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January 01, 2014 04:54

11 posts(s)



Thanks for the response Joseppi. Unfortunately, he was a very good player so got taken on by another club almost straight away.


December 30, 2013 09:17

31 posts(s)



Nevermind… he got injured while playing national game.


December 30, 2013 08:00

31 posts(s)



This player was also resting for 2 ticks and gets only gets 1 point stamina back, then he gets injured for no reason…


December 30, 2013 07:53

31 posts(s)



Filippo Trevisan’s recovery time has been reduced in 1 turn

This player is injured without playing a match, during last tick he gets injured for 6 ticks.

How is this possible, its my best player and cup/cl matches are in the next few ticks….


December 28, 2013 09:56

1,003 posts(s)



Seems pretty good. But we love our current hosting – so what I did was to downgrade our current plan. This will mean less expenses to us and I don’t think it will impact much.


December 19, 2013 18:15

6 posts(s)


Surely if i have bought the player then he automatically becomes mine and all loan deals cancel automatically?

if not lesson learned!


December 18, 2013 19:24

637 posts(s)


It’s not a bug. The club who loaned the player is free to refuse. In your case he’s loaned to a cpu so you will have to miss him till the loan has ended. A cpu won’t answer your termination request.


December 18, 2013 16:44

6 posts(s)


Bought a keeper for £90,000,000 in the medium tick, he is on loan at a club, i have requested termination but heard nothing?

Regards Gary


December 18, 2013 09:01

78 posts(s)


GC can you please add that future? It is undoable in Bolivia now :(


December 16, 2013 02:30

4,303 posts(s)



Looks interesting…we just need to make sure it’s reliable, we’ve had bad experiences in the beginning with unreliable hosts.

Thanks BK!


December 12, 2013 10:22

828 posts(s)


now fast ticker……FUCKING TRANSFER BUDGET zero, btw i made 900 million in the final ticks of the season i had points left over to use in investments. wheres my cash ffs turn 12 and why do i only get 240 with points left over ? and all the money i made ?

this game is absolutely fucked. sell it so progress can be made ffs


December 12, 2013 09:20

340 posts(s)


Danilo and Gabriel, have you seen cheaper hosting such as:

Sounds very nice, not used the service myself but who knows..
Just some thoughts..



December 10, 2013 09:57

828 posts(s)


worked ty


December 10, 2013 04:01

828 posts(s)


December 10, 2013 02:08

4,303 posts(s)



Let us know if it doesn’t go in next turn.


December 10, 2013 00:54

828 posts(s)


investments go into effect 11th turn ? it is now 12th on medium ticker and i have yet to have been given my transfer cash


December 02, 2013 16:57

78 posts(s)


Since i can not search for bolivian players: if anybody sees one with prime skills over 80 or you have one, let me know :)


December 02, 2013 07:52

828 posts(s)


yeh maybe time to pass the reigns


November 30, 2013 19:33

78 posts(s)


Perhaps a easier solution Gabriel, just put the flags of the nationality of the players on the transferslists as well.

And if you ever wanna sell the game, let me know Gabriel :)


November 29, 2013 22:49

4,303 posts(s)



It is bleeding out, but not dead yet ;-)


November 29, 2013 11:51

78 posts(s)


Since the chances are small it will be done, i just took over the national team, easier to select people :P Still hope it will be implemented because i can not so by the name if someone is from Bolivia :S


November 28, 2013 18:46

78 posts(s)




November 28, 2013 18:22

301 posts(s)


i’d say probably 144 turns from the date of transaction…


November 28, 2013 08:39

78 posts(s)


“You can’t go to a team which has been recently involved in player transactions with you”

and how long can’t i go to that team?


November 28, 2013 00:05

296 posts(s)


Message Gabriel in game, he done it for me before but only if that player hasn’t joined another club.


November 27, 2013 03:24

11 posts(s)



I offered my player a new contract & as I was doing this his contract ran out. Although this was partly my mistake for not offering sooner, its unfair that I’ve now lost him after my1st contract proposal. Is there anyway the game Admins can help restore him to my team??


November 26, 2013 10:05

828 posts(s)


how dare you ask for communication from the creators and admins of this game….


i know its ridiculous game is dead or is bleeding out


November 25, 2013 20:49

78 posts(s)


Would be nice if there would be a reply that it will be implemented :P


November 19, 2013 08:43

31 posts(s)



Alll the teams are facing diffirent opponents in the final stage.
I am so “unlucky” to draw against an opponent I played already in group stage?
Well i guess the outcome is already decided then, since we played eachother before.. :)


November 19, 2013 05:07

4,303 posts(s)



It is strange indeed but if it is a double account it hasn’t been identified as such yet.