
Subscribe to Economy 7 post(s), 5 voice(s)


May 26, 2012 04:15

28 posts(s)



I am a bit concerned about the economy of the game. CPU teams seem to keep spending money recklessly buying any player that is not too expensive. I wonder if this is sustainable? Do CPU teams have an injection of money from time to time?

I have an Economics degree from uni, so maybe I could make suggestions about some issues like inflation. I would need to better understand the basics of how things work first though.



May 26, 2012 07:17

639 posts(s)



Each season, the average size of stadiums in a league is higher (assuming that there are teams paying to expand the stadium). This also means that normally the average attendance is higher. This means that the average income is higher.

There you have your inflation!


June 04, 2012 01:43

4,303 posts(s)



The game economy certainly needs a review. The CPU teams don’t have any kind of money injection. I’ve started a new design for the economy some months ago but I haven’t gone too far. Your suggestions would be much appreciated mrebello, I’ll contact you directly.



June 06, 2012 16:11

58 posts(s)


I agree with yiu Gabriel, and I think the first 2 steps are:

1- The teams should get/earn money depending on their classification.

2- The problem in the CPU transfers is that this teams should only Buy players in a good business, half of the value price is the top that a CPU team should give for a player… and Back at the last value players… much more realistic…
In this moment I don´t see any human-human transfers…. only CPU-Human because the market in completely inflated by the CPU purchases.

Best Regards


September 01, 2012 16:01

828 posts(s)


so is this being worked on?

this and player moral and maybe even the star thing


September 12, 2012 19:42

828 posts(s)


hello ?

anyone ?


November 13, 2012 07:57

4,303 posts(s)



Yes, being worked on and always open to suggestions ;-)