Recent Posts by Sly

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October 17, 2011 08:22

678 posts(s)


Young AL for sale. I don’t use AL or AR type players so this kid is allowed to leave, and I off course hope he’ll get me some needed cash :)

Alfonso Marcos (22 years young)
Position: A
Side: L
Keeping: 36
Tackle: 78
Passing: 76
Shooting: 85
Speed: 89
Dribble: 90
Control: 89
Header: 87

As you see he’s got all secondaries on 85+, so I think asking 25 million is pretty fair.


October 16, 2011 16:16

678 posts(s)


It feels like russion Roulette though :). Because you can’t know if someone is on 1-2% or on 10%. They get in the newspaper when they hit 10%. So when you apply you have no idea when you will join. Every tick could be your last with your current team :).


October 14, 2011 16:00

678 posts(s)


that’s to much if you ask me for a 28 year old dude with 80 secondaries…..


October 11, 2011 15:22

678 posts(s)


LOL, no they are not. I think Barca has a dept of almost 400 mill atm :). In the EPL there is the same problem…..


October 09, 2011 17:12

678 posts(s)


luckely that doesn’t happen to often :)


October 08, 2011 11:00

678 posts(s)


correction, the game will play your “best” player there as a replacement. It looks at overall skill, not just mainskill. Only downside is that it could happen that he picks an ML to suddenly fill in for your MR……


October 07, 2011 18:23

678 posts(s)


Yes there is. We talked it over among each other, and we felt it was time for a new challange. We figured we dominated europe for so long, that it was time for something new. It was my idea to go to spain. Because of the vacation bug Dirk was fired from Bordeaux. I pointed him towards Spain :). I wanted to manage a “real name” team. I saw my chance with Barcelona and I took it. The rest has slowly followed. Only Francois didn’t want to go to spain, he chose Arsenal.

I think in the future it will be Spain vs England. I am looking forward to it :)


October 07, 2011 13:03

678 posts(s)


you know you can send out invites yourself aswell right?


October 06, 2011 08:18

678 posts(s)


Man I use to like selling to the cpu’s. They atleast were willing to give you something for a player.

José Almeida (32 years old)
Position: A
Side: C
Keeping: 35
Tackle: 71
Passing: 79
Shooting: 92
Speed: 89
Dribble: 83
Control: 90
Header: 90

I’m asking 2.1 mill? Why the hell can’t I sell this player for this amount…

Héctor Barajas (34years old)
Position: M
Side: LC
Keeping: 36
Tackle: 76
Passing: 91
Shooting: 79
Speed: 75
Dribble: 91
Control: 93
Header: 89

1.5 mill!! I meen seriously?

Incendio Torres (34 years old)
Position: M
Side: RC
Keeping: 36
Tackle: 89
Passing: 92
Shooting: 70
Speed: 91
Dribble: 82
Control: 89
Header: 89

Great M-1 player with his tackle. How come no cpu is willing to pay 3 mill for this? It’s a steal I tell ya!!!


October 05, 2011 14:38

678 posts(s)


welcome to spain my friend :)


October 04, 2011 18:07

678 posts(s)


Got some oldies listed, but as low as I can go. Just feel bad about just putting them on the free transfer. You can pick them up for pennies…..


September 29, 2011 21:13

678 posts(s)


yeah Felix, I see you joined season 40, so you don’t remember the early day’s when ALL THE POINTS where devided between brazil and argentina, while europe had 7 countries and had to devide it.

In my eyes, it’s nice to see it the other way around for a change….


September 29, 2011 17:01

678 posts(s)


Glen, I think it was your lucky day getting 200 mill. The manager that bought him from you was tagged to be a 2nd account and has been fired for cheating…..

I think you just got lucky, since big teams these day’s don’t pay that kind of cash that easy. The player needs to be very very exceptional. The player you sold doesn’t look exceptional at all. He’s only 87avr so….. I think you need to know how EXTREMELY lucky you got in selling this player. I also think Filipe is disappointed Tom Whitehead didn’t grow that much more after buying him from you. I would think he would think twice about spending 109 mill on this “avarage” player :)


September 29, 2011 10:02

678 posts(s)


if you would write in english I could actually answer……


September 28, 2011 21:33

678 posts(s)


@Glenn: I think Gabriel should remove the value all together, since its never realistic. An 88 goalkeeper who’s 24 years old is just so simple to train yourself. These are the types of players, that are so avarage, there are plenty of these players around. The selling price for this player would be something like 20 mill. Then you can only hope someone thinks he will grow and will pay that amount. Just think about the basics of economics in the sence of “Offer and demand”. There is not a very high demand for 88 goalkeepers, yet there is a big offering of these low level players. Conclusion, he’s worth peanuts.

There is alot of overestimating around. Just forget ingame value, that shit is just bullshit if you ask me. I think I should suggest to gabriel to just remove it or make it invisible or something. It’s created alot of really insane prices on the TL. They are never sold for those amounts anyway, but people just list them and keep them there. Eventually these players are usually removed from the TL or prices lowered. Just takes time. You should as a laugh put a silly listed player in your hotlist :). Then you’ll keep getting messages over and over about the price being lowered. Eventually the player will be listed for a “fair” price. It just usually takes a while for the selling manager to come to his senses :)


September 28, 2011 21:24

678 posts(s)


Facts really seem to speak for itself. I can also confirm that there is a “same network” with all these teams. Perhaps it’s time to get gabriel involved in this one…..


September 19, 2011 08:02

678 posts(s)


LOL Chris Portress did some nice scouting and he’s being called a cheater? :). I say “move allong people, nothing to see here”. I’ll vouch for him.


September 18, 2011 13:42

678 posts(s)


this is perfect to use the scouting function for. Just make sure you tick all the boxes, so you get unlisted players aswell.


September 16, 2011 15:52

678 posts(s)


uuh? Then my name would almost be with every single player that is 90avr :). I have 100+ names in there :).

I think it might become a bit messy. Also…. I don’t want to share with the rest of the community who I am tracing. So I do not like the idea of linking the hotlist to the player. A button or something about showing intrest I do find intresting.


September 15, 2011 19:46

678 posts(s)


I am not trying to convince them to aswer e-mails Berkan. I merely confirmed vaughn his point and I understand his frustation. I realize I could have kept this information to myself, seeing it benefits nobody :). Just wanted to state the obvious, with no real concequence intended :). Off course I was not assuming that “he who does not read mails” would suddenly read this and think to himself “oh my god….he’s talking about me, i better start answering my e-mails!!”


September 15, 2011 17:39

678 posts(s)


I can confirm this. I send out tons of e-mails. With nice kind words and request. Sometimes with suggested offers. Alot….and I meen ALOT of managers don’t even simply answer “No not intrested”. They simply don’t answer. I understand not all managers are as active as others, but I consider it very rude to not just answer someones e-mail.


September 15, 2011 12:54

678 posts(s)


yeah but he was worth every penny :), as most players seem to be with a Tigre history :)


September 14, 2011 17:41

678 posts(s)


Rafael Barreno
Age: 32

Tackle: 77
Passing: 94
Shooting: 74
Speed: 89
Dribble: 90
Control: 92
Header: 85



September 13, 2011 19:59

678 posts(s)


Selling a 94 passer dirt cheap with decente secondaries

Rafael Barreno
Age: 32

Tackle: 77
Passing: 94
Shooting: 74
Speed: 89
Dribble: 90
Control: 92
Header: 85

Only 8 mill


September 13, 2011 10:02

678 posts(s)


personally, I would have loved to see it like it was in Managersim. You had your Qualifer round, and then you would get 2 group stages. Perhaps the #3 in the group stage could go to the EL?

That is still a shame that we don’t have that in here. Some teams that get 3rd in CL, might be strong enough to still win EL. It would perhaps be better for the game….


September 11, 2011 13:29

678 posts(s)


hehe hope so :).

Btw I’m selling players and I’m offcourse willing to negociate. So you can just throw me some offers and I’ll see what we can negociate…..


September 10, 2011 15:45

678 posts(s)


After 42 seasons I’ve chosen to leave Brest behind and find a new challange in spain. I have always had a big love for the great Barcelona. I saw my chance and I took it.

I’m leaving a very healthy team behind. Lots of young players combined with stable older players. They have a healthy bankroll so still room to change and improve.

I wish the next manager goodluck. He’ll need it in a shark tank like France :)

Kind regards,
Sylvain Dingenouts


September 07, 2011 21:35

678 posts(s)


uuh “So what if you lose champions league final to a guy who has cheated?”. Not that many teams make the Cl final all to often. I really think you are taking it to light. You for example has never been in the CL final. Think about finally getting to the Cl final for the first time in 15-20 seasons only to lose vs a manager who has not been playing the game fairly. Then think about that comment again :)

Trust me…. losing a CL final suxx :)


September 07, 2011 07:45

678 posts(s)


no, there is a limit. You can be away for 30 day’s when you put yourself on holiday mode. Longer then that and you will still get fired.


September 06, 2011 09:15

678 posts(s)


NO this is not a bug. It’s been on the forums before. It’s because there is a rule in place that 2 teams from the same country don’t play each other in the quaters. Thus sometimes it happens you have to play someone from your group again.