Players side

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February 11, 2008 10:36

4,300 posts(s)



Not many people voted about what to do regarding the players side feature but honestly I think there is not much to worry about. Even though the most voted option was to balance the sides per zone I think that would still make some people unhappy, as a team may end up with the worst attackers as the center ones for instance, and if the difference between the best attackers and the worst is not small, it is better to use a good one in the wrong side.

Anyway, sides will remain the way they are, some will complain, but they’ll see their teams won’t play much worse because of that and they’ll be able to balance the sides in a relatively short period, what is also good for the market.

Just to review the penalties for playing in the wrong side (remember these affects all attributes):

       L    LC     C     RC     R
L     0     0     -1     -2    -3
C    -3     0      0      0    -3
R    -3    -2     -1      0     0

Rows represent the player side and the columns represent the side they are playing.

These will start on next season on both dimension. I’m sure this is an interesting feature for the game despite this initial discussion it caused :-)

p.s.: multi-sided player will probably be added in the future (LC, RC, LR and LCR)


February 11, 2008 10:46

18 posts(s)


Well, my 2nd best striker is an AR, and now I will have a problem at my midfield also , but I don´t see much problem with it, it´s a matter of tweaking the tactics.
Also, even if now seems hard adapting to it, it surely shows you guys keep on developing this game, and our task is to test it.
People seem to forget that a lot.

Bring the changes, the good ones.



February 11, 2008 12:40

18 posts(s)



those penalties are applied to what? Player performance on that match?



February 11, 2008 13:15

1,003 posts(s)



all attributes.



February 11, 2008 16:28

637 posts(s)


So they just play at for example 80% of their normal possibilties. Or am I wrong.


February 11, 2008 16:54

1,003 posts(s)



let us consider the player X (right side player), with the following attributes (note I have covered a good range in the attributes):

shooting 100
passing 90
tackle 80
speed 70
control 60
dribble 50
keeping 40
aggres 30

the maximum penalty is 3. therefore, here is how player X would play in the left side of the field (note that I have put the capacity % aside of each of the attributes):

shooting 97 (97%)
passing 87 (96.6%)
tackle 77 (96.3%)
speed 67 (95.7%)
control 57 (95%)
dribble 47 (94%)
keeping 37 (92.5%)
aggres 33 (N/A)



February 11, 2008 16:54

13 posts(s)



Does those penalties apply also for players on different pitch zones?

I understand these apply to sides, but what about pitch zones? Can I have a defender playing on attack or midfield, or a attacker playing on defense, without penalties on these players performance?


February 11, 2008 17:13

1,003 posts(s)



no, they doesnt for different zones. an attacker would have the same attributes if playing in the middle of the field, for example.



February 12, 2008 00:58

18 posts(s)


Wouldn’t be interesting if the side thing could start at the end of the league games and not just at the beggining of the next season? In this way teams woudn’t be playing valid games anymore and we could still make some friendlies to see how the teams will perform with the side thing working.


February 12, 2008 09:53

4,300 posts(s)



Could be, the only problem would be England second division which ends on turn 141 I guess. Shouldn’t be a big deal, I’ll let everything prepared.



February 16, 2008 09:06

6 posts(s)


I have being trying to improve my squad baste on player side and position and have bought 2 player for their specific postions, but since the new rebalance they dont play the postions i bought them for, not a complaint and i my of missed the announcement that there would be a new rebalance.

Great Game.


February 16, 2008 09:46

4,300 posts(s)



I’m sorry to hear that spartacus, hope that at least the rebalance helped you have a better squad :-)
