Recent Posts by Alban Yazyk

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August 05, 2008 13:18

375 posts(s)


I think there was a great of fun in Soccersim in developing talented young players into megastars.

So it is in real life – some players reach their maximum when they are almost at the end of their career.

I would like attributes to grow until maybe 23 years, but I also think that players should be able to add a bit more points than their potential after a high number of international matches, cup finals and etc. Experience should make them better, smarter, increase their average rating. I think something like that is presented in Fifa Manager series, I’d say that some attributes will not grow, like speed, for example, but other should improve.


August 05, 2008 12:03

375 posts(s)


I just don’t understand. If lvl 10 coaching helps to see the potential, everyone will invest in coaching. And then young players will get enormous wages….and it will all spoil the game I think


August 05, 2008 09:50

375 posts(s)


I wanted to add that adding new leagues will possibly influence the game’s economy critically, I mean I am afraid of the inflation.

And staff departments is a very good tool against the inflation, that was very smart ;)


August 05, 2008 09:12

375 posts(s)


Hi !

I’ve checked your list of updates on Bugzilla and you have very very interesting plans for this game’s future !!!

Can we have a bit more fun and get a schedule or something like that ?

For example:

[Critical Update] “Let manager choose kickers” expected August 15th

Or "the next update will be "headers""


August 05, 2008 09:04

375 posts(s)


Thanks, Gabriel, I hope everything will be balanced !

Polat, what is the fun if we know exactly that the player will improve ? It’s unrealistic and too predictable


August 04, 2008 14:37

375 posts(s)


Gabriel, thanks for the fast answer !

So does this mean that only very talented players will suffer from weak coaching departments ?

Ok, can I try to sum up what I’ve found on the players’ improvement so far ? :)

1. All players come to the youth squad at the age of 16, but they have no birthdays and sometimes they become 17 in just a few turns.
2. All players come to the youth squad with current and potential abilities (potential are hidden, but they depend on their team’s division and their country’s international rating)
3. Players can improve only playing matches (but some managers hope that good coaching departments will help them improve without playing in future, like in real life….I would say it can help only until high 70-s, because good players must play a lot to gain experience and develop in real life)
4. Players have 40 hidden levels and can improve maximum 39 times (lvl 1-40)
5. Players currently have 8 attributes (but in future Heading will be added) and they preferably develop skills needed for their position most, but also develop secondary attributes.
6. Each of 39 times they can improve in 1-6 attributes, the chances depend on their coaching department level, which means that after Heading will be added the players will either improve less or (as I would recommend) field players will stop improving Keeping and keepers will not develop Heading.
7. If your coaching department is low, there is a threat that your youth player with high potential will not be able to reach it.


August 04, 2008 08:05

375 posts(s)


and how many times players will improve ?

at least Minimum/Average/Maximum ?

and also what is the chance to improve main/secondary attributes

for example, if I have a 16 years old youth midfielder with 70 pas and, for example, 10 improvement times left, how many passing points will he get ? 50% or 70% ? Because if Coaching level is 4 (+2 on average) and it is 50%, he will reach 80 pas after 10 improvements and will also get 10 points in other attributes.

And if level 4 gives average improvement of 2, what’s on level 10 ?


August 02, 2008 15:51

375 posts(s)


But wouldn’t it be easier for us to see it on the player’s main page ?
I would also like to know if the player played friendly matches in his stats page


July 20, 2008 16:20

375 posts(s)


I liked the 10 level idea too


July 04, 2008 18:10

375 posts(s)


I would like to have departments, but only if it helps. For example, if coaches will help my players to improve faster or help me get better youths.

And it should be made using a progressive scale, so that bigger clubs have to pay more or much more than smaller. Or maybe it is better to be able to concentrate only on 1 department and invest 100% in it (you choose your path yourself)


June 28, 2008 13:47

375 posts(s)


Can we see the player’s main stats (goals scored in different competitions and disciplinary points) on the main page of his info ?


June 26, 2008 02:06

375 posts(s)


I would like to know if the player played any friendly matches :)


June 24, 2008 18:25

375 posts(s)


Can we get more information on the players’ skills ?
In particular, I am interested how to know if a young player will grow into a star ? And when ? :)


June 13, 2008 15:30

375 posts(s)


Thanks for the hospitality and quick answers which are very helpful.

I am very concerned about the answr #3 – will this always be like this ? Isn’t it better to slit in defense-midfield-attack lines ?


June 13, 2008 14:23

375 posts(s)


Hello, I am new to this game, but I like it :)

I have some questions, can anyone answer them, plz ?

Here they are:

1) What is the ratio for value/wage ? I mean, if a player on the free transfer list value is 1,000,000, the ideal wage he will accept (without other bids) should be 1,000,000/x = y ?

2) How do the secondary attributes influence the performance of the players ? What’s the most important secondary skills for Ds/Ms/As/GKs ?

3) At the moment there are 4 options for tactics besides the formation, they are:
- Passing style
- Passing frequency
- Shooting distance
- Tackling intensity

I assume that if my midfield has higher passing skill, I’d better choose “long” and “frequent” and if their passing is bad, I’d better choose “short” and “rare”. If my attackers’ shooting is good, the distance will be “long” and vice versa, same with the defense. Am I right ?

4)If I want to sign a young player from the free transfers’ list, I check his stats and it sais he had no matches in his career, can this mean that he had played 102498 friendly matches and didn’t improve and was fired and he is useless to me but I can’t check it out ?

5) If the potential of the players’ is counted in points, does this mean, for example “the player has 100 points of his potential left” and does this mean that an MA or DM will have their passing skill lower than a pure M ?

Thanks in advance :) Maybe the answers will be useful for other human players, not only me :)