Recent Posts by BLACK CAT

Subscribe to Recent Posts by BLACK CAT 116 posts(s) found

November 15, 2010 10:58

116 posts(s)


Take a look at pré-CL.. Frankfurt 1 – 2 Pisa.. 30-10 score chances..


November 15, 2010 01:38

116 posts(s)


65 Félix Cardoso => Paulo Enes 28000000 Jaime Tabeira Transferido de V. Guimarães para Gondomar
65 Félix Cardoso => Paulo Enes 30000000 Nicolas Vasques Transferido de V. Guimarães para Gondomar

He bought two players of my team.


November 14, 2010 11:26

116 posts(s)


Take a look.
Something wrong.


November 08, 2010 15:14

116 posts(s)


When i read the topic, i think the same thing Dhimitri.

The managers raised the prices to none interfere in the trade.


November 03, 2010 16:28

116 posts(s)


Because is a previous for the next season.. not the current season.


October 01, 2010 10:51

116 posts(s)


Thank you Filipe and thank you Dhimitri!


September 30, 2010 21:06

116 posts(s)


Vitória Sport Clube Guimarães defeat Liverpool on Anfield Road and go to the next Phase on Champions League!!

Was a amazing Victory!!


September 29, 2010 15:50

116 posts(s)


A maioria dos resultados aqui postados não tem lá tanto do que se preocupar.
Isso é aleatoriedade.
O do Rover foi algo pra acabar, 48-3, porém os outros, nada anormal.

É comum um time que se defende, ataca menos, chuta menos, conseguir a vitória..

Nem sempre o melhor vence. Por isso é futebol.


September 29, 2010 01:33

116 posts(s)


Emirhan Heyer
Young Striker


September 28, 2010 15:06

116 posts(s)


After a dark period, a new manager takes over V. Guimarães promissing to continue the great work of Filipe Silva.
Most players were tired, so it was necessary to form a B team to bounce back in the league.
The aim was to recover the team for the UCL.
The work was hard, we had some losses, but after some tough rounds the team entered the shaft. The B team got along and is doing a fine job in the league, first team debut and well at UCL.
Some players were dismissed and two were hired, the goal always to improve the team. The expectations for the season are to qualify for EL and reach the semifinals of the UCL.
The new manager Felix Cardoso promised to the passionate fans that V. Guimarães will shine again, as happened in the management of the great Filipe Silva.
Soon we’ll have more news.


September 23, 2010 03:56

116 posts(s)


Waiting for V.Guimarães.


2 minutes!


September 23, 2010 01:17

116 posts(s)


Eu me candidatei Filipe.. Vou ver se guento na internet até 1 hora da manhã pra eu já fazer as renovações de contrato.

Espero que posso ser meu consultor técnico nesse início de trabalho.




September 22, 2010 20:40

116 posts(s)


Vou tentar assumir o V.Guimarães. Ficarei ligado essa madrugada aqui no Brasil.


September 16, 2010 11:52

116 posts(s)


Aguante Celeste!!

Uruguay! Uruguay!!


September 15, 2010 19:52

116 posts(s)


I am clean in Medium Ticket.

Check my transfers.

Just buy some good players on the market, but the market is open for all.

I was punish in fast and lost my team in medium too.

Joseppi Kennedi show 2 good players that i bought, but Felipe Bartolo bought a wonderful player too.

How i said, the market are open for all, i stay 12 hours of my day login in Ruby Soccer.



September 12, 2010 17:51

116 posts(s)


Obrigado pelo esclarecimento Cesário!


September 12, 2010 12:22

116 posts(s)


Keep running..

Whats wrong?


September 01, 2010 12:02

116 posts(s)


Desculpe estar postando em português. Acredito que tentar postar em inglês iria prejudicar as sugestões.

Quanto a trapaças e novos players.

- Limitar a transferência entre usuários por temporada. Talvez duas transferências no máximo.

- Limitar a quantidade de dinheiro que o técnico pode usar do time de acordo com sua experiência. Ex.: O cara acabou de entrar, poderia mexer uma certa porcentagem mínima do caixa do time, um cara com 5 temporadas teria as funções plenas do caixa do time. Quando ocorrer a troca de time, poderia reduzir esse acesso total as finanças paraa três temporadas.

- Limitar o valor da oferta de acordo com o ranking do time. Um time que esteja em um ranking alto, não precisa investir 50 milhões em um único jogador. É muito melhor ele distribuir esse valor contratando 3 jogadores que acabaria deixando seu time mais forte e equilibrado.

- Limitar o valor de uma oferta. Ex.: Eu sou novato no jogo, um dirigente antigo põe um jogador acima de 30 anos em um valor 50% a mais que o seu valor de face, a diretoria iria impedir que eu ofertasse nesse jogador por achar o preço fora do mercado. Jogadores acima de 35 anos poderiam ter um limite de 50% do valor de face, não sei como ficaria a jogabilidade nesse sentido.

Sugestões de implementações.

- Inverter a questão dos juvenis de futuro. Países menos populares no universo do rubysoccer, poderia ser considerados países do “3º mundo” do futebol, logo, teriam melhores juvenis, porém receitas menores. Ex.: Hoje no futebol mundial, Brasil e Argentina são celeiros de craques, porém em questão de finanças, estão longe dos times Europeus. Como ficaria? Quanto maior o ranking do país no Rubysoccer, melhor as cotas de patrocínio, valor dos ingressos, e tudo que envolve receita, e quanto menor o ranking, menor as cotas de patrocínio, valor de ingressos e tudo que envolve receita, porém, juvenis mais habilidosos e com maior potencial. Um time Russo teria chances maiores de ter entre seus juvenis 1 super craque, 2 craques, 2 bons e 1 mediano. No Brasil teríamos 1 craque, 2 bons, 2 medianos e 1 ruim. Porém, haveria uma pequena possibilidade de vir um super craque em times brasileiros.
E o fato de ter mais times ativos no Brasil, possibilitaria a chance da seleção Nacional Brasileira ter grandes jogadores, e acabaria equilibrando nesse sentido.

Bem, por enquanto são essas, fica aberta a discussão, críticas e novas sugestões.
Não tenho a experiência de muitos aqui, porém da experiência de outros jogos de manager, acho que algo poderia ser útil.

Tenho mais idéias, porém, vou coloca-las primeiro no papel, para depois apresentar.

Novamente, desculpe pela postagem em português.




August 31, 2010 09:35

116 posts(s)


Cesário, tem como colocar a “TAG” de National Team Player em cada jogador convocado para podermos identificar?

Gostei muito das seleções, bem legal.

E o Tigre só prova ainda mais sua supremacia, não só na argentina, como no mundo inteiro.




August 20, 2010 01:12

116 posts(s)


How many teams count for the ranking?
All or has a specific number?


August 11, 2010 18:59

116 posts(s)


It appears that you have not learned to play. The secret of the game is to recruit young players without a contract, trains them and sells them for a good value. Even the bots pay well in that type of player. Do you worry more caring about others, than to improve your own team and invest in it. You should be a player that bought prepared players and enrich others. Because instead of spending your time looking for stupid things, do not worry about your own team, find players, train and resell to make money. This game is manager, and to grow has to go for business, buy, sell, train, look ..
Think about it.


August 10, 2010 16:55

116 posts(s)


Ps.: Forgot TuS Koblenz who is without a manager and to qualify for Europe League.


August 10, 2010 16:54

116 posts(s)


After reviewing the transfers, I was analyzing the managers who bought players.

Caio Oliveira is doing a great job in Hanover in 1996. Apparently reshaping the team, but keeping the level.
Aikon Alin is in Russia. Is vying for the title and is in the final of the Cup of Russia.
João Roberto seems unable to do a good job yet.
Flávio Machado is trying to access the Bundesliga.
Marcos Tadeu not see anything important.

I looked at the former team of managers, and saw that some teams are fighting to move to the Bundesliga, as is the case with Hansa and Padeborn. The Vizela is well in Portugal.

As I said earlier, it is very difficult to accuse someone. So I prefer to help the person who I think are doing silly to accuse a person who causes me envy.



August 10, 2010 16:46

116 posts(s)


Ilian, I looked at those transfers, because the face value of the player is compatible with the value of transfers.
I tried a youth overvalued, which may be suspect, but found nothing. Such transfers are those who think more serious. It is very difficult to really know if the couple is worth the high value. But transfer of Felipe Maróstica were within the reality of Ruby.


August 09, 2010 20:39

116 posts(s)


Have to analyze the situation of the team that sold. Because the price seemed normal, because I do not even interested in the player.
I have a suggestion as to new managers. Prohibit negotiations for a certain period of time. Maybe for 30 days.


August 09, 2010 20:35

116 posts(s)


I was looking for something strange, but didnt find anything.
The transfers seems normal, and i saw that is a ancient manager.
Careful with accusations. It is very serious.