Recent Posts by Rui Antunes

Subscribe to Recent Posts by Rui Antunes 74 posts(s) found

June 26, 2013 12:33

74 posts(s)


lol. no prob. thanks.


June 25, 2013 19:38

74 posts(s)


now i can’t see any player already scouted… it seems they disappear after every tick. only in medium ticker. fast ticker is working fine, i believe


June 25, 2013 13:35

74 posts(s)



In my scout reports page at medium ticker only shows one report of the 3 i’ve made… in fast ticker, everything ok.


June 24, 2013 13:17

74 posts(s)


cool. thanks.

now, player’s moral? :)


June 17, 2013 21:15

74 posts(s)


i’m sorry if i upset you underlining your lies. as far as i’m concern me, you can go on thinking/talking as if you are the owner of the game… it’s ok


June 17, 2013 14:37

74 posts(s)


well, at this point you just can’t full anyone here with your excuses

“bought the player for NOT 1Bn but 1.2Bn (all my money)”. if you say so, i believe… but this is what the player history tell us:

Antonio Prados 1000000000 Transfered from Sunderland to Queens Park Rangers


June 16, 2013 00:45

74 posts(s)


“I will not pay 1Bn for one player, even if I had 100Bn, because I value players in different way than others I guess, I’d rather let the money be gone at the end of season.”

yeah, yeah, yeah.

ps – unfortunately, RS has became much less fun with the new economic model. it was predictable. 3 minutes/day is enough to play the game as it is now. i wish good luck to developers in the next step.


June 09, 2013 21:43

74 posts(s)


“What are you talking about, you can sell/buy players, maybe not the ones you want for the money you have/can offer but that has been the reality of all games of this type”.

this is a quote from someone, which is a possible answer to this thread’s subject. here’s the one million dollar question: which manager did tell us the sentence above?

a little help… it was the same manager who told, 3 months ago: “If I can not buy one more player ever again in this game, I would still enjoy the game”.


May 20, 2013 12:25

74 posts(s)


hehehehe. nice one Dirk :)


May 20, 2013 09:05

74 posts(s)


i just have 3 guys with broken legs at the moment lol


May 10, 2013 14:36

74 posts(s)


Sly, i think you’re not right on this one…


May 10, 2013 14:34

74 posts(s)


eu sei, eu vi que te faltavam 5m depois de teres vendido um jogador para o Feyenoord por 90m e então foi preciso veres mais um barato para um time CPU ;) infelizmente, eu não consegui vender os meus jogadores tão depressa para poder comprar o Caldas…


May 10, 2013 09:55

74 posts(s)


claro Félix :) eu vi que você também precisou de vender jogadores para o comprar e que os dois jogadores do Lokomotiv Moscow te fizeram hesitar… ;)


May 10, 2013 09:52

74 posts(s)


Of course it’s just a game, Hank, a funny game :)

(in game emails doesn’t work in cases like this… i might get insulted :) )


May 10, 2013 01:14

74 posts(s)


Filipe, there were no strategy, only cheating. i decided to confess everything at the general forum.


May 10, 2013 00:41

74 posts(s)


According to an intel source, their names are Sergiy Migashko and Afonso Caldas, sold with 31 ticks difference, so maybe Hercule is missing a piece here when he claims it happened twice, one after another. Damn, how could my lawyer missed that!!!


May 10, 2013 00:25

74 posts(s)



Eu tenho respeito por quase todos os managers. Acredita, és só mesmo tu e outro (e muito mais o outro, deixa-me que te o diga desde já para não ficarem dúvidas).

Tu porquê? Porque eu nunca falei de ti no forum, nem das tuas opções, e já é a segunda vez que vens falar das minhas. E o que é comum a ambas as tuas intevenções? Queixas-te de que não conseguiste comprar um jogador!!!

Está aqui um gajo a ser acusado de cheater e tu aproveitas a boleia para vires queixar-te de uma coisa dessas?! Isso tem um nome: mau carácter. Se todos se queixassem dos jogadores que perdem, o forum rebentava com o servidor só à conta disso.

Da outra vez era porque eu paguei muito por um jogador e tu ofereceste menos e perdeste-o. Ora imagina que todos os managers que já perderem jogadores para ti por causa dos ordenados que andas a oferecer viessem para aqui chorar? Alguma vez eu comentei isso ou qualquer outra opção tua? NÃO. Então estamos conversados.

A minha arrogância para contigo e o outro (especialmente o outro, acredita) vem da forma como falam comigo ou de mim, nada tem a ver com rankings. Podia estar em último que seria arrogante na mesma ao vosso nível, não merecem mais. Se atiras pedras queres que te trate com simpatia? Deves estar muito mal habituadinho. Levas resposta ao mesmo (baixo) nível.

O que é que consideras ofensa da minha parte? Só estou a ver as expressões “loosers” ou “girls” (ambas no plural mais por causa do outro, embora a carapuça também te sirva a ti, evidentemente, depois do que disseste). Deve ser isso. Só pode ser isso que consideras ofensa. Pois então lê o que disseste sobre mim antes. É que convém ter noção do que fazemos para tentar perceber o porquê daquilo que os outros nos estão a fazer a nós.

Quanto ao desafio (muito maduro, por sinal) de me convidares para um frente-a-frente, de modo a confirmares se te consigo dizer na cara isto mesmo que te estou a dizer por mensagem, pois é simples: manda-me o teu número pelo email do jogo e marcamos isso. Estou em Lisboa.

Sobre a lógica do meu raciocínio de compra e venda de jogadores, o meu tem toda a lógica, o teu é simplesmente absurdo. Acompanha-me na matemática (lá está a agorrância… em resposta a quê? À tua arrogância, quem diria), Lince ou lá como te chamas: se os jogadores que estão à venda custam 600 milhões e eu só tenho 380m, explica-me devagarinho como é que eu os posso comprar primeiro, como sugeres?

Tinha vendido antes para quê se os jogadores que me interessavam ainda não estavam à venda e eu não fazia a menor ideia de que iam estar num futuro próximo? Sou adivinho, por acaso? Querias que eu simplesmente vendesse por vender, a 3 ticks do final da época, para depois ficar sem o dinheiro na nova temporada? Isso é que é o teu raciocício lógico? Parabéns (agora não é arrogância, é só ironia…).

Quando eles apareceram à venda, eu tentei vender os meus o mais depressa que pude. Demorei. Vocês demoraram. E perdi os jogadores que queria, primeiro um, depois o outro. O outro gajo já sei que é burro, mas tu também não consegues perceber isto? Porra!!!

Achas mesmo que faço isso para chatear os outros?! Please, what’s the point? Não julgues quem não conheces de lado nenhum, meu caro. Nem acuses sem tentar perceber ao certo o que se passou. Muito menos acusações levianas num forum público.

Eu é que te ofendi? Ganha juízo, pá. Vê lá o que escreveste antes: “i loose one player, time and turns with your joke , the other players should do the same to you and certainly you would not like”

O que é isto?

My Joke?

Os outros deviam fazer-me o mesmo?

Mas alguma vez eu tive este tipo de comentários sobre ti?

É como te digo: atiras pedras e queres simpatia de volta. Cuida-te, pá.

Tu começaste a merda. Quando eu a começo, sou homenzinho o suficiente para me retractar. Isso não é arrogância. Arrogância é criticar e atacar os outros, sem os conhecer de lado nenhum, e esperar delicadeza em troca. Para ti serei arrogante na medida em que o fores para mim.

Mas há que reconhecer que disseste uma coisa acerta: “Mas fazes o que quiseres com a tua equipa obviamente”. Exacto. Então deixa de chorar no forum.

O facto de não me comprares mais ninguém deixa-me muito perturbado. Por favor não faças isso.

Enfim… tudo isto é triste, tudo isto é fado.


May 09, 2013 23:13

74 posts(s)


After tears thrown away at Oprah’s, I needed 10 minutes to recover from my dramatic confession. But, as promised this morning, I then sit with the journalists to answer all the questions they had. Here’s the result.

Q: Why did you decide to admit cheating after all these years playing SS/MS/RB?

A: It was the second time a great detective we have in our community accused me at the forum. At the first try, no one cared. They thought it was just madness. But then the Hercule Poirot presented strong evidence and left me no other option but confess: Yes, I’m a cheater. A big fucking cheater. I’m not proud about it, but I simply can’t avoid cheating. It’s a kind of disease, I can’t explain.

Q: What did this Parrot find out about you?

A: Poirot. His name is Poirot, not parrot. Well, he discovered that, after I transfer list a player he would like to have on his team, I then changed my mind and didn’t sell the player. Twice! That was outrageous and leave me no room to hide behind the mask anymore.

Q: Did you sell that player to another team?

A: No. I kept him on my team. How could I have such behaviour?

Q: But how come that is cheating?

A: The guy was disappointed, don’t you understand?

Q: Ok. But we are talking about cheating here…

A: All of my life I got used to see Hercule Poirot find the guilty of a crime and, if he’s saying I’m guilty, that’s because I am! What are you trying to suggest?! Don’t you dare to question Agatha Christie, my friend, don’t you dare!

Q: That’s not my intention. I’m just trying to understand what happened?

A: Man, I already told you what happened: I didn’t sell a player to him, TWICE! At tick 138 or 141 or something. Not enough to you?

Q: Is there any obligation to sell in these circumstances?

A: Of course. If you don’t sell a player to Poirot and change your mind twice after transfer list him, you cheat. When you are talking about a great detective like him, you have to sell that player, it’s in the rules, man. You have to take his money and lose it all just 3 ticks later.

Q: I see: but if you didn’t want to sell that player, why did you list him, right? Twice?!

A: Exactly. That was my biggest mistake, my crime gun, if you want. I wanted to buy a player listed for +500 million, so I needed money. But all of sudden another team bought him. And I removed all my players from the transfer list. I should have complained to authorities about the other team buying the player I wanted.

Q: And that happened twice?

A: Shame on me. First it was a midfielder, then an attacker for more than +600m. I did it all over again, lost that player and removed my players from the list. That’s what I regret most. This has no possible forgiveness.

Q: What punish would you consider fair to your offense?

A: Life in prison, at least. But I would consider dead penalty, too. I should have sold that player.

Q: Do you have anything you would like to say to Poirrot now?

A: Yes. Thank you. I’m feeling much better now. It’s like a relief, telling the truth. His find outs might turn me into a better person. I’m learning the meaning of ethics, respect, fair play, all the good things sport can teach you.

Q: Poirot said you had an accomplice, his name is Filipe…

A: Yes, he helped me (Sorry to bring you down with me Filipe).

Q: How?

A: I think he was bidding on another player of mine.

Q: And?

A: Well, then I canceled his offer just like I did the others.

Q: And?

A: And what mother fucker?! Poirot is saying that’s a crime. Fuck off, no more answers…

Q: But one more thing, please… How many players did you end up selling in those final ticks to other teams?

A: I already answered that question. None! That’s why this is cheating you dumb journalist.


May 09, 2013 09:24

74 posts(s)


Lince, what do i have to do about what you do with your team???!!! if you decided to fire your player, it’s my fault? lol.

i just wanted to sell if i could buy the players i want. period. my decision. live with that losers.

gabriel, annoying is losing all the money at the end of the season. so why sell if you can’t buy? guess who asked for that and guess who implement it?

yes, create that mechanism so the girls don’t cry anymore.


May 09, 2013 09:16

74 posts(s)


i must agree with Berhan. fire those managers. ‘D’ Davison, who are they? :)


May 09, 2013 07:42

74 posts(s)


RS community,

following the big discovers bring back to light by our great detective ‘D’ Davison, i just want to announce you all that i will confess everything tonight at Oprah’s TV show.

after that, i will give a press conference where i will answer all the questions and assume everything. i just can’t live with this lie anymore.

stay tuned


May 09, 2013 07:33

74 posts(s)


you were trying to buy a different player, Filipe, which makes it even more an Hitchcock thing :)


May 09, 2013 07:30

74 posts(s)


on a side/ironic/hilarious note, in the old days, there were cheating when people sold players to each other, friends or double accounts, now there’s a new system in town: you cheat by just not selling your players hehehe. cause i just didn’t sell any of my players, you got that, right, Márcio? at least milan was biding, middlesbrough was biding, charlton was biding and a dumb was biding :) i’m a cheat cause i didn’t sell, that’s ‘D’ Davison’ hollywood story


May 09, 2013 07:16

74 posts(s)


‘D’ Davison, you are just being yourself, ridiculous & dumb, i don’t know about Filipe but i can understand that don’t worry…

explain what Márcio (mptres)? i’m here for ages, everybody knows i’m not a cheat, neither Filipe, and everybody knows who is ‘D’ Davison. when Gabriel log in, he will deleted all these posts but i would like most if he keep them…

(a personal input for you: if i want a +500m player that is for sale i need to sell some players, but if someone buys that player before me i just don’t need the money anymore, cause i would loose it at the end of the season. and then a second player interested me but i lost him again. i even advertise that in this thread, telling possible buyers that they need to buy fast, so you can even say i advertised the cheating :) only a dumb is still trying to understand how the new economic system works… and sees cheating where there’s only frustration because he didn’t take his pills as he should)


May 08, 2013 22:40

74 posts(s)


at some point in the past i had the same opinion, Filipe, but i’ve changed my mind. it’s just too funny and i would miss it. let him bring it on :)

wait a minute, Filipe, what are you saying? are you implying that i did with your offer the same i did with ‘D’ Davison offer??? shit!!! i hope you won’t start saying there’s cheating going on with me and ‘D’ Davison… that would be a real insult to me


May 08, 2013 15:00

74 posts(s)


miguel, you should listen to ‘D’ Davison, he’s our wikipedia boss


May 08, 2013 14:58

74 posts(s)


you really should take the pills, ‘D’, it’s getting worse again…


May 08, 2013 14:55

74 posts(s)


i was the one who deleted your posts, Marco ‘D’ Davison. too much misspelling on them, sorry.

but this one is great, i have to say. tell us more about your story, i love it and might sell the cinematographic rights to hollywood if you allow me hehe

ps – Gabriel, you should listen ‘D’ Davison: make new rules for him, please


May 06, 2013 23:29

74 posts(s)


Well, now that the season ends at Fulltest, here’s the challenge: how much money is left in your bank this season? :)

Valladolid: 379M


May 06, 2013 23:21

74 posts(s)


well, see you next season…