for example dont offer me this shit
500m to spend. who wants it ? i expect what i pay for so dont offer me anything if you dont want to part from the player that im willing to spend 500m for. if a striker must be top scorer in league, if mid must be 8 in raiting defender must be higher or mid 90 tackle high 80’s in speed controll, header, and must be at least an 80 passer.
the scouting search system takes to fucking long to find what i want so ill give a call. not all players that could sell are currently listed. well im offering 500m what are you ? ( to whom is reading this)
That’s weird. I have to admit that when I was last managing a team I didn’t watch the replays so I’m not sure that happened with my strategies. We’ll have to test it again and make sure the sub player is indeed taking the new position rather than sticking to the old one.
“In your example player X will use the newly specified position once he enters the match, zone A side C and mentality -1.”
The attacker is playing mostly on D C -1 instead of the A C -1 position.
Had several occations where the attacker was last man on the D C -1 position..
I almost thought he would take over the keepers position :)
I won’t rule that out, even though I still believe match replay is just not accurate enough. Another thing I should point out is that our referees are coded to make mistakes sometimes, both ways.
In your example player X will use the newly specified position once he enters the match, zone A side C and mentality -1. The previous player position on zone D, side C and mentality 1 will be empty. If there is no player on the specified position no substitution is going to happen.
You lose points if your total performance + money left was worse than in the previous season, you gain extra points if it was better. When I say performance I mean finishing position in each competition (if you didn’t join a competition you simply get 0 points from that), the league being the main contributor (all teams on div 2 get less points from the league than teams on div 1). Oh, I should also mention that the country ranking interferes with the total points a team gets.
I bet that’s an issue with the way we present the match replay, not the match engine itself. The match replay contains snapshots of every 10 seconds of the match. Between one snapshot and the other the players must have run towards each other and one tackled the other.
I do that over the internet every day and some of the people being tackled are in another continent, what is the problem? ;)
So basicly a team can lose points even they have won the league and won the league cup plus having twice the amount of money from what they have started with at the begining at the season?
I understand the part how its calculated and compared to last season but i think its not right to lose points when there are far worse teams that win nothing but gain points compared to a team that win some prizes etc..
Players tackle another player when other player is 50 meters away.
When attacker replaces defender he will use the defenders position when he supposed to play as attacker.
In any match, any minute, if we are behind by 2, replace the player on zone D, side C and mentality 1 by (player X) on zone A, side C and mentality -1
Offside is bugged
Players are offside when they are not.
Isso pode acontecer mesmo que não conheça a pessoa, seja porque usaram a mesma rede pública coincidentemente (universidade, trabalho, free wi-fi, lan house, etc) ou porque usaram o mesmo provedor de internet com IP dinâmico. No último caso o provedor pode ter fornecido o mesmo endereço de IP pra vocês dois em dias diferentes, fazendo com que o sistema registrasse vocês na mesma rede. Infelizmente não conseguimos diferenciar os casos listados acima dos casos em que as pessoas realmente se conhecem, por isso preferimos pecar por excesso do que por falta de restrições. Espero que compreenda.
Estou a ter este erro ao tentar comprar um jogador. Não conheço o jogador que o está a vender nem estou na mesma rede nem no mesmo PC:
Same PC or network negotiation is not allowed
Podem verificar isto por favor?
Get on with your management duties and stop complaining.
My team got 3 injurys in 1 match, this is to much..
I tried to rest my other players but they had to replace the inured ones.
Now my team have low stamina plus 3 injurys.
Can we limit the amount of injuries please.
lol :D #6 was just a bit of shit stiring haha <3
just fired a jozy altidore equivilent in rubysoccer. hes 95 shooter yet can only score 1 fucking goal in 11 games. good luck hes shit
I have to say I like all of your suggestions…with the exception of maybe #6…I’m a selfish bastard!
Try configure Java security settings and set it to medium security level
Suggestion #1:
reset Fast Ticker @ 100th season
Medium Tick @ 50th standard for now. reset the game.
Suggestion #2 : keep the implicated team and country info. but for time being remove temp some of the countries due to lack of human managers
Suggestion #3: Training controll over players attributes. players gain x amounts of attribute per x amount of points ect right ? so why not have an option to focus where you want those attributes to be gained… but dont make it an absolute… make it alike the current scouting investment higher the investment the more likely those choices
(% chance) will be made as to what attributes are changed. just a thought.
Suggestion #4
as i wrote this i had to what i thought an excellent idea…… as above starting age for career lowered a year ? or raise attribute gaining age to at least 27-28 this is realistic.
players in real life, never stop getting better till older age really. they learn and get better…some untill around 30+ … they are humans right ? so why not have this in the game. understandably it should be random after a certain age of how often they gain attributes. i also think players should have injuries that force players to retire as in real life. have it in the scout report, wiether the player scouted is a “late bloomer” “fast learner” " lazy" or what have you. and thier work ethic
Suggestion #5 moral needs to be implicated ASAP
Suggestion #6 Sell or give the rights to the game to someone who would continue active development. and active updates fine tunings ect.
these are my suggestions.
Medium has 6 more managers indeed :P
But i would not reset 2 servers….Medium would be best since there are more problems there then in fast (keeper issues etc)
Hi guys, I’m struggling with a new problem with match replays:
I’m using the 64-bit version of java which I need for other programs but I cant get it to work with rubysoccer’s match replays… Is there some way to fix this?
put played in every aspect vs a shit goalie
I don’t get it. What’s the problem? You had more shots, but scored less. Happens all the time.
talk about a fucking joke of a fuckn bullshit shit game
no wonder ppl are leaving
medium tick
ffs 2 × 1
3-4-3 formation 3-4-3
44% possession 56%
17 shots 34
13 shots on target 25
90% accurrate passes 94%
32% effective tackles 52%
3 corners 7
5 offsides 2
8 fouls 5
reset after implimented and add an investment choice of % of money kept after season end
AND training choices
Both could do with a reset to be honest, I’m happy still playing away but a new challenge would be nice.