Recent Posts by Artur Lélis

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February 18, 2008 00:33

18 posts(s)


He is right, my bad, goal difference, and goal average are different things, don´t consider goal average where I wrote it, but goal difference.

Thank you Hugo.


February 17, 2008 22:13

18 posts(s)


Hey Antari, I didn´t ment to offend you, congratulations on your tittle, but we both know that the english Criteria is not number of wins…

Criteria for Portugal:
1: Points
2: Results among the tied teams
3: Goal Average
4: Goals Scored

Criteria for England:
1: Points
2:Goal Average
3:Goals Scored
4: Results among the tied teams


February 16, 2008 23:48

18 posts(s)


Well, congratulations, you now have a fake champion in England.
I have never putted in cause the developers commitment to the game, I just can´t understand, how you start to put so much new things into the game and left something such important has this one for last.

I have been helping with feedback and suggestions everytime I thought it was necessary, I have probably been one of the most active managers in this game since it started, passed a great part of this last season tweaking my team, I don´t even have a squad good enough to do what I did, it was a great effort, based on keeping the players stamina and managing the suspensions to always have the better squad possible playing.
Fact is, I just won the league under English rules, but because you don´t have those rules aplied to this league, a team that has less goals scored, more goals conceded, and also loses on the direct confront against me is declared champion.
Do you think this is fair?
I will be staying and helping you with whatever you need, but tell me what´s the motivation I have to play the game like this?
Put yourselves in my place, and tell me what would you think.



February 16, 2008 05:17

18 posts(s)


I really dont care about your criteria, thing is, I have advantage over them, either on goal average, either on matches among both teams, I couldn´t care less if they even have 30 more wins than us, real FIFA rules and most of all FA rules, say 1st condition is goal average, 2nd is results among both teams, so this is wrong, let´s just hope they win this league because they have more points, otherwise, I surely assure you that I will be leaving this game.

I rest my case.


February 15, 2008 23:33

18 posts(s)


2 matches to end at Premiership, I am Wigan, staying in 2nd now, Bolton is 1st.
Problem is, we have lost 2-1 at their home and won 3-0 home.
We have better goal average, 62-14 for us, 60-23 for Bolton, right now their are placed at 1st and we are 2nd, there is no explanation for this.

Maybe they can win the league in the 2 matches to come, maybe not, thing is, if it would end now, they would be champions without a reason.

Please take a look at this and fix it.

Thank You


February 11, 2008 10:46

18 posts(s)


Well, my 2nd best striker is an AR, and now I will have a problem at my midfield also , but I don´t see much problem with it, it´s a matter of tweaking the tactics.
Also, even if now seems hard adapting to it, it surely shows you guys keep on developing this game, and our task is to test it.
People seem to forget that a lot.

Bring the changes, the good ones.



February 06, 2008 00:48

18 posts(s)


Yes it happens, but not so often as stated here, needs a fix, but nothing extraordinary, take a look at the “war” in the English Premier League.

I already took the cup, but the league is being awesome. Depends how one can play the game, in here we have 3 managers playing at the top of their game, taka a look at Bolton, they don´t have at 1st sight the squad to challenge for the top, but they are there, actually, they have beaten me, I have beaten Reading, Reading beated them, it´s insane.

The game engine needs a few “tweaks”, no doubt, like 83-0 results, but the super goalie is not the most important, I would vote for 1st change, the away/home factor, that would be very important, it´s inexistent at the moment.


P.S- Para os empreendedores do país irmão, eu vou fazer a doação assim que possivel, tem sido impossivel.
Clicko nos anuncios todos, hehe.

Força nisso.


November 24, 2007 03:51

18 posts(s)


Ricardo is absolutely right, just the math on it…

Recovering 3 its the ideal…


November 24, 2007 03:43

18 posts(s)


Manuel Rocha, cala-te, lá tiveste o ranço de ganhar qualquer coisita e andas aqui a bater-te como se fosses o maior treinador do mundo…

Toda a gente está a ter problemas com isto, até tu reconheces que tiveste que optar, vais dizer-me que as grandes equipas não lutam pelas provas todas? E por acaso têm planteis de 30 ou 40 jogadores?

Antes de dizeres parvoices, pensa no que dizes…

Haja pachorra


November 22, 2007 22:47

18 posts(s)


People just stopped complaining because you kept on rejecting all the suggestions and comments made about this issue, you must be honest about it.

There were a lot of complains about it, but you guys decided not to pay attention, maybe now you can understand that it´s impossible to play this game with this stamina system.

It´s not impossible, but either one choose one competition to focus and forget the cup (and next season, international cups), or it´s mandatory to have al least a 30 player squad.

People didn´t find a way to deal with it, people just started to giving up the cup, I tried, went to 1/4 final, and now I stay bottom of the league because I had to give my players a long rest (GK was at 64 Stam and it was just turn 30 something, this is insane) to have them at 80%, I´m not talking about 100%, as that is almost impossible.

So please, either you change things in the way of not loosing so much, or gaining more at the intervals between matches, as it is, it´s unrealistic and unfair, while I had my players fit, I was able to kick out the cup the club that no goes 1st, and it wasn´t luck, I won home and away…

Please fix this…

Thank you


September 21, 2007 00:17

18 posts(s)


So, Atletico Madrid is champion, and Mallorca won the cup…

I am Mallorca, Ricardo Costa is Atletico Madrid, we are brothers, Spain belongs to US ;)

Well done brother, but I can´t wait to kick your “arse” next season ;)



September 04, 2007 09:50

18 posts(s)


Yellow or red cards shown in friendlies, shouldn´t countt.

I had a player sent off at a friendly match and now he´s suspended for the league match, please fix this.



August 31, 2007 04:20

18 posts(s)


Yep, it´s not ticking at all


August 30, 2007 05:54

18 posts(s)


Mine was at junk mail too, hehe…


August 30, 2007 05:51

18 posts(s)


Worked for me, I was able to make a 3-5-2 tactic with DM and AM, problem is that I get a hole at the middle, but maybe it isn´t important for the match engine.

The grid you uploaded help a lot, but is still almost impossible to conciliate some positions, IE: Anchor+MC, AM+Striker at A, mentality 0, etc.

It´s your turn to send us feedback and tell us how that will be managed by the game engine, and i´m referring to the space amongst the 2 central DC´S as well, even if I don´t use 4 defenders, and this problem doesn´t aply to me.


August 29, 2007 20:21

18 posts(s)


Nobody has that money yet, I also saw that and had a good laugh, now it´s time for bargains, selling under real price, teams need to stenghten their squads in certain positions, every squad has his weaknesses and advantages, I have too much defenders for the tactic I want to implant, so I´m selling the ones in surplus, but cheap, probably other teams need some defenders, and have midfielders to sell, and so on, if we all do this, we can make competitive squads, and most of all test the transfer market in a proper way.

I wouldn´t sell that player in this moment of the game even for those 20M…


August 29, 2007 20:12

18 posts(s)


You really need to sort this out, we don´t have a problem bounding to the areas of the pitch, but you guys really need to design de area squares on the pitch, because the way is it now, one keeps switching players unvoluntarely as we try to adapt formations.
If we can see the boundaries of each area it would be a great help, I think this one is kind of high priority.

I took one hour and a half too make my squad, and I´m sure I only did it because I have big experience in this kind of games.

Also please adress to Ricardo Costa´s issues about the tactic saving, he´s issues are very important for optimized game play.


P.S Northstar, if you need help, just ask, don´t quit, this is beta testing man…


August 29, 2007 18:41

18 posts(s)


I havent commented at the blog because every sugestion you guys might need was on a general way already given, so I was waiitng this BETA to come out, and now it will be time to talk ;)

I would like to thank all the crew that made this possible.

Anyway Ricardo Costa announced at a fórum what you were doing, and we also contacted all of our portuguese players we knew back from Soccersim (I still call it that way), and we all came to help, as far as me, Ricardo Costa, Alexandre Festas and some others concern, I think I can speak from all of us, you´ll be geting the best testing and reports we should be able to compile.

My 1st sugestion is not about the game, please, arranje way at the blog or at the game, to make a donation directly by credit card, and not having to use paypal or pagamento seguro, I refuse to make transactions over those kind of sites, nomatter how safe they can be. I would like to help in my limited resources, but not that way.

Also, if you want to mail me directly with the account number and the name of the bank, I can transfer directly to there.

Let´s make a great game, "seus brazucas malucos ;) "