Recent Posts by Berhan K

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June 30, 2013 15:34

340 posts(s)


This is a suggestion for proactive feature implementation:

Developers, store the number of research people make on certain player, to be able to sort the player by popularity, that is the base for player raising “stars”.

The number of unique scouting of course (by manager).
That can change from season to season, the stars can be less or more.

Advantages could be any or several of the following:
- star being like a mentor , boosting youth players development so they develop faster
- economic booster, more merchandise
- better potential players starting their careers in club with most stars
- star players drafted to national team

Just some thoughts.



June 29, 2013 09:45

340 posts(s)


Gabriel, then THIS is the reason ;)
Start drinking mate! :)



June 29, 2013 09:44

340 posts(s)


True, I am not saying this should have higher priority than anything else,it’s just ideas.
Perhaps those advanced features should be premium only, read “available only in app version” ;)



June 28, 2013 13:20

340 posts(s)


Right, and people who had not highest level of scouting last season are penalized, as I can’t really use my scouts new research ratio before turn 21.

This leads me to a thing I want to throw out there:
What about the investment 12 turns are at the end of each season instead of the very begining?



June 28, 2013 13:17

340 posts(s)


Or Gabriel had a beer or two doing the formula? ;)


June 28, 2013 10:28

340 posts(s)


And when researching on players from the delivered list, instead of giving all potential values, you could receive them in steps, so when you know you are done researching this specific player you can click on a button saying, research next player in list.

This will in a way, let you skip a player when you see a secondary value not being great enough, so no use to spend valuable ticks on researching this player.

They reason for this, is to be able to skip valuable research ticks, when you know this player is of no use to me. Most valuable for lower level scouting departments, this way they can skip to next research object, thus shortening the research length per player.



June 28, 2013 09:50

340 posts(s)


Scouting is very interesting feature I think, will be much appreciated.

I am thinking about the next step (as always), and how about having different types of scouting, like:

1) scout next opponent , having scouting level of 10 will let you scout every turn so this option will let you give a rough estimation of most promising players that you can research more individually.

2) scout youth team, that is you scout your youth team until you’ve scouted them all

3) scout free transfer agents, that is like in nr1, give you a list of promising free transfer agents list, then you can scout them individually.

4) scout specific league/country, scout gives you a list of promising players that you can research later on.

There could be a more advanced option as well, then in all of the types (of scouting), when the “promising list” is delivered, instead of scout going idle, can start researching the players of the list they delivered more thoroughly.

As always when doing things you should start with a “WHY?” and the reason for this feature is to allow people using the scouting feature to it’s full even if they don’t log on every tick.



June 28, 2013 08:59

340 posts(s)


Cool, I don’t mind the waiting period, but design-wise it’s flaw-ish as the rest of the investment kick in at turn 12, so should the rest as well, or we could say as soon as the money spent (transfer budget) then the new transfer funds being released (dictated by investment grade), no?

A detail thing but as they say, the devil is in the detail, plus I am very keen to do some scouting ;)



June 27, 2013 11:21

340 posts(s)


Dimitri, I agree but it has already “started” so it should have been 1 turn by now.
At 12th tick when the investments are DONE making, the new setting should be LIVE, then I should have the NEW investment rate.

It’s a bug, trust me.


PS, the same logic as the new transfer budget being available after tick 12, so should the new value/rate for the scouting and EVERY other investment be “reset” to the new value after the 12th tick. Right?


June 27, 2013 08:41

340 posts(s)


Fast ticker, still bug..

I have scouting investment set to “searchable every turn”, but when looking at player on scouting tab, it says I still have 7 turns before I can scout again. Definitelly a bug.



June 18, 2013 08:18

340 posts(s)


Rui, you sound upset because you think you know something about management games just by playing them. I have no proof but I would even bet money you have not played fair both on SS and RS, but that is just a feeling I have, could be wrong.

What I KNOW though is people like you care about playing the game and do not change things that may not be beneficial for them. I may sound like I OWN the game but I do OWN football management games knowledge and it is not purely based on talking about and playing the games. I do have a coach license under the Swedish Football association. When I knew I wanted to make my own football management game I did not play other games only, I enlisted at a club, started learning coaching in real life. I still can go on coaching kids and youth in real life because of my education and knowledge in the field.

People like you on the other hand care about keeping the status quo rather than seeing the game progress and get better. From that perspective of the whole situation you are of no use to the future of the game, perhaps the developers could log how managers play and study your ways of playing and make something out of it but not much more. I on the other hand have always been vocal about my opinions on what the game should have and not have, without considering how people will take it. That is a passion of mine to let anyone know when they are wrong, even though it could be said nicer. I am not here to play nice, I am here to help the guys (Danilo and Gabriel) getting a good game out there.
Many people wouldn’t know this but WE (me and Danilo and Gabriel) spoke about cooperation on making the game better and taking it to the next step. Without going into details the talks broke when it came to “ownership” of things (as always in the materialist world) and that is something I can understand and relate to as I too have developed football management games. One of my “products” is IFM, which will be dead this autumn as it was written in ASP and the support for ASP will be cut this autumn. A game that is 10+ years old STILL gets hits, because people thought it was something good. I still get mails asking me when the game will be online.
So get me correctly when I write stuff of “should and shouldn’t” here on the forums as I KNOW and I offer my advice free as it is part of the agreement as a free beta tester, no big deal. What ever we here decide it’s still not a big deal as we are discussing things and do not really steer the ship. Danilo and Gabrial are. What we can do is get them as much support as possible so that they won’t spend useless amount of time to babysit the forums and other useless stuff. I think they are too nice.

Anyway, I wish you no ill really but you really are barking (and trying to piss) at the wrong tree. I really am one of the few good guys that can help this project. If you still want to write me love letters do it on in-game mail, no point of wasting others time with this, although it’s surely fun reading..



June 17, 2013 20:45

340 posts(s)


Nope, change was good, did deliver the intended outcome and introduced something less wanted which needs improvement – no less, no more.

We need to get people interested in selling. I think many clubs have very big transfebudgets an gain nothing by selling the better players.

There can be several solutions.
- Player willing/insisting to move,
- Jadedness, that is a player not improving in a club with certain stature or too much competition forregular spot on the team or not getting enough games and so on.
- Player can improve at later age as well given the “RIGHT” role.
- BIG CLUB status, that is a club that can gain/ lose big club status and thus gain/lose key players.

That will solve some issues and add more meaningful features to the game….



June 17, 2013 16:53

340 posts(s)


I did offer 1.2Bn but do not know why the transfer went for 1Bn “only”, I am guessing Marc never raised the price to 1.2Bn and I was surprised to see 200M left too. No big deal really. This is not the issue I am referring to at the start of this thread. But sure you can try some more divide and conquer’s fun reading.



June 17, 2013 12:55

340 posts(s)


Rui, it’s a bit more multifaceted than the simple way of thinking your post suggests that I have, and since you are a great fan I will let you know how I did think there. First I decided I’d let the money be, and see what will happen with it. Then I thought "nah, I will play my meta-game and actually pay the money for a really crappy player on the nr.2 guy in the Premier league (England), so we get a different champ this season. Wrote to the guy, no response. Then I thought, “ok this is not going to happen, who else deserves the money?”
I thought immediately Davison but I’d pull a prank on him and buy the player at the very end of the season so the money is useless, but I decided that I can’t be that cruel to Davison even if it would have been a cool experiment. So I wrote him and bought the player for NOT 1Bn but 1.2Bn (all my money). Funny the deal went through without Davison raising the transfer amount. So that is what happened. But then again I wouldn’t pay that much money for a single player but peanuts, sure. I bought the player with peanuts, and not money. 1Bn peanuts the price.

Filipe Silva, are you saying this works as it is meant and there is no problems with investments/transfers/prices situation? If you really think it works as it is supposed to then I guess, we have nothing else to discuss in the matter.

Davison being unhappy about the money he lost is really his CHOICE (not fault but ok I’ll accept that label as well), as he CHOSE to assign less points so he could get a lower percentage on the transfers, a simple choice really. Why he did it, is irrelevant, simple cause and effect, that functionality works PERFECTLY (as intended).

My situation is a bit different because the changes has made 1Bn game currency to be worth peanuts, and THAT needs to be addressed. Economy in MMOG is a VERY difficult topic to tackle/handle but it’s crucial that there is a model that works, if not you will be in situation similar as this.



June 13, 2013 07:40

340 posts(s)


Exactly, so that is an issue needed to be solved, which is exactly what I am saying!!



June 12, 2013 20:13

340 posts(s)


Right, but I’d like to tackle the problem from a different perspective, it really is about game mechanics rather than good or bad.

1.New things were introduced.
2. They did solve some problems, and created some other issues.
3. Issues should be solved, if everyone (or game designers/owners) really think this is an issue.
- some explanation to my logic here. Since we are dealing with money, 1Bn (in reality at least) is a very big deal of money. The game currency has become worth peanuts, so we could really change to call it peanuts/points/coints/gems/whatever instead of euro/dollars. I thought simulation games were meant to simulate reality as much as possible. From that perspective the game has a HUGE flaw. 1Bn of game currency in ANY football management game is a HUGE amount of money and you can do a lot of things with such a sum. THIS is the problem really and in my opinion needs to be addressed.

And again, it’s not really that important how it was before and how it is now. New problems exist – we need to find out the best possible solution to make it “right”, no?

Again it is about the game and not about my specific situation, I am not complaining, trying to make you see the problem.



June 12, 2013 07:41

340 posts(s)


Why is it pointless?
We are discussing whether there are flaws or not after the recent investment-area changes. And how it can be solved. Putting suggestions on the suggestions forum would be the next step for those who would like to that.

What is most pointless is probably your comment, but that is my opinion (and now even mine :) ).

That is always the deal around here, as there are so many “experts” on everything, everyone know exactly how a great game should work like, perhaps that is the downside and one of the reasons the game is in this state.



June 10, 2013 15:14

340 posts(s)


Dimitri, I thing going back to keep the money is even worse solution to this. It would welcome the cheating even more with the current transfer amounts and price tags.

Filipe, the solution with investments is a good one. It does solve what it was designed to do, it also introduced other problems that need to be solved. That cycle is very normal in the field of software development. Surely your solution to the problem is not as you suggest “do not sell players knowing you won’t be able to spend the money”?!

Is it only me who is bothered by this or you stopped caring long time ago?

And also, I will not pay 1Bn for one player, even if I had 100Bn, because I value players in different way than others I guess, I’d rather let the money be gone at the end of season. Or perhaps just buy someones player at the very end of the season to make them worry about it, haven’t really decided yet.. :)



June 10, 2013 08:27

340 posts(s)


Vaughn, I am aware and perhaps it’s a bit of an issue thinking 1Bn is a lot of money (considering the older valuation) and I might get 5 extra points that will do absolutely nothing for my club. Then the price is a bit hefty in my opinion.

Maybe this needs a re-thinking.



June 10, 2013 07:30

340 posts(s)


Again I am not at all surprised the same suspects give their voice to offer expertise, which is still impossible to read here..

You are missing (as always) the point.
I do not care if I can find a player or not to invest the 1Bn+ I have in the club transfer budget at the moment.

I am pointing towards a flaw in the game. Surely you can see the problem I am talking about?
Buying / selling player is possible. I have nothing to object to that.

The problem really is the game not offering enough functionality to invest that money you get in transfer during the season as the money is gone at the end of the season. I am pointing a flaw and fact that is a direct result of the latest (Investment) changes. If I did not care about the game I would not offer this free advice. Take it as you like.

And Rui, funny you actually did look for my comments and quoted it or maybe you had written them in your diary, whichever the case it proves that you like my ideas!! ;)



June 09, 2013 17:26

340 posts(s)


Doesn’t matter the background.

Now being more important is quite logical as there are not many good players being sold around. Few good guys do that and once you done deal with them you can not do another before next season. Another reason this being more important now is because the money is gone at the end of season, while earlier it’s shame you had to wait but at least you could save the money for future deals.

Now selling/buying has lost is meaning. The season investment solutions was good for much cheating prevention but introduced other issues, THAT need to be addressed, and that is what I am doing.

If you have done any software development you then would know that some solution introduce other side effects that need to be fixed as well. The one transfer/season/manager rule has now a bit different meaning after the new investments implementation. Surely I can not be the only one to see this?



June 09, 2013 15:24

340 posts(s)


Really, the rule is to prevent cheating, I get that but it prevents playing.
Think about it and let it sink, it has a meaning.



June 09, 2013 12:16

340 posts(s)


can’t trade with same manager more than 1 player / season, perfect example of rules needed revision.


June 09, 2013 10:18

340 posts(s)


Any ideas?



June 06, 2013 08:12

340 posts(s)


Contrary to others strategy I sell great players. Just to challenge myself to find equal replacement.

Cockwell, 95 shooter, only if you have the meaningless paper of course..



June 06, 2013 08:04

340 posts(s)


Yeah, 1BN, done it before, can get that in a season, that money should be invest-able, it’s ridiculous.



June 05, 2013 11:07

340 posts(s)


1. do the yout system investable
2. sort descending the money invested from all clubs investing money in youth.
3. spawn a future great player in the best invested team (at least highest chance)

So instead of losing 1Bn one can invest in youth, as no one will sell any good players anyway.



June 04, 2013 07:56

340 posts(s)


Then you re not suitable as GM (or police or whatever). You should see if the SET rules are broken and NOT assume stuff before they happen, unless you are an oracle.



June 03, 2013 08:05

340 posts(s)


Guys, again, read it.

Sacking your best players for whatever reason even if not logical at all is NOT illegal by game rules. Even if it’s weird it’s not prohibited. I’ve been preaching about this for ages that the BOARD will punish you somehow for doing such actions.

Actually when people (players) argue about 1 dollar wage difference I very much would like to fire them no matter how good they are, but that could be me. Still nothing illegal there, that part alone.



May 31, 2013 09:22

340 posts(s)


Actually, if you think about it, if we are talking about sacking players, it is not cheating.

That action alone is not cheating but if sacking the best players so you can buy them from your second or third account that is cheating, but again, sacking your best players just because you feel like it is NOT cheating. IS it?