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October 07, 2009 06:59

651 posts(s)


sly… its an evolution:)


October 07, 2009 06:35

678 posts(s)


funny to see Managersim already had this covered :)


October 07, 2009 01:37

651 posts(s)


davison, if the manager has resources, he should be allowed to hire any number of players he wants… this is managerial game, and i hope it remains the same, i hope it does not become the military rule, where you have limits on everything…


October 07, 2009 00:58

828 posts(s)


how about limiting the amount of free transfers per 36 tick… to like 3


October 06, 2009 22:10

287 posts(s)


Goalkeeper 100 speedy

from $15,181,460 to $1,518,146


October 06, 2009 22:02

287 posts(s)


This image ( is 302×302 but it is set with height=“220” width=“420”


October 06, 2009 21:00

1,003 posts(s)



fixed. by the way, are you guys experiencing a better browsing experience? all this is because our new config…. it should be better.


October 06, 2009 20:56

4,300 posts(s)



Exactly, that’s where the idea came from :D


October 06, 2009 20:08

301 posts(s)


thats a good idea gabriel.

i believe that was the norm in Soccersim. Only 1 player firing per tick.


October 06, 2009 17:21

4,300 posts(s)



Thanks for reporting Nestor, we’ll look into it!


October 06, 2009 17:20

4,300 posts(s)



I agree with you Davison, maybe reverting just 3 was not the best option, but giving the tools I have for doing that right now and the little time available this decision seemed to be ok. Improving the admin tools takes precious time but we know that needs to be done and will be done. In the meanwhile there are simpler restrictions we can add like not allowing a manager to fire more than 1 player per tick.


October 06, 2009 14:28

828 posts(s)


fair enough… but if your going to reverse 3… why not all ?

doesnt make sense considering the players allowed to be free transferd were top quality….and young


October 06, 2009 13:39

14 posts(s)


When I try to go to the statistics i get this message:

RubySoccer System Error
Oops! It looks like there was an error. Please try again (this may be related to a server restart / high load).


October 06, 2009 11:14

11 posts(s)





October 06, 2009 11:12

11 posts(s)



Hey Davidson, calm down man.

The game is for FREE, the admins are not earning anything from this game. By the way, here is the current financial situation ( ).

They are paying for us to have some fun. They have work, family and everybody knows that they develop rubysoccer on their free time.

Most of the guys that complain all the time here don’t even help them to pay for the server. I’m not telling that you have to do it, but at least stop with this idiot behavior here on the forum.

If you’re not happy about the game, just leave. Stop with “this bullshit”.

Let’s just have some patience and help them to get rid of the cheaters, cause we all know that it’s consuming some precious time from the admins that could be developing new stuff for us.




October 06, 2009 06:32

828 posts(s)


top players
he just fired a fkn 95 save keeper ( signed by blackpool) with 85 pass and only 25 years old


if your going to revert any you have to revert all cos this is utter shite…

lack of consitancy …. whats the point in playing ?… this is bullshit


October 06, 2009 05:09

64 posts(s)


There is something wrong, does Almagro coach Davi Costa know what he is doing?

he just hired 5 players that were “fired” by Corinthians manager Danilo Stramazzi and he is just about to pay $977,730 in just those 5 players .

with a total of more than $1,220,000 in player salaries. considering that Davi Costa was just hired by Almagro in turn 98, i would say that this is a formula for failure, [a new coach] + [hiring 5 players with crazy wages] + [unstable market] + [unlucky season]+[etc…] + [etc…] = FAILURE

I am just saying that something needs to be done regarding players minimum and maximum transfer clause and individual player wages.

i think this is just stupid.

i never wish bad to nobody, but I know this team will have a new manager by next season.

also I think its strange that a brand new manager got the good players and an old manager all of the sudden disappeared.


October 06, 2009 01:27

4,300 posts(s)



I reverted the top players transfers, the ones indicated by the admin tools.


October 06, 2009 00:00

828 posts(s)


and on top of it… now blackpool is in the run… so…ya thanks everyone for another non free transfer signing… cos we all know that blackpool is gonna get it.

revert 3 and not the others… k


October 05, 2009 23:57

828 posts(s)


im more sick of getting happy about free transfer only for you to do this shit.


October 05, 2009 22:15

4,300 posts(s)



Returned the 3 most important ones, the manager fired them just before resigning…that’s ridiculous!

@Davison: I’m already sick, probably more than anyone else :(

We certainly need more restrictions to prevent situations like these and we’ll add them…first things first, match engine work will take some time.


October 05, 2009 22:07

828 posts(s)


im getting sick of this shit.


October 05, 2009 21:57

14 posts(s)


good players were fired


October 05, 2009 20:42

4,300 posts(s)



Não entendi… :(


October 05, 2009 20:29

11 posts(s)


Tem como repatriar os jogadores do corinthians sem esses jogadores acabou o time.
Valeu Gabriel


October 05, 2009 18:29

4,300 posts(s)



The -3 penalty is applied if you put the defender on zone A in your formation, or use individual tactics to make him move forward to midfield…if you put him on defense in your formation and he ends up shooting during the match (including penalty kicks or free kicks) he will not receive any penalty.


October 05, 2009 17:55

104 posts(s)


Alexandre Gomide

Posição: M
Lado: RC
Guarda-Redes: 32
Desarme: 76
Passe: 93
Remate: 70
Velocidade: 100
Drible: 95
Controlo: 91
Cabeceamento: 85
Agressividade: 75
Condição: 99


October 05, 2009 17:14

104 posts(s)


I don t think the result is because the low main stat off the goal keeper of Recreativo because its a good keeper. The result is a little more then i expected but im happy to win. My goal keeper was the man of the match.


October 05, 2009 14:39

651 posts(s)


i guess that is not applicable for penalties or freekicks..


October 05, 2009 14:15

287 posts(s)


But a defender shooting receive -3 in habilities at zone A, is not right?