[Loan] Renewing contract

Subscribe to [Loan] Renewing contract 3 post(s), 3 voice(s)


February 05, 2009 08:30

609 posts(s)


Since i understand that you don’t want loan’s to get canceled i have a 2nd sugggestions. Unfortunally i’m kinda stuck to get some loans to improve my “new” team but when those loans end i have some problems for some ticks.. Isn’t it possible to renew the contract before it ends? Same way the contract from your own players are renewed maybe?


February 05, 2009 10:18

4,303 posts(s)



Interesting option. I’ll create an enhancement for that. :)


February 05, 2009 11:14

117 posts(s)


Very good suggestion
Because ultimately its upto the manager who owns the player
However im not a fan of loan cancellation both ways. seen it abused, plus thats the risk, benefits you gain.

cheers Luc