Recent Posts by Toni Koivula

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September 05, 2007 16:10

124 posts(s)


Thanks for letting us know!

I need my sleep by now so it´s good that I don´t stay up waiting if it takes a long time.



September 05, 2007 11:22

124 posts(s)


In-game emails are too wide, often need to scroll to read properly.


September 05, 2007 11:19

124 posts(s)


Is there now a need to rest the player for a tick or two after an injury? Will playing him the next turn raise the possibility of re-injury?

If not, is that kind of thing going to be added?


September 05, 2007 11:15

124 posts(s)


The arrows “entered the field” and “left the field” are backwards.


September 04, 2007 23:00

124 posts(s)


September 04, 2007 14:53

124 posts(s)


Emanuele Carbone
Age: 17
Nationality: Italy
Estimated Value: $2,141,710

Position: G
Keeping: 78
Tackle: 28
Passing: 74
Shooting: 29
Dribble: 57
Speed: 81
Control: 80
Aggressiveness: 85

Looks OK for me but has developed only one point to keeping. Secondaries have developed a little, but its keeping that I want go up!


September 04, 2007 08:29

124 posts(s)


I understand that most managers that already have a team wouldn´t like to start Beta2 now but I also understand it would be very frustrating to sign up and have no team to manage.

What is the right move here?


September 04, 2007 08:26

124 posts(s)


There are already 180 users!

Do you guys already have a plan what to do when there is not enough free teams for everyone? Start Beta2?


September 04, 2007 08:23

124 posts(s)


I actually don´t like the idea of a global transfer window.

A large part of the fun in manager games is the fact you have to seriously look for players. I really love the feeling when I´ve checked every country and then I find what I want from the last one.

It feels the best when you find a promising player from Georgia or Afghanishtan and nobody else wanted to check those countries. Then you just wait and hope the next two ticks that nobody else will find your player. :-)


September 04, 2007 08:17

124 posts(s)


I think one or two, preferably two, ticks would be the best in preventing cheating through too quick and cheap sales to a friend. One is enough in most cases but if we want almost everyone to have a chance to compete for a player, then two.

I don´t like the idea of three because it is very frustrating if you are the first one to find a new, great player and then after you´ve waited three ticks there are 75 other teams after the player. If it was only one or two ticks then there would only be around 30-40 teams after the player YOU found! ;-)


September 04, 2007 07:47

124 posts(s)


Hehe, I remember the time I was so hooked up with MS that I checked almost every country every tick.

How much countries were there? Around 50? :-))

(at Fulltest, a three-ticker game)


September 04, 2007 00:37

124 posts(s)


Now everyone can have their diamonds! Great work!


August 31, 2007 00:30

124 posts(s)


Or is it all the information too soon?

At MS when I logged in, the popup window showed me my own match replay, then I checked my mail, then I looked at the newspaper to know how the other teams did during the last round. And then I checked the division table.

I did it this way to keep the excitement there a little bit longer time. I am not sure if my last suggestion about adding division table was good…. Maybe not.

What do the other players think? Do you want to see all the information immediately after logging in or to you like to keep the excitement up a little longer?


August 31, 2007 00:20

124 posts(s)


I agree with Alexandre, that kind of screen would be nice.

What about some more info on the team “home page”. I mean where you now can click to matches and players… There is enough room to show a box which shows a couple of the last results and the next few matches coming up. Maybe also the division table could be shown there, I am not sure.


August 30, 2007 16:09

124 posts(s)


Well I´m glad you were around to take care of the problem.

Now it´s sleepy time for me. :-)


August 30, 2007 15:24

124 posts(s)


I wonder if there is some kind of a problem going on. The earlier ticks have been so extremely quick that makes me wonder.


August 30, 2007 11:17

124 posts(s)


I think attributes would spoil the fun of finding a good player. Maybe position and/or price.


August 30, 2007 10:36

124 posts(s)


Hi everyone!

I´m curious about the differences in balance the teams had when game started.

Could you please write here how much money you had when you got hired to your team and in what country and division are you right now?

I am in Italian division and had around 3.9M when started.


August 30, 2007 10:18

124 posts(s)


I mean too easy for anyone starting with a top team in a good country and on the other hand too difficult for someone starting with a bottom team in Albanian. 2.nd division, if you know what I mean.


August 30, 2007 10:16

124 posts(s)



Should the stadiums of Brazilian teams be smaller when the real game starts? To balance the situation. Brazilian teams would need money to buid their stadiums and teams from Europe would want to buy their players. What do you think?

And, by the way… I still have not had any league matches so I do not know how much money I´ll be making at Italian division. I just started wondering if it would be better or not to have a bit smaller stadiums in Europe too, even for bigger clubs.

Big clubs in a good countries always have the advantage because of better youths than the small teams from worse countries. I don´t know yet but I am slightly afraid of the game becoming too easy if money keeps pouring in… The fun in the game is when it is not too easy…

But we´ll see about that with this beta test and I am sure you guys know what to adjust before starting the “real” dimensions.


August 30, 2007 06:03

124 posts(s)


I was the one that sold a couple of players early in the game. I was (at least a little bit) wrong when I thought the players were bought by AI, the other was bought by Gabriel and I didn´t check who bought the other one.

My prices were very low, I think it was around 100.000 and 150.000 for players that had primary skill of around 75-79. (not perfectly sure, my memory serves me bad sometimes)

To get a human player interested in mediocre players I think is quite difficult unless the player sold is very cheap.

Transfer list can be found at countries → the country you want to check, under the divisions and the national cup.


August 30, 2007 02:47

124 posts(s)


There is “blue” when a player develops. I had a couple of youths of mine raising stats after a friendly match I played.


August 29, 2007 18:21

124 posts(s)


Yeah, it was you, Gabriel. :-)

Let´s see what happens and think of a good way to solve the problem if it appears.

After playing my Managersim with a style that had a very high risk of bankcrupry I definitely appreciate the chance to sell a player quickly. :-))


August 29, 2007 18:05

124 posts(s)


I now checked the other sales. It wasn´t AI but the point remains the same.


August 29, 2007 17:26

124 posts(s)


I´d like to know what people think about selling players as quickly as it is now possible.

I tried it out with a couple of bad players of mine. I set the price quite low and was pleasently surprised that AI teams (I think, didn´t check though) actually bought the players that were on sale for a low price. Nice to see the AI teams are active. :)

But I also think this might cause a little problem with helping a friend in the future. I can say I like the possibility to sell a player very quick when I need money NOW but it could help people “cheat” in the future. In Managersim there was a two or three tick minimum before you could buy a player after bidding on him. The good point in it is that you cannot transfer list a great player for a minimum price just last minute before the tick and have your friend buy him off.

If there was a couple of tick minimum before the sales there would be more time for other managers to see the “big fish” and you coudn´t help out your friends that easy.


August 29, 2007 16:26

124 posts(s)


One low-priority feature I think could be nice in some cases is that if you could see how long ago a manager was last online.

Trying to reach someone that has not been online for a couple of days could be frustrating. But if you could see that the reason the manager is not responding is that he/she just hasn´t been online, well, it would feel a lot better.


August 29, 2007 15:35

124 posts(s)


It might look better if the expences were paid on the first turn of a three turn period. Or what do you think?


August 29, 2007 15:27

124 posts(s)


The wages were paid on the last turn of last “week” or a three turn period.


August 29, 2007 07:05

124 posts(s)


Great! Thanks!


August 29, 2007 06:40

124 posts(s)


OK, thanks for the info!