Recent Posts by Berhan K

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February 17, 2014 11:28

340 posts(s)


Well, depends on what (you think) a manager game should be like.
I think training is NOT a necessity in a football manager game. You as a manager are responsible for picking the best possible team based on performance , skill, morale, form and reports from coaches (in real life). So RubySoccer is doing fine by not letting you train the players as you like as then it will create more problems than solve. WHAT I would have done is do training paid option, that is setup where the improvements points would go when a player unlocks new points.

Or do that option non-paid for youth players only – then the youth development will have a real nice impact and touch in the game.

It’s all about how much time and effort you can/want to invest in a game but as it is at the moment it’s just fine. Would benefit from more users, and I am not sure what it is required to make it a “facebook game” but Danilo and Gabriel should really look into that, that effort needed to enable it in FACEBOOK would be very nice for the evolution of the game.



January 02, 2014 09:58

340 posts(s)


Oh wow, seriously?



December 12, 2013 09:20

340 posts(s)


Danilo and Gabriel, have you seen cheaper hosting such as:

Sounds very nice, not used the service myself but who knows..
Just some thoughts..



October 21, 2013 12:33

340 posts(s)


On the other hand, maybe it’s not a bad idea to make a series of youtube videos showing HOW to play the game, in club and national team management?

If developers not have the time, give some incentives for people willing to do this for you, like a star youth or a few billions or what ever..



October 21, 2013 12:31

340 posts(s)


not worth the effort, usable only for national team manager, which is given list of players for the country you are managing anyway.



October 20, 2013 08:52

340 posts(s)


Figuring it out by yourself is half the fun really.
Try some more.



October 15, 2013 08:35

340 posts(s)


It is more exciting not knowing though ;)



October 12, 2013 13:37

340 posts(s)


When looking at a league, click on (National Team) tab, then if the national team has no manager you can apply to manage it.



October 05, 2013 07:02

340 posts(s)


Hahah indeed Chael Sonnen, he is awesome, I follow MMA very closely, great stuff there.. :)

Time limit is essential if you are going to make money out of this thing, just look at the Online Fotbolls Manager (web/app), I am sure they are making good money, using real life data and charging for functionality of otherwise free to play game. There you play only one season and that’s it.



October 04, 2013 08:35

340 posts(s)


Whoa ;)

Even if Davison choses other words than come in mind, I think they matter because there is truth in them, listen to the message or read between the lines. I doubt the guys would sell the game, like Strand would never sell his game. I’ve been there and I know. So that is NOT going to happen.

Let’s see some viable options instead.
Beta testing is one thing, what we are doing is something else.
With testing systems are being re-installed so the “game world” would basically have to be reset after every major release/update. So proper testing can be done. But in order to do testing you need test cases, in order to do test cases you need to have specifications of features, all documented so you can then read a specification, test the feature and document whether the result is the expected one or not.

One major flaw of the game is the lack of managers (ie potential paying customers), that will not change unless something is done.
I do not believe having an app alone will make huge impact, you still need to bring in new people playing the game.

Ive said it before and I can repeat myself, I do not mind because I really think this is what needs to be done:
1. setup a group of people, a core that will decide how things will work. This is the hardest part really. It’s all about ownership.
2. implement the needed changes, balance the game
3. have a career last a certain time say 20 seasons then you need to restart either the world, or the manager records. See #1 – their job.
4. include options for premium content (see #1 – their job) – App possible here
5. marketing – should probably be higher up but what’s going on here? How many new managers join every season (or real time year)?
My old IFM game has never been officially launched, is not touched for 10 years it still gets 10k+ visits/year and so far 600k visits. How many new visitors get here? Maybe you need to register several football sites and point them here? Anything that drives more traffic.

These are recommendations only of course, if the developers wish to keep the same model as they have. If you really want to make a game by the people for the people you need to be ready for more changes than you wanted. That’s the learning process with this thing, when you do something for others it’s no longer yours (like an art) – it becomes a body with everyone else, you are left as a by-standing observer. A bit sad but that’s the way it works.

Oh one more thing, if I ever get rich enough I’ll make a tv show, about everyday at an office, appoint Davison as the boss, and I will have the office at a really tall building, it should make real good tv. ;)



September 30, 2013 07:53

340 posts(s)


Sure, stir the shit as long as there is no fan in the room! ;)



September 23, 2013 07:47

340 posts(s)


Entertaining thoughts but who is going to pay for the violins?
You (some of you) guys are a bunch of whining kids.. you are missing the point..



September 07, 2013 09:52

340 posts(s)


NSA is after you too? :P


August 14, 2013 13:51

340 posts(s)


so leaving the 1Bn would be better choice than spending it on players..

Thanks guys for clarifying..



August 13, 2013 08:08

340 posts(s)


Yeah, only problem is not enough points to leave a higher percentage of transfers, so I’ll spend next 20 seasons raising money so I could get higher number of investment points. Also I can’t remember now but it was a very high price on a investment point, like a point equals 100M or something like that.

Something is not right, it seems.



August 13, 2013 07:08

340 posts(s)


Where did they go?

Just because team dropping to lower division, can I lose so much investment points without the size, quality, number of visitors on home games changes?

What has really changed that dictates the changes in investment points?
The club is not so much more worse than 2 seasons ago!!



August 01, 2013 12:33

340 posts(s)


so it works.. ;)



July 19, 2013 01:16

340 posts(s)


Actually, the best potential players should spawn at lower leagues, read lowest div in each country.

Good players will still spaw at the best clubs.
What do you think?



July 14, 2013 09:48

340 posts(s)


Yep, bind the individual rule to the position and not the player.



July 12, 2013 09:47

340 posts(s)


Gabriel, not really too crazy if you consider it, as it is realistic, it’s all about who deserves the scores best and that is the formula you need to tweak.
In game development, it is common that you cheat, in all sorts of pre-hashing, pre-calculating stuff, nothing new or weird really.

Your major hurdle in an engine that calculates chances is adaptability, and if football changes you will have harder time to implement all new ways of playing (read calculating) the results. With pre-calculated (read from reality) you don’t need to worry about results, only one thing, WHO will get the result, that of course is behind the curtains(mirror) so you should never tell the managers (players of the game) that this is implemented, I am sure people will notice anyway.

And yeah, I might write a book on how football management games should be done perhaps, all in due time of course, I need a smash hit game to showcase my ideas first, and that is on the way…. ;)



July 11, 2013 16:49

340 posts(s)


We can now see the potential of players with the scouting departments.

I’d like to suggest the points available for players development being redistributed each time you do a scouting and the main criteria for redistribution of points (for the main area skills only at this point) would be the position the player plays mostly or perhaps even the role (offensive/defensive) or even from the “individual orders” data.

That would allow you to “train” your player more specifically for the role you intend for him when he is an ordinary first team player.

- you have a DM with potential:
- tackle 88, pass: 87, shoot: 78

- by playing him as D+1 would redistribute potential points from shooting into tackling only
- by playing him as CM-1 would redistribute potential points with ratio 2:1 into tackle:passing, so taking 3 points from shooting and placing 2 into tackle and 1 into pass
- by playing him as CM-0 would redistribute 2:1 into pass:tackle, so 3 from shooting would go into 2 pass and one tackle
- by playing him as CM+1 would redistribute only into passing

and similar for the other skills.

Goalies will not benefit from this of course, so only outfield players can re-distribute potential skill points..



July 11, 2013 16:27

340 posts(s)


The result itself is no strange but I understand the frequency should not be too often.

That is the weaknesses in a real time game engine results. There are really two major ways to calculate results, one is the way it happens in this game, by generating and calculating score chances.

The second more realistic but harder to build is scripting the wins, draws and losses against some real world results.

So for England for example, you could for each game-week, hard-code the results for the say premier league for 10 seasons (the more – the better of course), then in each week, you sort it from the best to worst result – then map those results, after sorting the game league teams on most deserving those results, and “bingo” – you have real life results every tick. What you can fine-tune is the algorithm for sorting the game league teams in the order deserving the best scores. That can even be changed from season to season to add more variety into the game.

For example: game admin or game master (a role for staff that doesn’t play the game really as he can not tell what the criteria’s are to ruin the game play and playing himself to benefit from same game rules under the hood), can setup the game that a certain league will map to the results service by a certain order such as (one or a number of those):
1) offensive football, obviously formation dictates this,
2) smaller size of squad,
3) aggressiveness
4) average age of the first team
5) stamina
and so on…

Now, you will have a scripted system that delivers real life results to the teams and not knowing what is rewarded is the thing you need to find out so you can benefit from it.

Also same scripted set of result will give YOUR team different scores depending on those inputs..

Just some thoughts of course..

Oh, and one MAJOR advantage will also be SPEED of “playing the games”. “Generating” results for a whole league will be a matter of seconds.



July 11, 2013 06:04

340 posts(s)


I vote for Davison.


July 10, 2013 15:13

340 posts(s)


Yeah, the add note thing is bad, I guess the only reason you want is to store the scout report findings, so perhaps that is not needed.

One thing, a toggle current / potential values on squad list and formation screen would be enough.

Then for the scout reports having a life-length perhaps another department can be brought into the investments screen:
- Player Academy/Labs, where the scout reports get re-evaluated each season (twice/season) so you get more accurate data?
- having higher levels of that can auto re-scout scouted players with reports expiring?!
Perhaps not the best solution, but I think one can add more departments so you have more holes to throw your points at.



July 10, 2013 15:07

340 posts(s)


I think displaying the potential values is most interesting in perhaps setting up the formation so perhaps having an option (checkbox) in the manager profile settings to display the potential values, instead of the regular values, for available (scouted) values of course.

or for scouted players perhaps have a report icon and when hovered over, display the potential values (think about the pad’s lack of hovering methods).

Not entirely sure but the WHY here is simple:
To aid me in my “work” when checking potential values (from formations/squad list) to go to each player’s scout report or have a second tab opened with all the scouted players (a list that grows by each tick), so I can select my potentially best players when setting up formation and first team.

Now, I get rid of the less potential players every time I can but it’s still not very easy to check a players potential without x number of clicks.

A simpler solution would be the “add note”- functionality, so when on scout report, clicking on link/button would add the time now (season nr, turn nr and the potential skills), and to display them easier perhaps one can have a check box (toggle) potential/current values in the formations screen? Two solutions perhaps then.



July 09, 2013 11:03

340 posts(s)


Why not display the potential values in the squad/player screen directly?



July 08, 2013 19:37

340 posts(s)


Gabriel, is it random 1-X nr of percentage either way, or based on a skill/investment level?
ie the higher the scout level the less risk/chance of guessing wrong?

I hope you don’t answer, answering that kind of questions ruins the gameplay.



July 01, 2013 07:36

340 posts(s)


Gabriel, how do you mean?

Every manager will “vote” a player being star by researching them, so the more managers researching a certain player during season A, will give more stars (one more) to the player being popular.

Perhaps by cheating you mean people with many accounts will research only on their own players?
People will always research own players for sure, so scouting own players perhaps will not give the player star points?

Nevertheless a counter indicating how many managers scouted a certain player will give a good indication on which player is most popular, next in line and so on..

Perhaps you could check it with percentage, or centain point rules, nr of votes (nr of managers scouting your player) giving certain nr of points, unlocking stardom..

Also we want this changing so a set of rules saying how long an earned star will remain and so on. Still, a start, no?


June 30, 2013 22:43

340 posts(s)


What a game!
Go Brazil Go!



June 30, 2013 16:27

340 posts(s)


Come to England and get a better competition then.