Transfer system

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October 07, 2008 11:43

375 posts(s)


I would love to see some great changes in current transfer system. As far as I know we have a new club evaluation system now. It works for all clubs, with or without managers. So, I would like to see this implemented:

1) Nowadays AI clubs spend too much in stadium expansion, let them spend it in departments or (better) into buying the right players. If the evaluation system works (89 sho striker with GOOD secondary skills now is valued more than 91 sho striker with BAD or WORSE secondaries), if we add that older players should be valued less, AI clubs can start smart transfers.

2) I am not sure if the current situation can bring an AI club to bankrupcy, but if it does, they should transfer list their best players, because any club should avoid bankrupcy if possible.

3) If a manager let his team go bankrupt, he shouldn’t be allowed to apply for a job in any club from the highest division.

4) I think that transfer system in MS was more flexible, which means it was more comfortable and better (sorry, that’s my opinion). That is why I would love to be able to make a bid on a player out of the transfer list. I don’t want to send in-game mail and beg other managers. I just want to make a bid and see if they accept it, withdraw, or ask for more money.

5) Let’s make an option for the selling manager to choose if he accepts system “highest bid wins”. And make the minimum step at least 10% of the transfer price.

6) Clauses and players’ happiness. Why not make a connection between the player’s willingness to stay or leave the club and the board’s team evaluation ? For example this evaluation will show the player if he is the only star in a weak club, or if his club doesn’t play him much or doesn’t show good results.

7) Cheaters issues. Let’s say, None of us liked some transfers when good players were sold for very low cash. Ok, let the board make minimum and maximum transfer margins for any player. Maybe considering the whole game market. That’s not that difficult, just you can’t sell a young good player for 0,5M or even 1M. And you cannot buy a player who has no chance to develop and who is way worse than your current squad players. The board should send a letter: “why do you want to buy X for 5M ? We have a lot of better players”

8) Loans. I think we should get paid for letting strong players play and bring victories for another club. For example, if my 88 sho striker or 89 kep GK helped a French club win the title or reach other goals, I should get more tahn just the player’s wages.

Thanks ;)


October 07, 2008 13:16

4,303 posts(s)



Thanks for your suggestions Alban, they sound really interesting. We’ll discuss all of them and see what and how to implement them.



October 11, 2008 13:59

3 posts(s)


I’m not sure do I speak of the same topic or just newbie babbling…. but I wonder is there any chance to do following:

Go to teams page, choose one team to research, then choose its players, to do research,
then a manager sees interesting player at team’s roster, woohoo, I gotta make a bid! but wait a min…

I cannot bid… because there is no “offer” button in front/back of player name/stats….

Could that be possible to bid players and leave it to manager(/or player choice if BCC) choice whether deals goes through….?

Also I would be delighted to see player morale affecting their behaviour, (maybe additional hidden stat “ambition” would be guiding his morale chances how patiently he can wait at reserves…?)

Lastly I would definitely like to see team staff stats as well… and from MS experiences I would adjust stadium expansion into direction that around 70000 would be sensible limit for normal stadium size tops… of course no limit, but costs would be exponential after that or something to make it extremely difficult to increase over 70000…. or maybe some country/ adjustment for that?

I just tossing my ideas…. so feel free to pick up any usable things…. :-)



October 12, 2008 09:03

4,303 posts(s)



Hi Kalle,

Bids for non listed players are on our plans, as well as some kind of BCC contract clause (and other clauses). Morale, definitely! We feel we’re almost done with what we consider basic functionality, then we’ll be able to start working on more interesting things like that :)

Stadium expansion cost is not exponential, but linear. You pay 100,000 for 100 seats when your stadium is smaller than 10,000 seats and 1,000,000 for the same 100 seats when it’s bigger than 90,000. The construction time also increases, in the previous example it would take 1 turn to build 100 seats for the small stadium and 10 turns for the bigger stadium.



March 12, 2009 16:25

6 posts(s)


I´ve been in this game not for very long but it seems quite hard to new manager compete in anyway with big clubs when comming to sign players, i think that small changes could really improve it.

i would say something like what has already been mentioned in this topic by Alban, plus wage limitations, it should not be possible to offer extremely high wages when buying a new player or geting him from the FT market, if you limit the ammount of salary one can offer more teams can compete at same level for a player specially if we´re talking about youngsters, if this doesn´t seem nice i hope that plyers from your team we´ll expect to be paid according to other players from squad, i saw teams with their best player making like 10-20k per 3 turns while new players got from the market were payed over 100k , totally unreallistic…

As a solution this sort of wage should be forbidden by the club (just to be outrageous) or other team players should ask for same ammount or more if there are better players in the squad, making it impossible to offer this sort of wages on the long run

But if wages are limited why should a player choose a lower ranked team, well than more factors would have to be implemented for making a player choose which proposal he´ll accept ( i don´t know how it acctually works for now), but i think youngster should seek how their stats are ranked amisdt the new team players to evaluate their potential of first team games, also some might consider playing in their home country a plus, and of course some sort of random factor should be there as well to simplify placing many factors like a team proprably beeing their favorite team , favorite personal in one of those teams, family issues or anythinq that acctually matter to a player regarding their choice of where to play, it would be fun to see unexpected choices every now and then ( say from 5-10% of the times).

I trully think this sort of changes would make the game more fair, and also bring more hope for new managers or lower teams.

enghancing albans features also seen as key part of the fun in building a nice rooster, as you´d have more options for hiring players ( bbc clauses and of the market players bidding) and the management of the personal side ( ambitious players wouldn´t accept many bad results , low league position at the end of the season or even many times on the bench)




March 12, 2009 17:09

4,303 posts(s)



You have some good points Bruno, some of them are already planned (evaluating the chance of playing in the first team, make other players ask for more if teammates receive high wages) and will definitely improve the transfer system. There is much more to add with contract clauses like bonus per goal, bonus per match, big club clause, free on relegation and so on.