Recent Posts by Gamboa

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February 21, 2008 14:11

7 posts(s)


No problem, I understand =)


February 21, 2008 13:13

7 posts(s)


Gabriel, the question is: Will we have that stuff (number of youths increased, sponsorship deals, etc…) before a reset happens? I still think it is a waste of money adding new seats…


February 21, 2008 08:25

7 posts(s)


Hi. I would like to know from you guys what is the reason to add seats to the stadium!

Let’s make some calculations:

You pay 400.000 per 100 seats.
What do you gain?
If you have 20 games at home in one season, and if the stadium is always sold out, you gain 10€*100seats*20games = 20.000€ in one season

You will only start to gain some money in 20 seasons! I believe we will have a reset before that =)


February 20, 2008 15:48

7 posts(s)


Gabriel, I don’t agree with that criteria. Why should weakest teams be chosen? That doesn’t make any sense, you’re trying to balance the game but it is unfair for the “biggest” teams, because the game will be a lot less fun to play. The player should pick a random team, that would be fair!


January 17, 2008 21:03

7 posts(s)



I don’t know if you are aware but it is possible to, step by step, increase the maximum wage you can offer for a player… it’s just a matter of trying many times, with different values. Please fix this, so this good new rule may have the desired effect!



December 07, 2007 06:45

7 posts(s)


I think it is a good rule, but it should obviously only work for players that were bought since you announced the change, not the ones we bought before…


November 26, 2007 07:58

7 posts(s)



I’m the manager who bought the player. I offered him the best salary and then I sold him… if the game permits this action, why should I be a “cheater” or have a special attention by the developers of the game? There are clearly cheaters in Rubysoccer (players who enter teams to fire or sell the players) and I don’t see any measure against them.

Best Regards

Ricardo Gamboa