Posts that Vogul Vixious is monitoring

Subscribe to Posts that Vogul Vixious is monitoring 690 post(s) found

June 13, 2011 21:32
Vaughn 609 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

Maybe do something simple like make young players grow faster? It’s getting rly annoying now that you have to wait till they are 23/24 before they are even close to decent. Seems to me an update like that isn’t that hard to accomplisch?

I play world of warcraft to and since they introduced achivements, most of the game has just got down in fun and ppl just been ridiculious and plain arrogant about them. Hope for you guys that this will not happen here.

June 10, 2011 00:34
Danilo Castilho 1,003 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

Achievements will be the foundation for another surprise feature – which I think people will enjoy. I agree that achievements per se don’t really add that much, but the other feature will have much more visibility and will be based on achievements, so I expect they will get much more attention once that is added … All to add a little bit more to the game :).

June 09, 2011 20:16
Filipe Silva 803 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

Another old fox back in the game :D Nice to “read” you again Parag eheh

I like the box, it brings out the white letters. I’m not sure about what you guys want with that Achievemt thing, seems a lot of work for something people wont care much…

June 09, 2011 17:10
Charles 301 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

i like the way it was before. but like all other changes, i’m sure i’ll get used to this one :)

June 09, 2011 15:36
Parag 72 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

i am ok with the transparent box… at least something has changed in a long time :)

June 09, 2011 08:06
Danilo Castilho 1,003 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

the idea is to be honest… :) if most people think we should go back to what it was before, we will do it. so speak up!

June 09, 2011 07:39
Vaughn 609 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

a refresh worked :) but can i be honest? I think it’s really ugly. Why did you put a black box there? The white on blue was perfect to read.

June 08, 2011 23:10
Danilo Castilho 1,003 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

Pretty sure it works in FF4. Try cleaning your local cache / temp files…

June 08, 2011 22:56
Vaughn 609 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

maybe it doesn’t work in FF4 cause i dont see it either :)

June 08, 2011 15:31
Danilo Castilho 1,003 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

When you are inside of a dimension, the links you use to navigate rubysoccer are contained in big transparent black box…

June 08, 2011 15:22
Dimitri 639 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

“Also, I’ve applied a transparent black box to our navigation menu,”

Not sure what this is supposed to mean or where exactly I can find it!?

February 28, 2011 20:57
steve price 51 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

Competition > Internationals > Teams
Then tab to world cup

February 28, 2011 01:39
Ulisses 287 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

Where is the link for world cup in this new menu?

February 14, 2011 13:21
Jose Rocha 123 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

Danilo/Gabriel, o meu amigo Nuno Rodrigues, nao consegue fazer o login porque perdeu o e-mail, e nao consegue a password.
Como tu dissetes, isso seria possivel atraves do Facebook. Mas parece que tu nao vais la’. Aqui vai o paste do post dele no FB. Obrigado

“Nuno Rodrigues Caro Admin, Eu tenho uma conta no RubySoccer e desde que mudaram as passwords eu nunca mais consegui entrar na minha conta. Atraves de uns amigos soube que mandaram as novas passwords para os emails. O meu problema e que eu ja nao me lembro do meu email antigo. Assim venho pedir que me mande a password do Username: “nuno1976”, para o meu email actual: Obrigado"
Friday at 5:37pm · LikeUnlike ·

February 13, 2011 20:49
Hopjes 14 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

I guess pink is your favorite color then…

that’s what she said

February 12, 2011 04:36
Danilo Castilho 1,003 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

changed the color and the icon for new mail.

February 11, 2011 21:18
DaMaGo 120 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

Never mind, it is working, i guess it just took extra time….


February 11, 2011 20:31
DaMaGo 120 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

Problem with friendlies…… i´ve got a mesage for a friendly invitations, but when i go to invitations i don´t have any.
mail is working now, but there is not highlight for unread mesages.


February 11, 2011 18:16
amacb 241 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

You can not remove players from the hotlist.

February 11, 2011 15:01
Filipe Silva 803 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

I don’t know if the menu is suppose to look like that, thats why I said that, if it is I kinda like more the old one :P

February 11, 2011 14:38
loginnotworking 3 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion


February 11, 2011 14:02
Danilo Castilho 1,003 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

Filipe, what is not working about the menu? And the forum is accessible without the need to login. But i’ve added our address there at the main page, anyway.

And about the emails, people have told me about a different problem… will investigate later.

February 11, 2011 11:44
Filipe Silva 803 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

“for you guys having this issue, send us (admins at your logins, old email account and a NEW EMAIL ACCOUNT (that is not a hotmail one). We will update your email in the system and send you a new password.”

Danilo you should writte that in the improvments page so people can see when they enter the page, if they cant login they wont see this message in the foruns… Some people have the same problem in the facebook group and I guess many others dont know what to do…

About the bugs, the new menu is not working here, here’s a screen:
Also the email box dont diference the read and unread messages, the messages are there but I dont know wich ones are unread :D

February 11, 2011 08:41
Danilo Castilho 1,003 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

i’ve been cleaning a number of errors related to the upgrade. tried to start with the most frequent ones. hopefully everything should be solid very soon. keep clicking on everything guys! every error that happens is reported back to us. keep trying going to the areas with problems and report to us if the problem persists… or report anyway, if it is an annoying one.

February 11, 2011 03:04
Danilo Castilho 1,003 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

May I also suggest you can use your facebook emails if you don’t have any other email. As I am sure you are all aware (not), your facebook accounts have associated email addresses now. After logging in, you can find out what that address is if you go to … At that page, you will see your facebook email address at the top middle left section of the screen. And it is also that screen you should use to read/reply to received emails… It is far worse than gmail, but it sure does the job.

February 11, 2011 01:14
Danilo Castilho 1,003 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

for you guys having this issue, send us (admins at your logins, old email account and a NEW EMAIL ACCOUNT (that is not a hotmail one). We will update your email in the system and send you a new password.

Dudes… You’re supposed to always have a working email account recorded, if you want to be reachable on a website!!!

February 10, 2011 20:59
Wolfgang 7 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

My name is Zarko Malovic, managing Rennes in medium ticker. I’m on my brothers account and I can’t get my password since I used a gmail account that I never use so I can’t get into it to recover my password. You can send me info on this account.

need help

February 10, 2011 20:17
amacb 241 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

Maybe you can add a new menu item for the new feature ‘achievements’. For those who hasnt seen this click on manager name and click the tab on the right hand side of the screen.

I also suggest under menu item competitions/international change label to “national teams” instead of ’teams".

February 10, 2011 19:41
Dirk 637 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

When I go to a particular page of a player I get a code after the name of the player. I guess it has to be an icon.
Same happens in the formation page when you get the box with the stats of a player there are codes in stead of bold numbers in the box.

February 10, 2011 19:40
Le To 42 posts(s)

Topic: Improvements Discussion

I really like the new design, thanks a lot Gabriel and Danilo ;)