Posts that Vogul Vixious is monitoring

Subscribe to Posts that Vogul Vixious is monitoring 690 post(s) found

June 26, 2008 02:06
Alban Yazyk 375 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

I would like to know if the player played any friendly matches :)

June 25, 2008 22:55
Danilo Castilho 1,003 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

I would like to know what you guys would like to see covered in our new player history screen. Notice that we only have been storing data regarding the transfers lately, so the available info is very limited for now.


June 22, 2008 19:44
Ricardo Costa 130 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

Ok, thanks a lot! :)

June 22, 2008 14:45
Gabriel Cesario 4,300 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

“Not Bad” is better than “You’re doing OK”. We have 10 levels of performance, we will have that info detailed in the game help (when we have one). As far as I can remember we have things like:

Very Good
Not Bad
Could be Better
Needs improvement

I’m pretty sure the words aren’t exactly this, but kind of :-)

June 22, 2008 11:00
Ricardo Costa 130 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

What kind of “Your Performance” are there, and in which order?
I used to have a “You’re doing OK” and now i have a “Not bad”, was wondering if it was better or worse than the previous. :)

June 13, 2008 10:00
Danilo Castilho 1,003 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

Yep, but just for now :). I plan to change that very soon.

June 13, 2008 09:44
Gabriel Cesario 4,300 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

Danilo has just fixed that, now if you select a non-default formation and click in the Strategies link you’ll see that formation strategies. It is important to note that if you are looking at a formation strategies screen and change to another formation you’ll be taken to that formation’s squad screen first.


June 13, 2008 09:11
Gabriel Cesario 4,300 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

That’s true guys, we’ll take care of that.


June 13, 2008 07:41
Hugo Celso 85 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

Yeah, thorpedo is right! The Formation Strategies page always shows the default formation, so if you want to change your other formation strategies now, you have to set these formations as default to access their strategies…

June 13, 2008 05:24
Dirk 637 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

I like your new formation screen but i think there’s a bug in it.
I can change to other formations e.g. “cup” than my default squad for the formation but if I want to take the ‘strategie page’ for this cup formation it doesn’t work. It always gives my default strategie, also when I choose the “cup” one in the selection screen.
Or do I something wrong….


May 20, 2008 10:27
Danilo Castilho 1,003 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

Just wanted to comment that the tick percentage is still not adjusted. For now it works but it jumps from 5 to 60% when all matches are played. We will change that very soon.


May 14, 2008 13:28
Danilo Castilho 1,003 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

Yep, it is not good. I will see if I can get sometime to fix this tonight.


May 14, 2008 11:16
JD 42 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion


The last part of the box looks hidden under the browser botom gray “status bar”

May 14, 2008 10:25
Danilo Castilho 1,003 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

JD, what is your screen resolution?

May 14, 2008 09:15
Gabriel Cesario 4,300 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

From JD in the admins topic:


Now I’m not able to see completly the “player attribute box” at the end of the screen, only half of it."

April 26, 2008 23:04
Danilo Castilho 1,003 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

hmm, we will chew this up a little bit. but there is a workaround. if you use ctrl+click or just click in the link with the mouse wheel, a new tab will be opened for the player. it is not exactly the same but it sure helps.


April 26, 2008 15:28
Ricardo Costa 130 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

I think it would be better if the hotlist opened in a separate window.
Imagine you want to check how 10 different players are doing. The way it is now it would require a lot more clicking (either the hotlist icon or back/forward) than if you had other window with the list, where you could just click on the player and then watch him in the main one.


April 26, 2008 14:35
Danilo Castilho 1,003 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

are you talking about replays generated in ticks that ran today? because if not, the solution test was not implemented yet.


April 26, 2008 13:34
Torres 20 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

I think the problem is my keeper because I can watch friendlies (Magalhães doesn’t play these matches)


April 26, 2008 11:30
Gabriel Cesario 4,300 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

I’m not sure that your keeper’s name is the problem but I guess you’re right, Torres, we should remove all strange characters to isolate any other problem we may have.


April 26, 2008 10:30
Torres 20 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion


I still can’t watch my match replays. Don’t you think it would be a good idea delete all strange characters till the encoding problem is solved?

I can’t watch any game because of my goalkeeper Leandro Magalhães.


April 20, 2008 15:51
Dave S 120 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

No problem… I just want to see how antonio deploys his formation for Boca!!! I can’t get any of his replays to work. So I looked for game with no funny characters in the player names. Found that one, but still wouldn’t work… :(


April 20, 2008 13:30
Gabriel Cesario 4,300 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

I’m pretty sure it’s related to the substitution. I’ll investigate that, thanks for reporting Dave S.


April 20, 2008 13:25
Dave S 120 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

In this replay, there are no unusual characters in the player names, but the replay is not working:

fastticker Date: Season 7, Turn 78

Racing Club 0×2 Boca Juniors

April 15, 2008 12:01
Gabriel Cesario 4,300 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

Posted on the admins only topic by Pinto:

“Is the full match replay already working? Does it work with Firefox 2?”

The answer is yes, if yours is not working it`s probably due to enconding problems, characters like `ã` in the player names could cause that. We’re working to fix it.


April 14, 2008 15:01
Gabriel Cesario 4,300 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

Danilo already fixed the authorization bug, now everybody can access the replay (requires java 1.4 or later). Another know bug: if you have a player with the character ‘ã’ within his name you’ll probably be unable to watch the replay.

April 14, 2008 09:49
Gabriel Cesario 4,300 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

I had feedback that non admin users are not able to see the replay (and I know the reason). Also I had an error while loading the replay. Tonight things may be fixed…or not :-)


April 14, 2008 00:35
Danilo Castilho 1,003 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

Mostly thanks to Gabriel we now have our first version of the full Match Replay. It was released in a hurry, so improvements are inevitable.


February 20, 2008 10:12
Gabriel Cesario 4,300 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

It makes sense Samir, but in a first moment we will treat all non-friendly matches the same way.


February 20, 2008 09:45
Samir Buchaim 55 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion


About the ranking, will you guys take into consideration the rank of the country for leagues and differentiate minor and major international competions? I think you guys should, because if you play in a more difficult competion it should give your more point.
