youths. I don’t want my players to develop better because I pay. (although, in real life, teams that pay DO get better youths, and DO have players that develop faster and better).

I don’t want any “unfair” advantage.

I want the playing field to be leveled.

I want to be able to get the same info that some dork with all day to search has.

I want the game to survive financially.

I do not want it to cost a LOT… I want it VERY inexpensive… but I want it to cost SOMETHING… so that the game will LIVE, and THRIVE.

Because it’s a good game, and getting better.

“Free” is a great way to get people into the game. But not a good way to keep the game going.


May 24, 2008 11:47

120 posts(s)



Screen by screen is OK for the “nuts and bolts” stuff that you do on each screen. I’m thinking of some way of keeping track of stuff like “out of position” penalties… and “wrong side” penalties… and “home team advantage”… that sort of stuff. Because honestly, I’ve lost track of them! Maybe some notes about changes in the match engine if/when changes are made. And maybe a “getting started” help page for new managers.


May 24, 2008 11:42

120 posts(s)



I thought about that some more… and I agree with you and Jota. I think.


May 24, 2008 09:21

120 posts(s)



Everyone already has a full list of available players… it’s just that the server can’t serve them fast enough!!!

And I fail to see how sitting here, waiting endlessly for pages to load, so that I can copy them and put them in a spreadsheet for sorting… makes me a “better” manager than someone that doesn’t have time for that. Currently, we have a unfair system that favors people with lots of time on their hands… not smart people that are good managers. That seems wrong to me.


May 23, 2008 20:09

120 posts(s)



Searching every country, every tick, is MINDLESS GRUNT WORK. If I’m the owner/manager of a real team, I have people to do this for me! I pay them. They report to me.

So… let me pay for the report if I want!!!

If some guys wanna check everything themselves… let them… that’s fine with me!

In fact, I’d pay a little EXTRA each year to simply have the report emailed to me. So, they could add levels of “service”… at a low price… but a price that helps insure the continued existence of this game. With no “unfair advantage” to those that pay.


May 23, 2008 19:55

120 posts(s)



Currently Rubysoccer is much easier than managersim… yes. (because MS had a lot more countries to check!)
And I respectfully ask you… where is managersim RIGHT NOW??? OUT OF BUSINESS!!!

“Way too easy” to find players. Maybe… if you have all day to sit here and look for them. I DON’T. (though some days I try…)

And just because managers can find players, doesn;t mean they can find the right players. Or will get the players they do find.

So, again, I cordially disagree.

Server response would be improved if they could afford a better server… and if more people donated, they could afford it! No one donates because they have NO REASON to donate. Give them a reason!

Server response might also improve if fewer people were online simultaneously searching for players too!!! So, letting donators download a file (and then search it offline) might help in two ways. They help pay for a better server, and use it less often.

The “poor students” or “poor kids” that can’t afford to pay should have more free time than those of us who WORK all day. So, they don’t lose much if they can’t afford to donate. This site is BLOCKED where I work. So I can’t even stop in and look at things on my lunch break.

Say… what… $10 a year?… to get access to a flat file list of all available players each tick… is that REALLY unreasonable???

Does it give such a huge unfair advantage? If it does, is it unreasonably priced?

In the end, if no one donates, then eventually this place ends up just like managersim. (may it rest in peace) Is that what we want?


May 23, 2008 16:26

120 posts(s)



If the server could serve the pages I want instantly, I’d be FINE with going through country by country to find players I want. I could just set up Firefox to open all those pages instantly.

It doesn’t happen that way.

Therefore, I want ALL the free transfers/transfers/loans on ONE page. Going through country by country… and having to take another step to filter for “transfer”, “free transfer”, “loan”, “all”… for every country??? I find it impossible to do that each morning before going out the door to WORK (yeah, I have a JOB… that’s why I can DONATE).

So, I think we need to find a better balance of “research required” in finding players… vs. time… vs. server load.

I WANT research work to be rewarded in this game. I also want this game to last for a long while… so I want to donate. I also want to be able to see/download all the info I need before I go to work each day. So I can continue to donate.

Give “donators” access to a page/spreadsheet/file of all the available players (transfers, frees, loans) in ALL the countries after each tick??? Seems like a fair trade of money for time to me.

Is that unreasonable? And maybe it will “encourage” some more people that CAN donate, to actually open their wallets?


May 23, 2008 15:51

120 posts(s)



good team, good country = good youths
bad team, bad country = bad youths

just like “real life”!!!

Honestly, I think the best youths SHOULD be concentrated in the best teams and countries (with the OCCASIONAL great youth for a bad team). That seems normal to me.

I don’t see any big problem right now.


May 23, 2008 15:18

120 posts(s)



I understand Jota’s point… but I see no problem with Athletico Madrid’s results this season. He has assembled a great team, he uses them intelligently, and they get great results. What’s the problem???

I’m up against a similar team (Liverpool) in the EPL.

Complaining about “unrealistic” results?… not me. I’m gonna figure out a way to BEAT that team. It might take me a while. But I’m getting there.

Because the team is SO good… that will only make it more exciting for me if I do beat them. I like having a high target to shoot at!!!


May 17, 2008 13:26

120 posts(s)



Is there a wiki somewhere?

When I click on the icon to bring me to the wiki, I end up on a blank wiki page… here:

I’ve tried creating a log in and using it… no change.



May 17, 2008 12:59

120 posts(s)



Switched to Firefox 3. Works fine now. :)



May 17, 2008 11:18

120 posts(s)



Not working on mine… but not a big issue for me.

I’m using IE6. 1280×1024 screen resolution.


May 17, 2008 09:37

120 posts(s)




If you want to make a public page with a list of donators… I’d use their “game name” (not real names), and include date and amount of donation.

If a player doesn’t want even their “game name” on the public list, then use “anonymous” for their donation. But I think a public page could be a nice thing… and a good reminder of when I last contributed, and how much… and maybe it will encourage others to get their name on the “donator list”.


May 17, 2008 09:29

120 posts(s)



Javier is right! The very LEAST we can do is cover the server costs!!!

I just donated $25 to cover this month. If 12 guys do that, we’re good for the year.

I know not everyone can afford it… but give something, if you can.

And you guys that CAN afford it… and you know who you are!… break open the wallet, get your credit card out, and make a donation.

The game is worth it, and it’ll make you feel better.

I do! :)



May 06, 2008 06:59

120 posts(s)



here the preceeding game:


May 06, 2008 06:58

120 posts(s)



well… it keeps the formation… but ti still completely messes up the setup.

here, it kept my 433 formation, but totally destroys how I deploy it.

compare that replay to the replay of the preceeding league game I played, and you’ll see the difference.


April 27, 2008 16:29

120 posts(s)



Great! Thanks Gabriel!!

I have no problem with the AI using the best player at the position, even if it’s the wrong “side”.

I’d much rather have that, than have it changing my formation, or changing my setup.



April 27, 2008 13:05

120 posts(s)



ps. I don’t mean to be nit-picky about the game… it is still a really fun game.



April 27, 2008 12:59

120 posts(s)



It’s funny though… in the preceding game…2 of my players got injured (which caused the 244 problem in the follwoing game).

In the game where the players got hurt, both injuries occurred to “C” players, playing in the middle. The replacements were a “R” mid for the injured “C” mid. And a “L” def for the “C” def. Both replacements remained in the central positions (where I want them).

So, it works properly for replacing players DURING the game… it only changes formations if players are unavailable BEFORE starting a game.

I would imagine it is needed (and GOOD) to do that for the managerless teams. But if a team is managed, and has a valid default formation… that formation should be used.


April 27, 2008 12:44

120 posts(s)



grrr…. did it to me again! I go from my nice compact little 343, to a completely spread 244?? (not a 442… a 244!!!) It’s a wonder I only lost by 1 goal!

(I really think we need to fix this one guys…)



April 27, 2008 04:55

120 posts(s)



The AI is still changing formations when a player is not available to play a game.

I am fine with the AI substituting the “best available” player at a position… best tackler for a D, best passer for a M, best shooter for an A…

the AI should NEVER change my formation, OR how my formation is setup. NEVER. NEVER EVER EVER!!!!!

Just put in a player to replace the one that can’t play… and leave my formations alone!!!


April 20, 2008 15:51

120 posts(s)



No problem… I just want to see how antonio deploys his formation for Boca!!! I can’t get any of his replays to work. So I looked for game with no funny characters in the player names. Found that one, but still wouldn’t work… :(



April 20, 2008 13:25

120 posts(s)



In this replay, there are no unusual characters in the player names, but the replay is not working:

fastticker Date: Season 7, Turn 78

Racing Club 0×2 Boca Juniors


April 13, 2008 11:14

120 posts(s)



It completed… guess it was just a long update!


April 13, 2008 11:10

120 posts(s)



Hi Gabriel! Kick the server! it’s been updating for over an hour now…


March 30, 2008 22:52

120 posts(s)



I’d expect severe penalties for playing a player out of position. (A as a M… etc.)
Even worse penalty than playing him on the wrong side. (L on R)

I’d also like to see “DA”, “DM”, “MA” for players capable of playing more than one position.

Meanwhile… playing players out of position should still be penalized.


October 29, 2007 14:52

120 posts(s)



Beta 1.

Trying to sign Jose-Antonio Robledo from Spain league (free agent, previous team Mallorca). I play in England (QPR).

I log on from 2 different computers. Work, and home. I don’t own any other teams.

What’s the problem?

Dave/QPR, beta 1


September 15, 2007 05:53

120 posts(s)



Toni… you have mail!

Ricardo… you too!

As long as my team remains fit, I will accept any friendlies. Thanks.

(if I miss your offer, it’s because I haven’t logged on… so try me again)