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March 16, 2012 13:22

72 posts(s)


i believe cpu teams have run out of money…
and base price of players is way too inflated…


March 15, 2012 19:47

639 posts(s)



Yes, it seems that it is only possible to have cpu teams buy lots of players for too high prices, or to have them not buy anything at all, even at the cheapest price possible. A middle way would be nice.


March 14, 2012 15:31

296 posts(s)


Ive had a few of my players for sale for a while now and i keep lowering their price, now they are at the minium the board will let me sell them for.. Still nothing =/


March 14, 2012 12:19

72 posts(s)


i had benfica in the same group during the group phase. now i have benfica as my first opponent in the knockout phase.

i know we need to face any opponent, but this seems quite weird that same teams meet in the first knockout round after the group phase (knock out phase)


March 14, 2012 09:51

340 posts(s)


I think that was meant to work with real managers, since the loaning to computer managed clubs is new, I am guessing, programmers did not do that intelligence for computer controlled clubs to decide on such requests.

It’s not a bug/feature, maybe lack of enough functionality due the new feature.
I think when you loan out a player you shouldn’t be able to recall him back before the end of loan period.



March 13, 2012 20:17

57 posts(s)


I have a player loaned to a CPU manager ( and i have requested a loan termination. But I haven’t received any feedback and the request is still pending. Feature or defect?

Jorge Correia
FastTicker, Portugal, Benfica


March 12, 2012 13:22

301 posts(s)


Can’t believe last post was by me almost a month ago…

Alavez has a few good young players and veterans for sale. 5 to 10mil$… pretty cheap for guys who will become 87 average players in the future or guys that can help your team out right away.


March 06, 2012 20:48

639 posts(s)



The same bug as perhaps?


March 06, 2012 20:37

28 posts(s)


Yes this is very strange.
In the screen “Matches”, at turn number4, I can choose one of my formation to play the game.

1 16-human Gimnasia Jujuy 3 x 0 Kalamata 16-computer Won Friendly Report
4 16-human Gimnasia Jujuy x Dijon 16-human Friendly
6 16-human Gimnasia Jujuy 9 x 0 Dijon 16-human Won Friendly Report


March 06, 2012 16:44

72 posts(s)


i was going through dijon’s page and i found this friendly (seems at turn 4) sandwiched between turn 46 and 47…

44 16-human Gimnasia Jujuy 5 × 0 Dijon 16-human Friendly 16-match_replay
45 16-human Dijon 2 × 1 Libourne 16-computer Ligue 1 16-match_replay
46 16-human Dijon 2 × 0 Lens 16-computer Coupe de France 16-match_replay
4 16-human Gimnasia Jujuy x Dijon 16-human Friendly
47 16-human Dijon x Gimnasia Jujuy 16-human Friendly


March 03, 2012 14:14

5 posts(s)


Twente did play with subs the whole second round, therefore I have to apologise from both managers.



February 29, 2012 18:21

639 posts(s)



Season 65 was a strange one, with a lot of clubs having winning and losing streaks. Defending champion PSV had a bad season and only just managed to qualify for European football. The number 17 of two seasons ago, Haarlem, managed to win both the league and the cup this year. Computer teams took place two and three while De Graafschap took the important sixth place just before AGOVV.

But next season everything might be totally different..


February 28, 2012 12:05

5 posts(s)


In Group no.7, the match between Juventus and Twente ended with a 14-1 victory for Juventus.

I just hope that Twente plays with substitutes in the other two matches left, otherwise it will be a major fraud and cheating.

Thanks for your time.

Best regards


February 26, 2012 21:04

340 posts(s)


Selected maximum age 30, I still get results with players up to age 39.



February 26, 2012 18:20

12 posts(s)


Concordo perfeitamente com o que dizes, tal como tambem é importante saber se houve mudanças e quais? e o que podemos fazer, pois as nossas equipas sao muito competitivas e estao a deixar de ser escandalosamente. e ja agora era importante saber como se esta a proceder aos emprestimos versus evolução?


February 25, 2012 18:23

340 posts(s)


nah, you still don’t get it.
But get this, when no one buys him for 163M, when you are ready to settle for my offer, do send me an ingame mail, I might make you an offer, if he is not 38 years old by then.



February 25, 2012 07:41

241 posts(s)


After Dhimiter’s ( Cardiff ) disaperance from the game looks like Filipe (Newcastle) also left , its a shame .Anyway, looking forward to compete in premier legue next season, good luck to all.


February 24, 2012 19:12

639 posts(s)



Maybe you can repost it at as a suggestion Molinari?


February 24, 2012 18:13

637 posts(s)


No it isn’t possible. You need to select a position which you want to substitute, but you can substitute him by the best available player on the bench.
At this moment you could select a substitution based on the result at a specific time or you could select an event (injuries or red card).


February 24, 2012 16:04

639 posts(s)



I think I get it: you made your bid because of your obsession with player value.

Just don’t do it again.


February 24, 2012 14:43

2 posts(s)


Sorry to ask what seems like a simple question, but is it possible to set a rule so that after a set number of minutes during a match, you take of the worst playing midfielder and replace him with the best available midfielder on the bench? It would seem a little strange it that wasn’t the case, hence why I’m asking :-).


February 24, 2012 12:46

116 posts(s)


Mudou algo no SIM em relação ao resultado das partidas?
Ele me parece mais aleatório que antes.
Eu tomo como partida os resultados de minhas equipes, tanto no Medium, quanto no Fast.
Está muito mais aleatório que na temporada passada.
Antes, as zebras não eram tão corriqueiras como estão sendo agora.

É só observar as 3 derrotas do San Martin Tucuman na lig do MEDIUM, e as derrotas na Copa e na Libertadores, e alguns jogos do Chacarita Juniors na liga no FAST.

Mudou algo, ou está a mesma coisa?



February 24, 2012 12:12

340 posts(s)


I understand the problem, but the problem is yours, not mine.

The transfer price is unrealistically high, that’s why you think my offer is just just 25%, if you had listed him for 50M and I offered 40M it would be 80%, no? You would have sold him for 50M, as people would know he is worth that money. I am guessing you will not sell him for 163M unless someone just wants to make a joke about this.

You base your price on the player value which you can not convince me is worth for the player (163M), I do my own evaluation and make a bid for the worth of the player, it has nothing to do with the listed price. I have explained to you more than once and if you still refuse to understand how I reason, which is your problem here since you complain on me bidding what I bid, then there is not much I can do.

About my bids in general, just ask people I have dealt with, when they ask reasonable prices and not some fantasy figures as you do. I do bid what I can pay for the quality of the player and do so when I have the money, when I don’t I ask them if they can lower the price. I made a perfectly reasonable offer for your player and can still offer you the same amount if you are interested, even if I am in a different club now.



February 24, 2012 09:53

639 posts(s)



I don’t think you understand the problem. It has nothing to do with player value: it has to do with the transfer price. It’s ok to bid a bit less than the transfer price. A bit less than 25% of the transfer price is either stupid or just to annoy. And I saw you did bids like that more often…


February 24, 2012 06:36

340 posts(s)


so if his value in the game (German Angeleri) with the very same stats were 250M, you mean his value would be 250M???

I am telling you the value calculated in the game is wrong, I never look at that value, I look at what money the club has and the player’s skills. To analyze your player, he has great tackling sure, but passing is bellow the standard of a really great player, also speed could be better but it’s ok. So in order for ME to pay what you are asking he would have 80+ in pass and 95 in speed or more. That’s how I reason, I do not see him being worth more than 40-50M, but if you get 163M for him, sure, go ahead and sell to someone paying it, also if you get 500M, sell to that club instead, it is a free market, you sell to who you want. No need to get touchy over a bid. I explained my way of reasoning, if you still do not get it, then I can not say anything else to make you get it.
I am also claiming that if you should not have the player value attribute in the game, you would NOT put a price tag of 163M to that player. Here is the problem really, you thinking that he is worth that kind of money.
IF he was worth that kind of money, people WOULD HAVE bought that player from you for 163M, understand that!!
HE is NOT, there is NOT a single bit of thing in the game pointing towards such a thing of a player being worth that kind of money. I am talking about the economics in the game. Nothing explains/validates that value, it is simple result of not a good enough formula for player value calculation.
It’s like buying a cheap orange headphone and putting a nice logo to it and selling it for 10x the value, it’s worth it or not it depends on the buyer, not the value itself.
When we are talking industry and manufacturing cost, you can pretty much calculate everything and get the EXACT cost for a product being made.

Here the player value should be based on some common things as:
- number of highest level games (international games),
- number of years at top level (can be counter-measured with talent so you don’t get great and cheap youth players)
- how important player is for the club (not too big influence though)
and so on, there can be many checks to calculate a value instead of doing the old + etc…

And while the developers may or not may change the formulas, nothing changes, the value is still not real, and pretending it is the true value is not real to me, now you get how I am thinking when offering “an insult” offer. Or maybe you don’t (want to)…



February 23, 2012 23:50

639 posts(s)



He’s only on the transfer list in case the computer team madness returns, or in case a human manager doesn’t know what to do with his money.


February 23, 2012 22:20

296 posts(s)


I had a wee look there, I would pay 60mil max for him. Ive never had a club with alot of money though.. everyones different.


February 23, 2012 21:18

639 posts(s)



Gérman Angeleri

Offering 25% of the price I am willing to pay him for is not a serious bid, it’s just a ‘I bid to annoy’ bid.


February 23, 2012 20:42

301 posts(s)


give me a name and i’ll tell you who’s at fault! :P


February 23, 2012 17:14

340 posts(s)


make me an offer and we’ll see..

I do not think anything nor I assume you think the way I do, it’s a game, it’s the interaction between managers that is part of the game. It’s really ridiculous of you to drop my bid by removing the player from transferlist like that.

Why do you do that, are you afraid that others will see my low bid and they will match the low bid?
If you are certain of your players being 2 or 3 times more, why be bothered by a lower bid?
Just wait and see what you’ll get.

What I do is I consider bids if they are acceptable or not, if not I still leave the bid there, and expect a fair offer no matter what people bid, I know the value of the players, apparently you don’t that’s why you get confused by the in-game value of the player, which is totally unnecessary.
