Recent Posts by Filipe Silva

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April 27, 2013 08:57

803 posts(s)


Ceylan Mehmet, Middlesbrough main keeper is now open to negotiation. I’ll sell him for the best proposal, probably this season, if not, the beginning of the next.

Contact me in the game, but remember, he’s a 91,2 average keeping skills with many seasons to play. The kind you wont find in the market and not that easy to develop from young…

In addition to that, just listed Pablo Pineda, young defender close to become a top one!


April 27, 2013 08:21

803 posts(s)


Not sure if it is a bug, but since your change Danilo the “Unread email” button seems to have drunk to much red bull :P


April 25, 2013 21:39

803 posts(s)


I believe Danilo mentioned the game enviroment where they test the improvments. Its not “online” yet.


April 23, 2013 18:28

803 posts(s)


The real life argument is wrong, players at season beginning are never at 100% stamina, they come from holidays and their fitness level is far from ideal. You see all teams playing pre-season friendlies and focusing training on fitness because of that…

The argument that teams with more matches get favoured is also wrong, they would be the most favoured by having all players at 100%, as they could use them till 80-90 stamina levels and get them to 100 with no “sacrifice”.

That said, this suggestion would favour teams that get their players to 3% stamina by playing all possible friendly matches. I’m against that, if you want to do that you must take the consequence (not being able to use them on official matches). We should present suggestions that help remove the need for all that friendlies, not incentive them.



April 23, 2013 17:41

803 posts(s)


We all have notice that, I thought it would become better with the changes made after but seems not much diferent.

Gabriel is working on changes that probably will help, but it doesnt seem to be enouf to make people want money, it simply lost its value…

See more about that here, maybe some solutions too:


April 21, 2013 13:07

803 posts(s)


As it is taking longer than usually I lowered the prices on both listed players…

Great chance for you starting a new and young team to get players with potential to become top class!


April 19, 2013 12:11

803 posts(s)


The selection boxes Gabriel mentioned would be nice for while, sometimes I need to make small changes in the formation sceen but can get to a computer to do them. If you think it is simple to do while you dont have that other java thing, this simpler screen would be much appreciated :D



April 18, 2013 12:13

803 posts(s)


Dont have that money, Davison seems interested though… He’ll probably be more helpful to him :D


April 17, 2013 19:36

803 posts(s)


Two players listed, both great potential you may improve to top stars.

Maidana is 26 but as you can see in his stats has much to improve yet, a probably 100 pass player for those of you who like that :D

Make your offer, or be sorry when they confirm to be as I predicted :P


April 17, 2013 17:15

803 posts(s)


You have Roberto Carlos and you want to use him as a stricker?

Just kidding, he would be a nice stricker, and I believe we will have that option some time in the future, but seems to me not in his “life” time… And this is probably not the right topic either lol

Anyway, for the time being he seems a potential great D+1, a little more tackle and would be perfect for the position…


April 17, 2013 06:59

803 posts(s)


They should acept sure, but to give them that intelligence would probably take good time from other improvements. I dont think this is so important as that… As Sly said, if they should lower 2 dollars, why shouldn’t you? :D


April 16, 2013 22:20

803 posts(s)


If you only observe one match the important, if you observe 100 the randomness is lost. And your conclusions are much stronger.

Just an observation, its the first time i read this descriptions Dimitri posted. Yet, not one is new to me… Useful for new managers sure, but you figure that anyway, they are logical and based in the most simple soccer knoladge.

Your Barcelona argument Works against you Dimitri, by that logic there would Be no chance for.smaller teams to beat stonger ones. That Said we would calculate wich team had the best players.and give them the title, no need to play the matches. A better understanding of the game and using of that knowladge is what makes possible to weaker teams to compete.with richer ones.

Ps: sorry for the bad writting and pontuation. Not used to.this smartphones keyboard


April 16, 2013 12:28

803 posts(s)


Dont see the need to do that, everyone knows what the skills are and intuitively can figure how the game uses them…

Dimitri of course a 85 avg can be better than a 87, if he has the right skills for the right position… How you can know that? No one besides the developers really know it completely but I can guess… Defenders probably dont need so much shooting, or control… Mids probably dont need that much heading… Strikers dont need that much tackle or passing… I use this in my teams (with some few exceptions) and it works pretty fine usually.

Davison, not that anyone cares much for what you say but, again, completely wrong… Just because you dont understand what, they do mean something, they are the only thing that means something when choosing players


April 15, 2013 17:41

803 posts(s)


Another group of young promises transfer listed, check it:


April 15, 2013 17:40

803 posts(s)


1) Seems nice, maybe another line in the Investments page to allow managers to choose how much they want to save next season… That probably would make you change how the budget is calculated too…

3) It doesn’t need to make the game more frustrating, level 0 phisio this days gives you mostly no worries, you should have that only at level 6 or 7… One season test is too short, managers need to know how bad things get with the harder sistem and addapt the phisio levels, that requires much more time…

4) A more complex wage negotiation should be discussed, if we have players asking higher wages because they are main squad, or they have inferior players being better payed in the team, or if you have a level 10 budget, and some other variables… This would make wages rise and make people pay more attention to it, and more importance to the wage limit consequently…

Anyhow, nice to know you have things open to changes Gabriel :D


April 14, 2013 13:40

803 posts(s)


I’m still not ok with your “Board making deals” thing, but I agree your budget system sounds better than what we have now. It’s more realistic and probably more market friendly than this.

The inflaction argument is wrong though, the sistem we have makes it mostly impossible to have inflaction over a certain level, simply because teams cannot amount that much money in just one season. Even so I’ve seen some 500 and 700M deals already :D


April 10, 2013 20:20

803 posts(s)


The game can work just fine if we have people wanting to sell and people wanting to buy… If I dont want to sell a player I shouldn’t have to, unless of course that player is unhappy and wants to leave (that will eventually be improved) but it shouldnt have to be the need that some “dealer CPU” makes the deal for me. Your suggestion brings the game more to some lonely mode where you deal with your team and away from the multiplayer aspect of this games.

If there are no players for sale we should understand why people are not selling them, and giving them incentives to sell those players. This last changes helped with that, I hope they can prove enough, but it is too early to be sure of that. From what I’ve seen with MT’s Ajax the money conversion to Board points seems like a good incentive, now I think we need to give incentive to people to want those points, getting phisio and scouting more important will contribute to that, and it seems Gabriel is now working on that too…



April 08, 2013 19:12

803 posts(s)


Prepare your Investments careful, you may need some Board’s help to get one of the Ajax players now on transfer list, check them out:


April 04, 2013 17:42

803 posts(s)


Very unfair to you, you had a much better goal difference and still managed to strike 2 against the group winner.

We can’t do much to prevent this from happening, Benfica had no interest in the match and had a cup final very near. I’m pretty sure if he used just the main keeper and the same field players he would lost by 3 or 4, you would pass the group and he’d still have the players ok for the cup final…

Maybe a really high penalty performance in this kind of competitions would be in order, this teams have no problems with board performance but still, would make them think better if a result like this made the board remove 30% the performance…

Another suggestion would be to when morale gets implemented, results like this should have effect on all the team players morale… With demotivated players for the cup final in mind, Benfica could have another aproach in this match…


April 03, 2013 12:17

803 posts(s)


As long as you make it generally not accurate I’m ok with it, this should give the manager an opinion, which as he’s own may be wrong. Even for older players you should not make it too accurate. They could be more accurate telling you when players have done improving, that would be nice and not too harmful…



April 01, 2013 20:06

803 posts(s)


It depends, a 10M youth before this great change is much better than a youth after, with so many changes and inflaction you couldn’t have much sure from looking to player’s starting value… You can simply look at player’s skills and age and evaluate him. If you want more certain look at player’s stats and you can figure how he’s skills could have been when started. I’ve been doing that for some time and can say most of the players I got turned to be quite nice.

But as I said, do not think that was the reason for Gabriel to remove it, having more uncertanty to player’s improvement can turn the game more challenging. Most of us posting here in the forum have developed methods of finding players with much security they become stars… If there was a way to know how a player would become, where would be the fun in that?


April 01, 2013 12:18

803 posts(s)


@Dimitri and Gabriel
Those usefulness you speak ended with the end of inflation, this last days the estimated value didn’t reflect anything, you could see they were very close for every player too, to know how much you can sell a player is quite simple, you list him high and go lowering :D

The starting value had much importance to me till some time ago, when the value systems started changing I adopted other ways to inquire player’s potential… I don’t think the starting value gave you that much info this last days. Anyway, I believe Gabriel’s intention was to remove it to increase the uncertainty of that player’s potential so even if it was helpful it should be removed, if we want to make it really uncertain we should also remove the friendly matches from stats… I would be one of the most harmed managers with that, but if thats the way developers want to structure the game fine by me.

I dont agree with that “council” thing you propose. Besides being a nightmare of logistic we have this game as it is because of Gabriel and Danilo, I trust their judgement to make the game even better and more interesting. The times anyone doesn’t agree with something we post here and present our arguments, so far Developers have been tremendously open to our arguments, when they are valid ones of course…

Btw, your argument to increase the market transfers (managers dont needing to sell players) does not match with the money from previous season not transformed in points. If we give managers reasons get money they will consider selling players (so they can get better departments). If not then why botter selling if you can get more money next season?



March 30, 2013 13:51

803 posts(s)


Have you been checking Middlesbrough? Dont forget, market can be stopped but you’ll still find quality here…

Bernard Kingma, 22 y.o Dutch attacker, great A L to play as support for a striker, already have the skills to do that nicely, but I dont belive he’ll be stuck with this, stoped improving this season, but I think he’ll start improving again next year, have not the age nor matches to be done :D

Take your chance, if he improves shooting now it will be a great deal I’ll regret making, but sill… Taking risks is that


March 29, 2013 19:12

803 posts(s)


Nice one Gabriel, even though the no deals till tick 12 kinda sucks, no way to avoid that?

By the way, the no price limit thing, any way it could go on before MT season end? A huge deal already signed but can’t go forward :D


March 26, 2013 18:28

803 posts(s)


I like the concept of trade, but I think this is not something we should rush or have it prioritized, besides the concerns here posted we should come up with a system that can be fair to any other manager that would be interested in the players being traded. This cannot be done easily I think, and there are other improvements I (and think others too) consider more urgent, the budget money thing or player’s morale… When those are implemented I think this market crises will be over and the game will be “playable” again. Dont think other improvments should be started until the market can run by itself and everyone can get their “fun nevel” up again :D

If you will say this improvement can help the market flow, I agree, but the time it would require to implement it properly seems too much to wait. Besides, it will be possible to make some kind of trades when we have no transfer price limit, if you make two transfers for prices anyone else considers excessive you’ll be dealing alone and have guarantee the players will be traded.



March 25, 2013 23:14

803 posts(s)


It seams reasonable Gabriel, now the estimate value doesnt take consideration to inflaction it is even more useless than before, i guess you have to keep it hide somewhere to make CPU teams continue dealing.


March 25, 2013 18:19

803 posts(s)


By the way, two 120M proposals already. You can still improve your team, Be fast…


March 25, 2013 13:32

803 posts(s)


I’m sorry guys but I cant understand why this limit thing continuing, even with 4x the estimate value is so low compared to the money there is now on the game that it keeps impossible to deal. If I want to spend 500M on a player and someone is willing to sell me for that value why shouldn’t I ??

This limit prevents no cheating, a cheater will buy players from fake managers at a discount price and will sell to them any old or crappy players they dont need, now they dont even need to sell anyone as they get a money refill at season start…

Raising prices or inflation is no problem compared to whats happening to the market. So what if some player is sold by 1Billion? If there is someone willing to pay and someone willing to sell, LET THEM DO IT!


March 25, 2013 08:23

803 posts(s)


Dumb is not being abble to do anything worth mention with something like 60 seasons in the same team. Dumber is trying to explain this total failure with bugs you keep seeing in the game, even dumber is thinking you know more about the game than anyone else if you cant do nothing, and I mean nothing with that suppose knowledge. I’ve not seen anyone in RS neither ManagerSim that have stayed so much in a team with so bad performance. Instead of posting coments like you do try and learn something with those willing to teach you. Just dont count me on that.


March 24, 2013 23:07

803 posts(s)


To me he’s a better mid than any of your team. Could explain you why but wont as you continue to prove yourself as a waste of time to talk with.

If anyone else wants to know why i value this player with 120M fell free to mail me.
