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Investment points

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August 13, 2013 07:08

340 posts(s)


Where did they go?

Just because team dropping to lower division, can I lose so much investment points without the size, quality, number of visitors on home games changes?

What has really changed that dictates the changes in investment points?
The club is not so much more worse than 2 seasons ago!!



August 13, 2013 08:03

639 posts(s)



Investment points relate to performance. So finishing last in the second league means you will receive few points, though you can try to compensate it by having lots of transfer money left.


August 13, 2013 08:08

340 posts(s)


Yeah, only problem is not enough points to leave a higher percentage of transfers, so I’ll spend next 20 seasons raising money so I could get higher number of investment points. Also I can’t remember now but it was a very high price on a investment point, like a point equals 100M or something like that.

Something is not right, it seems.



August 13, 2013 09:51

639 posts(s)



Better performance is probably an easier way to get more investment points :) It’s still possible to build a decent team without spending much transfer money, I think.

If it’s really 1 points for 100M, it should be fixed. But I think it’s more, looking at the extra points I received for this season, though I didn’t try to calculate it.


August 14, 2013 03:22

4,303 posts(s)



It’s not a straight conversion from money left to points, it really depends on how much is left compared to how much the team had to start with. A team that started with 10M and has 50M left at the end (from selling players) will get more points than a team that had the same 50M left but started with 100M.


August 14, 2013 13:51

340 posts(s)


so leaving the 1Bn would be better choice than spending it on players..

Thanks guys for clarifying..



February 20, 2014 12:27

47 posts(s)



What is realy necessary to gain investment points ?

I lost 2 points in current investments compares to last season and my board points left is only 3 !! ??
So I will be lower in 2 categories with no points to change it and yet I was much above ALL my goals as you can see below so can someone explain it for me please :p

Goals of last seasons :

- league : above mid table → realised : 2nd place
- cup : reach quarter final → realised : half final
- international : reach quarter final → realised : won Europa league

I forgot to say also that budget transfert was nearly 280M at the begining of the season and I left more than 600M but no points gains ayway ??
I don’t understand how it’s possible to have a decrease from one season to the other in your investments’s areas after making better than your asked goals and winning a title in an international competition…


February 20, 2014 21:57

828 posts(s)


yeh franek its crap really imo. one of the reasons why the games dieing. i like the points thing but to lose all money at the end of a season is just shit. add another category maybe of % of money keep after season ?


February 21, 2014 22:17

31 posts(s)



Begining of the season
Transfer budget 305 mil, ended with 459 mil (+159mil)

board expectations:
Premiership Qualify for Europa League ( Finished first place in league)
FA Cup Reach the quarter-finals (Ends in second on FA Cup)
International Reach the round of 16 ( didnt meet the board expectations)

Got only 2 points…. this aint right!!


February 22, 2014 08:08

104 posts(s)


i have 50 points but yes losing the money in at the end of season…


February 25, 2014 03:06

4,303 posts(s)



Some clarifications.

1) Investment points are won based on your finishing position in the competitions you participated (regardless of board expectations). Bear in mind that participating in the secondary continental competition provides less point than participating of the top continental competition (and similarly not participating in any international competitions give you even less points).

2) From one season to another the full amount of points you have is always recalculated. Imagine this as if all your investment areas were reduced to zero, points calculated for the new season and then automatically invested to match the levels you previously had, if possible. After this automatic process any remaining points are displayed as available.

3) The points from money left are combined with the points from competitions performance, so there is no way to know how many points you’ve got from each. If after the automatic process described above you see lower investment levels it just means the points calculated for the current season were less than in the previous season.

4) I understand the pain of losing money, that was an attempt to control the inflation that was happening in the game. Maybe a better solution would be an economy reset, but again, some people would always feel in disadvantage…unless we stated in advace how many seasons would be played until a reset…hmmmm.

Hope this helps.


February 25, 2014 11:14

47 posts(s)


Hi Gabriel

Thank’s for your answer, it’s a bit clearer for me now, although I would be happy to know how points are recalculated each season :p
I bet it’s calculated with the goals given to your team compares to the level of all other teams in the league…
Probably the calculations could be changed a little because it’s quite harsh to see that your point’s board and investement are getting lower after finishing second in the league, half finalist in the cup and winning EC :p
About money it’s not a problem for me to loose it every season but I think the idea of Marc is good to perhaps add a category of % of money kept.


March 12, 2014 22:29

31 posts(s)



So basicly a team can lose points even they have won the league and won the league cup plus having twice the amount of money from what they have started with at the begining at the season?

I understand the part how its calculated and compared to last season but i think its not right to lose points when there are far worse teams that win nothing but gain points compared to a team that win some prizes etc..


March 24, 2014 03:01

4,303 posts(s)



You lose points if your total performance + money left was worse than in the previous season, you gain extra points if it was better. When I say performance I mean finishing position in each competition (if you didn’t join a competition you simply get 0 points from that), the league being the main contributor (all teams on div 2 get less points from the league than teams on div 1). Oh, I should also mention that the country ranking interferes with the total points a team gets.

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