Recent Posts by Hounddog

Subscribe to Recent Posts by Hounddog 228 posts(s) found

April 08, 2015 07:23

228 posts(s)



player value has gone back a decimal point. For example:

Instead of being worth 28 million, my player is now worth 2.8 million.

This is consistent for every player in the Medium ticker game.

Can this change be readjusted back to normal?

Thank you,


April 12, 2014 23:49

228 posts(s)


92 attacker for sale, check Croatian Transfers market

AD C 34 39 80 72 92 80 83 92 83 35 100


February 12, 2014 10:34

228 posts(s)


Thanks guys :)

I had been putting some of my guys into the National Squad just in case it was of benefit. However, for my recent European Cup games, I just picked the best squad possible. Croatia beat England, but then we lost to Portugal. Tough draw, but am glad I gave them my best shot!


February 10, 2014 07:22

228 posts(s)



do players improve their skills when participating in the European Cup? Is it by 5 points?



January 11, 2014 23:01

228 posts(s)


When I won the National Cup there was no entry in my newspaper about it.

Also, when my little team made it into the group stage, and then into the finals, of the European Cup, it would have been nice to have had an article about it.




January 11, 2014 01:14

228 posts(s)


Links in the Newspaper articles also do not work.


January 10, 2014 01:34

228 posts(s)


I just realised that I can rescout players who I have already scouted!

How do I determine how accurate initial scout reports are? Is there anything I can do to a player to improve their potential when I run another scout report?



January 10, 2014 01:26

228 posts(s)



could a new theme be created that is a basic black and white, with limited sized titles so that it is more SFW Safe for work ;-)

I seem to be addicted…



January 10, 2014 01:11

228 posts(s)



can the Player Statistics page be adjust to include the Youth players with the rest of the team too?

I know it must be rare to have youth players involved in real matches, but I keep forgetting he is down at the bottom of the page.



January 10, 2014 00:47

228 posts(s)



when you get an in-game email, the links do not work. When you click on them, a match report or player info for example, it opens the site index page: rather than the link to that report or player.

Love the game :-)



January 10, 2014 00:43

228 posts(s)



There are 32 teams in the Champions League group phase, but there are only 16 teams in the qualifying phase.

How are the 16 teams already in the group phase chosen?

Is it the top team in the first 16 ranked countries that get an automatic spot in the group phase?



October 21, 2013 21:55

228 posts(s)


Thanks for all your replies :)

Edit: Aaaah, I have just found the mechanism you have built to achieve searching for National Team replacements! Awesome, thank you :)


October 21, 2013 00:43

228 posts(s)


Not really, I just lost to france.

Anyone have any hints on how to do anything with managing the National team?



October 21, 2013 00:36

228 posts(s)



I would like to make a team with only players from my Country. Can the Scout Search page be adjusted to include an option to be able to search for all players or just ones with a particular Nationality?



October 20, 2013 00:55

228 posts(s)



I am now also manager of a country. Now what?

I see that I have a new icon on the National team players called “Replace”. When I click on it, it just takes me to my normal default “Info” page.

Any hints on what to do?


October 20, 2013 00:49

228 posts(s)



I had money in my transfer budget at the end of last season, now after moving over to the new schedule, I have 0$.

Can you fix?

Did this happen to anyone else?


October 13, 2013 00:21

228 posts(s)


Thanks :)

I just wanted confirmation that if I did that, I would keep managing my team as well.

Am about to win my league (hopefully) and did not want to risk being dropped as manager of my club.


October 12, 2013 12:54

228 posts(s)


I wish to remain manager of my team, but have noticed that some people also are manager of a country.

How can I manage a national team as well as my current team?
