Recent Posts by Ilian Stefanov

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October 30, 2009 00:40

37 posts(s)


I believe it’s important to have an option to cancel a loan. I took over my current team and really didnt need the loaned player. So I went against the contract (didnt play him) so I can get rid of him. Perhaps it’s not fair that way, but seriously why pay the high wage if I didnt need him? After all, I’m not the one who loaned him. My suggestion is, let there be a money penalty for canceling a contract. This would keep it fair for both sides. Much like there is a salary penalty when you fire a player, there should be one in regards to the loan.


October 30, 2009 00:36

37 posts(s)


We can only fire one player per turn now? Why so low? If I take over a team, I want to rebuild it… it’ll take forever to get rid of the overpaid garbage, maybe 3 players per turn?

Just a thought.


October 21, 2009 21:54

37 posts(s)


Cool, thanks!


October 21, 2009 16:37

37 posts(s)


How long until I can go back to a team I recently managed? I’m past my 32 turns.


September 02, 2009 02:38

37 posts(s)


I love it too! Very useful and lots of good info.


September 02, 2009 02:28

37 posts(s)


Good luck… it’s always the most rewarding managing your favorite team.


August 26, 2009 18:18

37 posts(s)


Buncha whiners…

1. It is not the admins responsibility if you can not log in. They created a Holiday Mode, it is your responsibility to use it.
2. It is not their responsibility if you forget to go on holiday mode.
3. If no-one signs the players, the admins “could” be nice and reverse the transaction, but once signed, sorry… but your loss. I am personally against reversing transactions in ANY scenario except for cheating, but so be it.
4. Not everone reads the forums all the time
5. Admins sleep too, can’t blame them for not responding on time or seeing your complaint in time.
6. Admins not only sleep, but have jobs, families, etc, they can’t attend this game 24/7
7. Admin’s time is better spent developing the game and catching cheaters, not fixing irresponsible or personal mistakes.
8. This is hypotetical, but if you setup your team to use a GK in place of an attacker and you leave your home to go to the bar and all the sudden you realize your mistake, but you’re 5 beers into a deep conversation and 20 miles away from your home. Do you cry to the admins to change the match result because you used a GK in place of an attacker? Blah blah blah… enough is enough!

Sorry, just irrateted… grow up, be responsible for your own actions, quit looking for bailouts. Dont go after the admins because they are being nicer and are doing a great job.

Oh and by the way, Peter Strand (if you played SS) would have never even responded to this!