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August 19, 2009 16:20

4,300 posts(s)



I’ve noticed some similar problems, not sure what is going on yet with our translation plugin :P


August 19, 2009 15:23

651 posts(s)


that happens sometimes and not just in mailbox but some other pages too. but gets corrected on next refresh…

EDIT: didn’t realize this was my 400th post :)


August 19, 2009 15:13

71 posts(s)



I keep getting some of my in game mails from my assistants in ( i’m assuming ) portugese. Well actually just the subject, the actual mails are in english.


August 19, 2009 14:23

56 posts(s)


Giuseppe Capecchi

Posición: A
Lado: LR
Portero: 38
Defensa: 90
Pase: 81
Tiro: 93
Velocidad: 76
Regate: 89
Control: 77
Juego aéreo: 90
Agresividad: 51


Other transfer list players, take a look, price are negotiable in some cases


August 19, 2009 12:45

803 posts(s)


Lowering division sale prices at Guimarães… Lots of players transfer listed for good prices, most of them still developing…

Take a look!


August 19, 2009 12:42

4,300 posts(s)



You got it right, matheus. Blue means the skill increased after last match, red means it decreased.


August 19, 2009 12:07

2 posts(s)


i don’t understand very much when some skills of the players are RED or BLUE, what means?
blue increse?
red degree?
who answer this, please send me a message in fast ticker, matheus fusco
team: barueri


August 19, 2009 11:11

4,300 posts(s)



Hmmm, that’s a good question…I suppose you had midfielders available to replace him, right? Anyway, I’ll let Danilo take this one, he is more familiar with this area than me.


August 19, 2009 10:42

50 posts(s)


Monaco x Benfica
4 × 0

4-4-2 formação 4-4-2
51% posse de bola 49%
30 chutes 36
27 chutes a gol 34
95% passes certos 96%
36% roubadas efetivas 37%
6 escanteios 6
0 impedimentos 2
10 faltas 12


August 19, 2009 06:10

609 posts(s)


i have no clue dirk :) but i have to post this to, to funny:

14 min: Martín (h) is injured.
14 min: Pecile (h) replaces Martín (h)
21 min: Pecile (h) is injured.

Both 4 ticks back


August 18, 2009 22:23

287 posts(s)


Update from version 0.1.8 to 0.1.8a


  • Minor fix: Now it works correctly without www inside rubysoccer url


August 18, 2009 22:18

287 posts(s)


You have to access rubysoccer from: (with www in URL)

Version 0.1.8a will work without www too.


August 18, 2009 21:40

102 posts(s)


When i change the 0 to my own team number the script stops working, why?


August 18, 2009 21:15

287 posts(s)


Update from version 0.1.6 to 0.1.8


  • New column TN: How many turns was necessary to player change his skills.


August 18, 2009 18:30

50 posts(s)


This idea is somewhat complex and difficult, because it can increase the number of cheating in the game because I can create a technical team and leave it and only 10 get to train my player, so my team would leave in the 0 level of technical and would ecomizando a lot besides being with my future guaranteed, what you can do is put as a loan player to the club that takes him borrow club pays their wages and that gave the player also continue paying his salary .


August 18, 2009 18:22

50 posts(s)


in my opinion you should choose the field where the batter of penalty should be a list of the 11 subjects and also with the reserves, who would then up the tactic could choose the sequence that he wants it to help when a dispute was for the penalty.


August 18, 2009 17:55

40 posts(s)



I would compare Alberto, the king, to Pelé, the prince ;) LOL


August 18, 2009 17:06

637 posts(s)


My midfielder Bonaquista (M+1)was injured in the CL match against Bayern Munchen. Nothing wrong with it. The stange thing is that he was substituted by De Molceperes (an attacker). However I made a formation strategie to replace an injured midfielder by the best midfielder. I also checked the used formation.
What went wrong?


August 18, 2009 15:51

4,300 posts(s)



Unfortunately not, when the selected player is not present the player who suffered the foul or the closest player takes the penalty kick. I know, we need to change that! :)


August 18, 2009 15:40

609 posts(s)


i think your best attacker in line will take the penalty. Should be better to let it be the best shooter take it, even if it’s not an A.

But don’t pin me on this comment, i’m not sure either :)


August 18, 2009 15:18

71 posts(s)



I recently had a penalty after my selected taker had been substituted, my worst shoot striker then took this penalty. Now assuming that your best shoot player is the best to take this, surely it would be better to put it into the game that when your selected kick taker is not available (injury/substituion) then the next best player available should take over?


August 18, 2009 09:50

651 posts(s)


people have different strategies at different times… and who can be so sure people will let only their substandard players to be loaned in that way…
if i had a very good young player (not enough to be in the first team), i would definitely let him play at another team for certain fee… ( although i would have to have my finance at its best)…

the only problem i see with this approach is this might be abused to give away money to another club. And i believe concerned club board should be very much strict in this matter and regularly moderated. Limits on max amount you want to pay and the number of players you want to go away for this kind of loan should be defined by the board. Also it needs to be constrained that only your best players are a part of that loan deal…


August 18, 2009 09:38

609 posts(s)


What team wants to get payed to let low 70/80’s stats players ruin there team? I think we need more interaction from the CPU teams, alot of them can do better if the loan/buy some players.


August 18, 2009 06:26

651 posts(s)


nice idea actually…
sometimes you know that player will be good, but you just need to give him some time to play.
and we could actually invite someone to develop our players and pay them for doing that, fair thing..


August 18, 2009 02:27

287 posts(s)


It would be nice if we could settle wage from -100 to 100%. I mean, if we could offer money to other team to train our player.

I have some players that dont have good skills to loan, but I have interess to pay for it


August 18, 2009 00:37

4,300 posts(s)



Unfortunately yes…but it’s a good thing if you think of it cause you get new stuff AND match engine improvments! Of course the latest may not be ready by Aug 29th…


August 17, 2009 20:55

609 posts(s)


so my hopes for 29 aug to be a big match engine improvement has fallen apart :(


August 17, 2009 20:54

609 posts(s)


we all want the engine to be at the best right? to do so we need to complain to improve it :) and it’s not crying, it’s just posting weird things u notice.


August 17, 2009 19:53

637 posts(s)


I’m not crying damago… i’m just posting weird results in my opinion ;) :)


August 17, 2009 17:56

120 posts(s)



COME ON!!! People should just complain when winning big time, because they score so many goals, but no, so many people just crying like babies…….. CLEANEXXXXXX