
Subscribe to Headers 6 post(s), 3 voice(s)


September 14, 2008 05:45

637 posts(s)


When you add headers to the game I think it’s also usefull to have an individual tactic for corners. So you can put your header specialists in the 16 meter and non- header specialists outside the box to prevent a counter. The chance of a headergoal is larger I think and it will be more realistic. In the real world header specialists also go forward at corners.

I suggest 2 options on corner situations:
– Go forward to head in
– Go back to prevent counter

In defense:
– Go back to prevent headers
– Go forward for counter


September 14, 2008 11:28

4,285 posts(s)



Nice suggestion thorpedo! I’ll add to our list. In the beginning you won’t have to worry about that as all existing players will have header skill set to 80. For new players it will work as any other skill, generated based on country / division and improve with experience.



September 14, 2008 11:29

375 posts(s)


How will it affect the current players’ value ? Will it affect the value at all in future ?


September 14, 2008 14:12

4,285 posts(s)



It will be more important for attackers and defenders than to midfielders…the current value calculation is based on average of all skills and changes only when a player improves, of course the most important skills for a particular position have a greater influence. By the way, I’m also adjusting this influence of each skill for each position, so expect values to change a little bit next time a player improves when headers are added.



September 14, 2008 14:16

375 posts(s)


Thanks for the reply, and I have one more question,

How will the players score from headers ? Will you implement air passes or only improve free kicks and corners ? This is important because due to some weird bug most of us play having 6-7 players in the centre of the field (I mean DC, MC, FC), we don’t really use wingers :)


September 14, 2008 18:46

4,285 posts(s)



The idea is that wingers will be responsible for crosses that will result in headers…in fact, any player on L or R side is a candidate for crosses. Corners will also be changed so that receiving players or defenders will use headers instead of kicks. We can call this the first phase. In the second phase we’ll change free kicks and long balls so that they may result in headers.
