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May 29, 2012 01:44

74 posts(s)


i see a top priority above all, danilo:

CPU teams shouldn’t pay more then, let’s say 5/10m, for a player. with those crazy transfers, there are human managers paying more then 100m for normal players


May 26, 2012 07:17

639 posts(s)



Each season, the average size of stadiums in a league is higher (assuming that there are teams paying to expand the stadium). This also means that normally the average attendance is higher. This means that the average income is higher.

There you have your inflation!


May 26, 2012 06:23

72 posts(s)


i agree with vaughn… this kind of limitation means country with highest ranking will have unfair advantage…


May 26, 2012 06:11

72 posts(s)


A few days back we had a poll on if managers could have a say on player growth or to keep it as it is currently.

i have one suggestion regarding that. as we know on an average an outfield player improves 140 skill points and 120 points if he is a goalkeeper. my suggestion is to allow random growth pattern (ie as current ) for 90% for the skill points. and for give managers control for the last 10%. ( if it is possible to implement.)

we can debate on how we can manage the optimum balance between basic growth and specialization..
For eg; it could be 90% random and 10% to managers by default … or if you have level 10 coaching you can have more control over specialization.

or alternately, if you pay for the game, you can have more control.

we also need to look after fake accounts or people having multiple accounts trying to sabotage players for other teams.

Finally, my point is,
As it is, i like the current system of random growth… but if we are moving towards letting managers manage the growth pattern, lets make it such that manager have only some controls, not full control… because as we all know, life is random.


May 26, 2012 04:15

28 posts(s)



I am a bit concerned about the economy of the game. CPU teams seem to keep spending money recklessly buying any player that is not too expensive. I wonder if this is sustainable? Do CPU teams have an injection of money from time to time?

I have an Economics degree from uni, so maybe I could make suggestions about some issues like inflation. I would need to better understand the basics of how things work first though.



May 23, 2012 01:00

28 posts(s)



Hmm when I posted here didn’t show up the same way that it does in my ‘players’ menu.

It says something like: ‘Racing Club Ferrol’ ….

Maybe it’s my browser. I use google chrome


May 23, 2012 00:58

28 posts(s)



If you go to to menu ‘players’ in my team, and then click the ‘Contracts’ tab, there is a bug with the loaned players. Example:

Jokin Postigo G 23
Loaned from Racing Club Ferrol
241 $12,154 $138,676,335

Xisto Esteves G 24 Season 64, Turn 82 147 $11,082 $16,840,151

→ The first player is my loaned in goalkeeper. The second is my own player (note the bug when stating the team that I loaned my keeper from).


May 22, 2012 12:20

301 posts(s)


yup :)


May 22, 2012 08:17

639 posts(s)



Ah, wait, there isn’t. It’s still 3 minimum, but if you look during a tick, it will be 1!



May 22, 2012 08:03

639 posts(s)



There has been a slight change, hasn’t there? I saw players with 1 stamina, while in the past I think 3 was the minimum.


May 22, 2012 05:00

28 posts(s)



Oh, thanks for that Gabriel. The player improved (and very little) after like 35 friendlies or so. I then proceeded to sell the player asap! haha I didn’t know this rule.

I try to buy young players to make them improve, but I really don’t know which one would be potentially good. First criterion I used was the current skills + how much experience the player has + the coaching level of their current team. But apparently their starting ‘Value’ may be important too..
Do players from the high ranked have a better chance to improve? What i mean is, say you have bought two players that are 17 years old. One from Spain and one from Turkey. They have the same skills and obviously will go through the same coaching level at your team. Will the Spanish player have a higher chance to be better at the end?? Thanks.


May 22, 2012 02:27

4,303 posts(s)



I imagine your player must have developed by now, right? Just a quick explanation, in the current system (which we are planning to change as Danilo pointed out) when you hire a new player his next improvement is still bound to his previous team’s coaching level, after that he will be bound to your team’s coaching level.


May 22, 2012 02:18

4,303 posts(s)



Indeed, thanks a lot everyone! I know I haven’t been active lately but there are several reasons behind that, the main one being I changed cities and needed a lot of time to settle down. As of yesterday I’ve finally got internet connection at home, so now I’m officially ready to get back into the game ;-)


May 21, 2012 15:14

301 posts(s)


I’m with BK on this one, i don’t always agree with some of his opinions and statements but I can definitely appreciate someone who’s been in the MMOG developing business and can bring some new ideas not just to the admins but to us gamers as well.

I also agree that this game is a free beta and that the complaints would probably increase if we had to pay or whatnot.
This is such a tricky balance between all the ideologies and difference of opinions about how things should be run and clearly the solution is easier said than done. Not just with this game but all games with an internal economy. Have a look at all MMORPG games and you’ll find all the same type of complaints. Certain things being over powered while other things not being fair for all… its not a situation where one thing will fix all. It will definitely take constant tweaking and dedication to get it to work well.


May 21, 2012 10:57

296 posts(s)


People still do care and people still read the forums, but over time ive seen alot of these posts/topics. New people must accept this is a FREE BETA were Dan and Gab are trying to make work. We just come on and keep reporting back problems and give ideas.

If people can complain and moan about something free imagine the moaning if we were actually playing some money out! :)


May 21, 2012 03:27

1,003 posts(s)



Most people don’t really access the forum. Even if they do, only very few tend to react to the stuff that is happening. When I played managersim, I would keep playing for 3-5 months, then stop for 2, then come back… Hopefully that is going to be the case with acse: he is just taking some “vacations” :)


May 21, 2012 03:24

1,003 posts(s)



Thanks guys! We also think we have to thank you guys, for helping us making this game better.


May 20, 2012 08:17

340 posts(s)


I agree, very BIG thanks go to Gabriel and Danilo. I KNOW what it means to handle a project like this, and keep up the good work guys, it will pay off at the end.



May 20, 2012 07:26

28 posts(s)



Well put ogastou. I concur 100%


May 20, 2012 07:14

23 posts(s)



Dear all,

I have been playing RubySoccer only since the begining of 2012, but I really enjoy playing this game. I see a lot of other players disapointed by some parts of the game, but I want to thanks all the people behind RS. I think that they are doing a great work and it’s for free. Nowadays I don’t know pleople doing things for free (I live in Europe)…

For sure it can be better and with such active players on the forum with a lot of good ideas, the game will be better in the future. This is now our (the community) turn to spread the good word.

Thanks a lot

Eu não falam Português, mas para resumir:
Obrigado por seu trabalho. Obrigado pelo prazer que me dá para jogar.


May 19, 2012 16:17

340 posts(s)


wow, no replies?!

Once upon a time you use to care, guys!!

acse, moaning about results won’t get you anywhere. I doubt being paranoid about complaining leads to worse results will get you anywhere, maybe in the IT Security business but this is a wrong forum to post a job interest into that position.
Besides, if that was true, Davison would not win a single game. :)

This is a game we wish to enjoy many years to come, still there is some things we all have to contribute with, like bug reports, suggestions, helping newbies and so on. If you feel you have contributed but have received no attention/credit/response etc then it’s unfortunate.

Most of you guys have no idea what is to run such a project (besides having a normal life, wife, job, kids, etc) on your spare time. I know because I’ve been there, and I think I have something of value to offer to this community for free. Not all like what I have to say and I can accept that but you still need to think about what it is you want/request/look for in terms of game features & functionality before you decide that something is broken or not working as it is meant to. Are you being unrealistic? There are some things that need much attention but I am sure Danilo and Gabriel are aware of that and will take care.

For all who remember, back in the ManagerSim days, there were many issues with people complaining about results, economy suffering inflation, cheating, and so on. There is a very tricky thing to build the perfect economy in a MMOG, may have tried and failed. This is no different here.
I was searching the web for others who have tried and failed and run into an article:
Interesting reading in my opinion. If YOU have the perfect solution I am sure you can sell it to the MMORG running companies for lots of money, really.
Until then we have to tweak and test.

acse, I wish you would reconsider and stay, we all have a part to play in this.



May 17, 2012 14:11

1,003 posts(s)



i was considering that possibility. initially, thought that it would be a bad idea. i will do it, though. it is better than the alternative.


May 17, 2012 14:09

301 posts(s)


is there a way to either delay or move up the tick since they are 1 tick behind the regular schedule?


May 17, 2012 13:32

1,003 posts(s)



yep, solved for both


May 17, 2012 12:05

639 posts(s)



Same for MediumTicker I guess.


May 17, 2012 09:08

4,303 posts(s)



Sorry guys, FastTicker tick got stuck and we won’t be able to fix it at least for a couple hours.



May 17, 2012 08:27

28 posts(s)



thanks Danilo


May 17, 2012 08:08

1,003 posts(s)



The invalid match has been deleted, and now you’re not supposed to be able to accept friendlies in the past…


May 17, 2012 07:53

1,003 posts(s)



Nope, it isn’t. But the player development model will change soon. Stay tuned.


May 17, 2012 07:30

1,003 posts(s)



- Improved the alignment of screens that show player lists
- Renamed section “Stadium” to “Investments” – i will add more things there
- Removed twitter authentication. It was not working
- Fixed the newspaper (and this is now on my queue of things to improve)
- Numerous other things which u can’t see, but will help us improving/measuring the youth evolution system
- Ruby upgrade to 1.9.3. Gems upgrade to their latest compatible versions (you can’t see this one too). Both are intended as a preparation to a fuure move to Rails 3.2 (we are currently on Rails 3.0.9)
- New functionalities will be marked with a special “New” icon – which will automatically go away 2 months after the functionality was added (see example on the manager info page: “Ranks and Achievements”)

Mostly, this is to show you guys that I am back to active development.